The Master stands in the Oval Office smiling to himself as guards try banging on the door to get in. The Master then shouts "YOU CAN'T GET IN, I'VE DEADLOCKED THE DOORS!" The Master then looks at his Tardis, the outside of it is a large mirror. The Master then smiles "the perfect disguise".
Inside the Oval Office not long after, The Doctor's Tardis starts to materialise.
The Doctor steps out with Maya and Greg as the two of them look around in amazement.
The Doctor then stands facing The Master.
The Master smiles at The Doctor "hello again, old friend" The Doctor glares at him.
(Doctor Who Title Sequence)
David Harewood - The 14th Doctor
Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn
Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn
Standing face to face in the Oval Office, The Doctor then says "what have you done? You caused The Cleaners to attack Earth, you killed a little destroyed a mountain that held a race of beings inside...AND WHAT FOR?" The Master smiles "just to get you here Doctor".
The Doctor continues to glare at The Master whilst Maya and Greg stand near the Tardis.
The Master then smiles at The Doctor "I don't think we've met yet?" The Doctor then sighs "Maya...Greg, this is The Master...he's a Timelord, like me and like The Rani" The Master's face lights up "The Rani? That's a name I haven't heard of in a long time, she's about again?" The Doctor nods "she survived, she's out there somewhere" The Master smiles "and once upon a time we used to think we were the only two left, here we are, the last three Timelords, makes you think doesn't it, how many more could still be alive...Rassilon? Omega? Susan? Morbius? The Monk?" The Doctor then shouts "NOBODY KNOWS! I think it lowered the chances after you destroyed Gallifrey!" The Master smiles "I did, but that doesn't mean I don't know things" The Doctor stares at him "what things?" The Master smiles at him "suppose you'll have to wait and find out" The Master smiles "because today Doctor, today is about one Hurting your precious planet, today is only the beginning of what's to come, because something has happened to you hasn't it? Now I can't quite understand it yet, but time is changing, and you are changing" The Doctor stares at him nervously "what does that mean?" The Master smiles at The Doctor "you don't know? Do you? You really don't know" The Doctor then says "know what?".
Suddenly, the ground underneath their feet starts to vibrate, almost like an earthquake.
Maya runs up to the window, looking outside and she stares in shock "DOCTOR!".
The Doctor runs over to the window, watching a spaceship lower down into Earth's atmosphere, The Doctor then looks at The Master "what have you done?" The Master smiles at him "I obviously didn't come alone Doctor, I brought an army" The Doctor stares at him "who?".
Inside the ship, The Sycorax hold weapons, getting ready to fight.
(Commercial Break)
The Doctor shouts "THE SYCORAX? YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE?" The Master laughs at The Doctor "oh Doctor, this is only the beginning of what's coming for you, deal with them, and then we'll talk" The Doctor watches The Master walk through a mirror, and disappear.
The mirror then starts to fade away.
Maya then says "what is it?" The Doctor looks at her "a Tardis" Greg shakes his head "but why does it look like that?" The Doctor then says "story for another time, right now...we need to save Earth" Maya nods "so what are Sycorax?" The Doctor then says "snarling space gangsters, warriors, plunderers...they do smell a bit like herrings. But they're dangerous, they've attacked your planet before on Christmas, and I stopped them then, and I'll do it again".
Outside, on the streets of America, people scream as The Sycorax attack.
The Doctor, Maya and Greg run outside, where they see hundreds of Sycorax attacking people.
The Doctor then hears a phone ringing, and Maya pulls her phone out and she answers it "Todd? Alright, alright calm down, just listen to me, keep indoors and stay upstairs, if any get inside then phone me and we'll come and get you, okay? Alright, I love you too, bye".
Maya then turns to The Doctor "they're attacking England too, they're down our street where my mum lives" The Doctor nods "they're all around the world, killing people, this ends...NOW!".
The Doctor then shouts towards one of The Sycorax "HEY!" a Sycorax then looks at The Doctor and shouts "YOU WILL DIE!" The Doctor shakes his head "not before I talk to your commander, I am The Doctor, I'm not human, and I'm certainly not from this planet, and if you want to survive I would highly recommend you take me to whoever is in charge of all of you!".
The Doctor, Maya and Greg stand outside an entrance to the spaceship and The Doctor then says "I didn't expect it to be this easy to get here, but I'll take it" Maya nods at him.
A gate then opens up and The Doctor then sees an entrance to the spaceship, behind him, a Sycorax then shouts "MOVE!" The Doctor nods at him "alright, I am...calm down".
(Commercial Break)
Walking into the middle of the Sycorax ship, The Doctor, Maya and Greg stand in the middle of what looks like an arena. The Doctor sees a Sycorax sitting on a wooden, ancient throne.
The Doctor looks up at The Sycorax and says "well, hello there. I'm The Doctor, ring any bells? You lot came here before, a couple of times actually, and I stopped you-".
The Sycorax Commander then steps off its throne and moves towards The Doctor "Doctor? We don't know of any Doctor's" The Doctor smiles "look me up, I'm somewhat of a legend" The Sycorax then says "The Doctor does not exist in our past" The Doctor then looks up at him and says "that's a bit rude, maybe you're a different species?" The Sycorax Commander laughs at The Doctor "we are of one species, and no Doctor's have ever encountered The SYCORAX".
The Sycorax around The Doctor, Maya and Greg then start to cheer.
The Doctor sighs "whatever, anyway, you've killed enough people now, stop it...bring your people back to the ships and leave, you're all across the planet, murdering and probably looting knowing your species, and it's enough...leave this planet, or I'll stop you" The Sycorax Commander then starts to laugh "The Sycorax does not fear death, Astrophia will keep us safe".
Greg looks at The Doctor "who?" The Doctor then says "Astrophia, it's a god that The Sycorax believe in" Maya looks at The Sycorax Commander "please, I have a daughter down there, and she's only young, and I have to keep her safe, please...just leave, we don't want to hurt any of you, but when you start hurting us, that's when things change, now we have a group ready to fire at your ship, we don't want to do that, but you'll make us. Just leave and this stops!" The Sycorax Commander laughs at Maya "the female tries to speak for the humans, and you failed" The Doctor looks at The Sycorax Commander "just take her advice, and leave! This is your last chance!" The Sycorax Commander glares at The Doctor "I will decline your offer".
The Sycorax Spaceship then starts to rattle. A Sycorax then runs over and says "Commander! Missile incoming!" The Sycorax Commander glares at The Doctor.
(Commercial Break)
The Doctor, Maya and Greg run down a corridor as lasers are fired at them by The Sycorax.
Maya then shouts "WHERE ARE WE GOING?" The Doctor shouts "THE EXIT, IT'S THIS WAY".
Greg then smiles at Maya "I missed the running" Maya then smiles at Greg "oh, so did I".
The Doctor pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver and he aims it at the gate, sonicking it.
An alarm then starts blaring from the spaceship, and all of the spaceships around the world.
As The Doctor, Maya and Greg run off of the spaceship, Sycorax soldiers start running towards them. Maya looks over in fear as she fears for her life.
But suddenly, The Sycorax soldiers run past them, heading for the spaceship.
The Doctor then smiles "they called for a retreat, I need to warn Kate".
The Doctor then looks at Maya "quick, give me your phone" Maya hands The Doctor her phone.
Greg watches as the spaceship starts to ascend off of the ground.
The Doctor then says "Kate, stop the missiles, they're leaving...what do you mean?".
On the phone, Kate then says "Doctor, we didn't do anything, we didn't send off any missiles".
The Doctor then looks back up at the spaceship as missiles hit it.
Maya looks at The Doctor "what happened?" The Doctor then says "it wasn't Kate".
From the sky, humanity watches as The Sycorax ships are hit by missiles, destroying them.
Maya looks at The Doctor "now what?" The Doctor looks at her and says "The Master!".
Moments later, a bright purple box, that looks like The Doctor's Tardis, starts to materialise.
The Doctor watches as the Tardis lands, and The Master walks out of it.
The Master smiles "looks nice doesn't it, purple, instead of blue-" Maya then says "what did you do to the Tardis?" The Master smiles "my Tardis, your one is still in the Oval Office, anyway. Doctor? How does it feel?" The Doctor glares at The Master "WHAT IS ALL OF THIS ABOUT?" The Master laughs "showing you what it's like to be angry" The Doctor stares at him "tell me, you told me earlier that something was happening to me? WHAT IS IT" The Master smiles.
(Commercial Break)
The Master then smiles at The Doctor and says "soon, you'll find out, but it's too early to know now, I'll come to find you again, soon, and maybe I can tell you, just remember Doctor...make sure they remember you" The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg, then back around, where he sees The Master gone, and The Master's Tardis starting to dematerialise. The Doctor stares in shock.
Outside the Redburn's house, the Tardis starts to materialise in the garden.
The Doctor walks out with Maya and Greg. Maya then says "what do you think he meant? Make sure we remember" The Doctor shakes his head "I don't know, but all that matters right now is that you are all safe, and home...and the Earth's safe from The Master" Maya smiles at him.
Emma then runs outside "mummy!" Maya smiles "EMMA!". Maya and Emma hug.
Todd then walks outside and kisses Maya.
The Doctor smiles and he opens the Tardis door.
Maya then says "hey! Where are you going?" The Doctor then says "away, I've done enough damage to you all, it's best I go" Maya shakes her head "that isn't your decision to make" The Doctor stares at her until Maya then says "you make it sound like it's all dangerous, being with you, but it's not all dangerous, there is some really good things about being with you, and some planets that we go too, they're also really cool, and some are safe...and I'd like to bring Todd and Emma somewhere, so they can see that" The Doctor then says "you still want to come with me?" Maya nods at him "of course I do, as long as Greg is alright with that" Greg nods at her "of course I am, I love it" Maya smiles and she then turns to Todd "So? What do you think? A trip?" Todd then smiles "to another planet?" Greg walks over and he says "you'd regret it" Todd nods at him.
The Doctor then smiles as Todd walks into the Tardis, his mouth drops open in shock.
Outside, Maya watches Emma walk inside the Tardis and Maya stands with Greg and says "deep down, I could never let it go" Greg smiles at her "me neither". Maya and Greg walk into the Tardis.
Also Starring:
Royce Pierreson - Todd
Florence Keen - Emma
Beverley Cressman - Kate Stewart
Sacha Dhawan - The Master
Next Time:
Greg then walks outside and is hit by the wind, the entire planet is covered in snow.
Emma and Todd then walk outside smiling, Maya follows them from behind.
Suddenly, crunching is heard, Maya turns around and the Tardis falls through the snow, falling far and deep into the core of the planet, Maya stares in shock and she screams "DOCTOR".
Maya nods at Greg "we have to be The Doctor".
Water droplets are heard inside the cave, but inside is full of ice, and it's cold.
Maya stares at him "I've been with The Doctor so long, I trust him with my life, once you've been out there, seen the other places, other lives, you'll realise that sometimes, your own life could save an entire species".
Todd stares at her "I'm sorry Maya, but it's not worth your life".
Not far from them, a white beast watches them from the distance, and it growls.
Next Time - Be The Doctor - Landing on a planet covered in snow, The Tardis falls through the snow and into a cave with The Doctor inside it. Maya and Greg are left to be The Doctor when they are stuck on a planet they have no idea about.
(After Credit Scene)
Kate stands looking at a photo of the Third Doctor that is beside a photo of the Brigadier.
Kate then smiles "I'm trying to do you proud".
Suddenly, the room starts to shake and Kate holds onto her desk.
The room then stops as the photo of the Third Doctor falls onto the floor.
A UNIT soldier then runs in and he says "ma'am, something big has just happened, we need help, big help".
Kate then picks up the photo, which is now a photo of a sunset and she says "it's just us, there isn't any more help".