Day 4 at the castle

Lost in my dream, morning came quickly. I had almost forgotten about the previous dinner until William spoke. "We need to make haste this morning. Regald is waiting for us in the secret chambers. The maids will attend you right away. Shall I let them in?" I sat up rubbing my eyes, pleased by the warm morning sun. Gently I smiled at him. "Your eyes were Blue as crystals against the sky. We would spend hours talking about things that didn't matter. You proposed to me along the brook in the woods beyond the meadow. The white horse that met me my first day here, he was my wedding gift from you. His name is Thorn. We spoke of a large family." William stood silent and in shock. He hastily came to the bed and sat by my side. "My love, you remember?" I looked out the window at the birds in the distant sky as I answered. "Yes, I seem to. It came to me last night in a dream but, only in bits" I looked hard at William. His eyes seemed to be turning blue as I spoke. I jumped into his arms with joy and hugged him.

The chambermaids went about their work in silence. I was bathed, groomed, and dressed to perfection. Today's gown was white silk with a white velvet tunic. The tunic bore William's family crest. The same as the delicate broach he wears with his cloak. The maids wrapped a gold sash around my waist. The slippers were white and soft like cotton. When I was complete, William met me in the banquet hall for breakfast.


I spoke softly, "What is happening William? What is this Blue Moon? Who are the Lich?" He looked at me not wanting to answer. After a moment of silence he sighed and began to explain. "You have been gone a very long time. I studied the Book of Old day and night. I searched the realm over for those who could help me bring you back. I never imagined there would be creatures of the dark seeking the same answers. Regald came to me one night with words of hope. Together, we put the powers of his people and the books teaching to test. We brought you back to where our life began together." I looked at him and wondered how long I was gone?

Quietly, Regald and Sigha had entered the hall. It was Sigha who spoke first. "Sir William, my ladies and I would like to equate ourselves with Lady Madelyn. We have much to learn of her condition before the Blue Moon rises. Regald will work with you to prepare for the battle before us. Do you protest?" William looked at me with his loving eyes and shook his head to answer her. I responded, "Sigha, if I come with you, can you explain what is happening to me?" Sigha looked at me, "Lady, it is what we have to learn. The Lich have spent years searching for a way to reunite with their souls. You are the first soul to return to its body. We are not sure what your capabilities are as of yet. I will do my best to assist you in the short time we have." The room was quiet as we all looked from one another. William leaned to me and kissed my cheek. "Don't be frightened my love. They are our friends. I can not answer all of your questions as badly as it tears me apart. With Sigha's assistance, you may come to your own conclusions." I agreed with William's statement and rose from the table. Sigha met me near the entrance to the courtyard.

Outside Sigha's ladies assembled around me. In their hands were large bundles of lit sage. They fanned the smoke around my body and chanted, "Pure spirit awakened, fond and true, may your inner strength guide you." I could feel a light shine within me, all of my fears replaced by determination. I stood with my eyes closed feeling the powers grow inside me as they continued to chant. Sigha took my hand and led me outside the circle. A servant brought us our horses. Thorn had a beautiful white saddle with silver trim. I pulled myself onto his back as the other ladies mounted their horses as well. I followed Sigha out the main gate towards the cliffs. Our horses ran swiftly. I was amazed how smooth Thorns foot fall was. I felt so free inside. As we approached the area I had stood at in the days past, Sigha turned our direction to the south following the cliffs. We rode for hours. The hoofs fell on the ground in perfect harmony. The sun was at high noon when she slowed our pace. Up ahead the cliffs gave way to a small beach. I had not realized the cliffs were descending as we rode. On the beach was a lit fire. Sigha halted before us and dismounted her steed. I sat upon Thorn taking in the scenery.

The air was fresh with a hint of salt. The waves crashing into the sand was like thunder on a cloudless day. The sand glistened like tiny diamonds in the sunlight. Sigha motioned for me to join her faction as they gathered around the fire. Holding hands, the ladies sang to the heavens. It was a soft melody. The waves seemed to join in, then the wind. I could hear the birds in the distance unite their lovely songs as well. The ground itself was vibrating. I closed my eyes and listened. The fire grew hot against my face. Sigha broke her circle and walked to me. Her sisters gathered around us. She took my hand and gestured for me to sit in the sand. We sat across from each other. Softly she spoke, "Madelyn, the flickers are you wavering between this world and the realm of the dead. You must let go of all your fear." I looked at her and said "I'm not sure how." Sigha squeezed my hands in understanding and smiled. "Fear is only an emotion. You can and will control it. If you continue to run we can not give you the answers you seek. You have been gone nearly ten years. It was only your determination to be with William that allowed you to hear his voice. Your ghost has tormented him for a very long time. Proof you had not left him. You are very strong and must draw upon it now. There is energy in you I have never felt before. The Lich seek to take that from you. They approach us now from the West. Come now, we must prepare the ritual to bind your soul and body as one."

Sigha stood before me. Her ladies gathered oils and herbs from the packs on their horses. The sun grew long and cast shadows across the beach. The fire grew brighter as dusk approached. I knelt watching as the ladies worked hastily to prepare. The herbs and oils were placed in a small cast iron pot. The ladies handed it to Sigha who placed the pot in front of me. The ladies formed a circle around us again and began to chant. Sigha took a bundle of sage from within her gown and dipped it in the pot. The smell was sweet and invigorating. She flicked the sage around me. Casting it's oils as she did. Sigha then marked a star on my forehead made of a mixture of soot and oil. The ladies were chanting in tongues I could not understand. There was strength in the manner. I drew on it pushing my fear into the depths at which it came. Sigha lit the sage with an ember from the fire and waved the smoke around my head. The smoke entered me like renewed life. I could hear Sigha chanting along with her ladies. "Pure spirit awakened, we summon you. Rise above and show us true."

My body tingled and I felt like I was rising again. My eyes grew big when I realized I was. My body rose about six feet from the sand and hovered above the faction. Embers rose with me circling my body. Power surged through me as flashes of bright light surrounded us. The mirror appeared on the shore and I could see the waves beat against the back forming white foam at the bottom. I floated toward the mirror and landed softly in the sand before it. Sigha stood next to me. "Look in and tell me what you see." I stared only seeing blackness. An ember fell onto the surface and the mirror began to illuminate. I asked, "What is it I am to see?" Sigha held her hand out to the mirror and simply said "Only you can say. You crossed into it once when you chose to be here with William. You must reclaim what you left behind to stop the flickers. Look in! What is it you left?" I looked harder into the mirror. I gasped as I saw my reflection. I held my hand to my face. It seemed surreal. I walked closer to the mirror. This time I walked in without fear.


William and Regald met with his brothers in the secret chambers within the motte. Near the altar, the Book of Old lay upon a pillar. William is hunched over reading its passages. Together they were determined to find a way to fight the Lich. "Regald, what if there is no way? They will destroy us in a matter of minutes. Their power is too strong. Your coven is small. Madelyn is still wavering within this realm. Maybe I should sacrifice myself to the Lich. What is your advice my brother?" Regald stood in front of the altar and bowed his head. "I can not answer this for you. You must do what is in your heart. In your previous life you were William the Conqueror. This is not a battle of arms yet, it may be your greatest battle ever." Regald became silent and held a hand at William. "Regald, can you see them?" He simply nodded. William came to his side and took his hand. Regald was able to share his gift of sight with William. Together they were able to spy on Madelyn as she ascended into the mirror from afar.

The black nothingness leads to a corridor with three rooms on the left. At the end of the hall was a chair made of crystal. Light shone down through stained glass mosaics on the far back wall. White silk draperies blew across the path. I slowly walked forward gazing into the first room. Inside was a small girl dressing a glass doll. She hummed a lullaby as she swayed it in her arms. She paid no attention to me as I walked by. The next room showed a young maiden lying in her bed with a bouquet of wildflowers staring off into the spaces of time. I kept walking quietly not wanting to disturb the occupants of the rooms. In the next room was the same young maiden in a gown of all white silk and lace. She wore a thin white lace veil around her head. She appeared to be very anxious. I was in awe as to how beautiful she appeared.

I approached the chair with caution. The corridor was very quiet despite the inhabitants of the rooms. The colors dazzled onto the chair through the stained mosaic like a prism. It was hypnotizing. I looked around and saw no other outlet. The chair was elegant in appearance yet simple in design. The colors seemed to show through in all directions. I held my hand out astonished as a blue beam of light painted my palm. The mosaic was in no particular order yet; every beam of light hit the chair bending the colors across the walls and cobblestone floor in the most alluring fashion.

I walked behind the chair examining its structure. Pondering why it was placed here. I questioned where I was. Had the mirror transported me to another realm? Fear gripped at the thought of being away from William. I pushed the thought aside just as quickly as it came and tapped the glass. An exuberant sound emanated through the corridor. The hair on my arms began to rise from the energy vibrating through the crystal. The sound continued as I approached the front of the chair and sat in it.


A low tremble pulsated through my body. The colored beams of light circled around the chair. I tried to stand up and couldn't. My limbs were fixed. The females in the rooms entered the hallway and were standing in front of me. I could now see they were the same person in different periods of their lives. They held their arms out and tilted their heads back. As they did, beams of white light emerged from them and exploded into me. Gasping for air, I could feel the power in, through, and around me. Memories flooded in like the tide from the ocean. Scenes from my childhood, William courting me, our wedding, my family; it all pulsated through my mind in seconds. Electricity radiated through the room. The power was overwhelming. My body convulsed with each new jolt.

William and Regald continued to watch from afar. On the beach while the moon rose, Sigha and her ladies worked hard to keep the mirror open. The strain was wearing on them all. The portal was strong and the force within was consuming them all. William was growing concerned. "Regald she isn't going to make it. We must pull her back!" Regald squeezed Williams hand and replied, "She is stronger than you and I. She has to make it. Her life depends on this moment, as does ours."

Unstoppable power surged through my body, twisting it from the core. Pain began to blaze through the blood in my veins like an ember deep in my soul. The heat grew hotter with each heartbeat. I could hear Sigha chanting from an unknown distance. I tried to concentrate on her voice to keep from shouting out in pain. The chair began to spin. The lights mixed together in a dense rainbow of color. I felt so heavy. The room had completely disappeared. The pain burned to the surface of my skin. I could no longer hold it in. I screamed out. Electric bolts struck the chair in every direction. I could no longer hear Sigha chanting. Just the striking bolts of electricity and my screams.

The room broke apart revealing a black emptiness. The colors enveloped me in a cocoon. A euphoric sensation came over me as the spinning came to an end. I wanted nothing more than to be touched by William's sweet embrace. From the blackness came a voice I did not recognize. It was soft and soothing as it whispered, "The moon is always full in the arms of a ghost. You cannot exist in all realms without sacrifice. Walk away from all the faults and fears you left behind." I looked all around me through the swirling colors and saw no one speaking. It came from all around as if from the blackness itself. I yelled out, "Who are you?" The voice grew closer. "I am the Guardian. You are in Pandemonium, the space between all realms. You are here to be judged and I warn you, choose your words carefully for your fate may depend on it." I took a deep breath not quite understanding. My mind kept wandering to William's crystal blue eyes, his kiss on my cheek, soft and warm. What I would sacrifice to live and eternity in his arms. Then fear took over my heart as I thought of the coming week. The Lich were coming and they were coming for me! William has sacrificed his very soul and life for mine. What have I given him in return? How could I protect him as he has done for me? He is surely preparing to fight to the end of his life to protect me. I don't want to live without him. I need him by my side.

I wanted to go back to the beginning, find a new start. I knew deep inside that time had long past no matter how much magic could be found in the world. My heart was heavy with regret and loss. So much of my memory still eluded me. It left me questioning existence. I spoke out to the darkness, "How do I defeat the Lich and protect William? He has given his soul to bring me back. I can not risk his life for mine." The darkness remained silent. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as hopelessness filled my heart. A memory of my mother came to me as I closed my eyes. There was no love or compassion for me in her gaze. I was her burden and a constant reminder of her life lost. I could not remember my father. I thought harder of a time I first felt love. Again, Williams's soft blue eyes came to me. Warmth embraced me from all around. The crystal chair shattered beneath me. Leaving me suspended in the darkness.

As the memories began to unfold, the Guardian spoke, "Your love for William is pure and as strong as any bond. In that bond William has given you his life. You are no longer mortal. Your life has been renewed from the Book of Old, magic as old as time. This book was written by the creators of the realms. You are very special indeed. The spell does not work for just any mortal. Only a creator's descendant would prosper from such spells. Do you not remember your father child?" I closed my eyes and tried to bring any memory of my father to my mind. Instead I found bits of my childhood; quiet dinners with my mother, servants hustling me to and from our manor, a tutor who educated me but, no father. My marriage to William had been predetermined from my birth, a decision that was not my mother's, but the will of my father before he left. Grief engulfed me as these memories flooded in. Why had he left? "Such things are of no consequence at this time. I have seen your thoughts and have deemed you worthy to move beyond. The Lich are strong. Regald's coven has devoted themselves to the protection of the realms. They walk in the spaces guiding lost souls such as you to the beyond. The Lich can not be destroyed by mere mortal weapons. Only the strength of the creators can defeat them. You must find it within you."

Before I could ask how, I was speeding through the stars back to the beach. I could hear Sigha and her ladies chanting relentlessly till my return. The chanting softened as I approached them. Sigha gazed intently at me as my feet landed softly on wet sand. I was greeted by the surf and her smile. I collapsed to my knees as the force let me go. Sigha rushed to my side and lifted me. "Sigha, my horse, I must return to William. We have much to discuss." Her ladies brought me Thorn. I wasted no time mounting him and was in full gallop before the others had mounted theirs as well. I was desperate to be in William's arms. The feeling grew to mere panic within me. Thorn sped along the coastline with great speeds matched by no other horse.

I entered the gate dismounting at the same time. William stood before me with searching and relieved eyes. He stretched his arms out to me as I collapsed into them. He swept me up and quietly carried me across the courtyard, up the stairs, and to our bed chambers. As he did so, I laid my head upon his chest, listening to his heart beat. His velvet tunic felt so soft and warm on my cheek. I had so much to discuss with him yet I was exhausted. My mind was dizzy processing all the memories that were still coming to me in waves that I could not slow. My eyes closed and I felt my surroundings through Williams's swift movements through the stairs and hall. I could smell the sweet scent of fresh flowers as we entered our chamber. William gently placed me on the bed. I rolled into the covers, no longer able to fight sleep. My sleep was restless, I dreamt about the battle before us.


I dreamt of the Lich King and his army. No soul had ever been brought back intact. Am I whole? Truly? The guardian said it was due to my heritage. Who was my father?

In my dream, the Lich were gathered in the great hall around the large table. They were skeletal with withered skin stretched across their bones. Bright crimson glowed from their eye sockets. They spoke amongst each other in the same tongues that William used when chanting. I was terrified. I looked at William with pleading eyes. He leaned over to me and I whispered, "Please excuse me to our bed chamber? I really am tired." William looked at me with stone cold eyes and replied, "You will stay. Tonight is the Blue Moon. If we don't complete your transformation, I could lose you forever. Our guests are here to complete the circle." He patted my leg to dismiss any further argument. I stood and walked swiftly to the doors leading to the courtyard.

William stood in objection. He slammed his fist on the table and the room went silent. I turned and bowed my head in response as I exited. I ran as quickly as I could to our chamber. I could hear William shouting after me as I reached the top of the stairs. Quickly, I ran through the hall to the chamber. Once inside, I slammed the door behind me and breathlessly fumbled to latch the door lock. It wasn't long before William came to the door. "Madelyn let me in! We must speak." I shouted through the door. "No. How could you ensnare me in this fashion? I begged you to tell me everything this morning and you denied me the right. Now you are willing to sacrifice me to those monsters?" Placing my ear against the door, I could hear William sigh. He answered me timidly. "Madelyn, everything I have done has been for you. Please allow me to speak with you." His words were soft and sincere.

I unlatched the door and opened it. William took me into his arms immediately and kissed me. Then he sat me on the bed and knelt before me. "I will not let harm come to you. I tried to tell you this morning. I couldn't bring myself to do so and for that I am a coward. So, I will tell you now." I looked at him with sharp eyes and said, "Please do! No more avoidance. What do you mean you have to finish the transformation? And what is this circle you speak of? Did you see their eyes William?? They are demons!" He looked down at the cobble stone and spoke. "I know what they are. They are the only ones to have the power to unite you soul and body. To bring you back to me. It has come at great cost to me. I told you I had to die to bring you out of purgatory, right?" I shook my head. Tears began to flow down my cheeks as he spoke. I was trembling in fear of what else he may have to say. "Madelyn, I traded them my soul for yours. I am to become their night creature. If I don't complete the task, they will send you back to the realm of the dead. I will not lose you again!" I stood and pushed away from him. I walked to the window and saw the sun was setting over the sea. Fire meets water. I turned and asked him, "What do you mean night creature?" He bowed his head again and said, "I will only be able to walk at night, never to see the light of day again. I will hunger as no one has hungered before and live an eternity." I looked at him and asked, "And me? What is to come of me? Am I to join you?" He became silent.

In the courtyard the travelers gathered. The rising moon was making way for their plans with William. They hurried along scribing the symbols needed to perform the ritual. All creatures of the night could be heard in the near distance of the castle keep. It was all so vivid and terrifying I awoke from my dream screaming.

It was dark in our chamber. The candles had all been snuffed and all that was left of the fire was dying embers. William was gone. Or had I wavered into another reality? The reality I had created for myself as Sigha explained to me. Slowly I got up and found the night had become damp with chill. I stumbled around the chamber till I found my slippers. Where would William be at this hour?

As I walked through the hall I could hear the light pads of an animal's footstep next to mine. Walking next to me was a calico cat I had never seen. It was not the least bit hesitant as I leaned down to pet the top of its head. When I did, it said "Madelyn, he is not here. He is walking with Regald." I screamed and ran back towards the bed chambers. The creature was sprightly and quickly pounced in front of me. "You mustn't be frightened. I am your spirit guide. I was sent to watch over you many years ago, Thorn as well. Don't you think it is strange that Thorn moves in exactly the directions you think of? We have been bonded with your soul." I stood mortified watching with fright as the cat jumped onto the door frame and stood above me with perfect balance. I was awestruck and speechless. Have I seen this creature before? No, I was quite certain I had not yet, how curious it was. "How is it you know where William has gone? Do you spy on all?" I moved back towards the bed and sat with more confidence. Stranger things have happened in the days past.

The cat leapt down and perched on the cobble stone floor before me. "No, I do not. I only watch for things I find may be in your interest." I smiled as the cat laid its head down waiting for me to scream or leap away again. The cat leapt to my lap as my gesture seemed to relax the mood. "I know who your father is. It was he who instructed Thorn and I to watch over you." I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Could this be true? "Please tell me, what is it you are called so we may be more formally introduced?" Her pupils flashed green as it turned its head toward the door. "My lady, William has returned. I must take my leave. Know that I am here to serve you as I was instructed. I will find you when we can speak without interruption." The door creaked as William entered and the cat leapt to the window and was gone before I could object.


I came to my feet when William entered the chamber. I did not go to him but to the window to search the night for the cat. Her words left my mind in pursuit of answers. All I could think about was the words the guardian had left me with. "Only the blood of a creator could be raised from the dead." Could my father really be a creator? There was a surge of excitement that shivered through my body. William came to me and wrapped his strong arms around my chest in an embrace. I could feel his soft kisses on the back of my shoulders. The smell of incense and oil filled the space between us. I did not return his embrace. My mind strained so hard to connect all the missing holes to my identity. I desperately wished the conversation with the cat had not been cut so short. "William, I am more than you or the others are telling me." I did not turn to face him as I spoke. His embrace became frigid and stiff. He exhaled a warm breath as he lowered his head to rest against the back of mine. "Madelyn, why do you speak with angst and contempt? I have only sheltered your fragile state. I wish nothing but, to protect you." Pushing his arms away, I turned to face him. Knowing that once I did, I would be forced to look into those crystal blue eyes and all the confusion and anger would melt away with my need to feel his flesh against mine.

I moved away from William looking at the floor and my steps to avoid his stare. Silently I thought "There is something I need to find. It is in this realm. Need brought me back to this place, not the spell. My father wished me to find it. I had a purpose. There have been threats to stop me since my existence came to be and the Lich seek to steal the secret to immortal life; Life which my father gave to this realm and perhaps all realms." My thoughts only frustrated me more. Slowly, I sat on the bed still looking down. I did not want to look into those eyes and lose the path which my mind has been guiding me to. One look and it would all melt away like dew in the morning sun.

Finally I spoke, "William my love, I mean not to hurt or disrespect you. It has been such a long day. My memories have overwhelmed me and my mind is racing to organize it." I looked up and saw he was knelt before me quietly, patiently waiting for me to be ready to accept his presence, his eyes eager and hungrily awaiting my love. In the dark chamber they gave a soft iridescent glow that of the blue moon. My heart speed as his hand touched mine and softly caressed it. I took it all in wanting to feel his soft bare skin against mine. It was hard to resist the compulsive need of his body against mine. Again, I stood, and turned my head away from William's touch. The hurt in his eyes ripped through me like a sword. Swallowing hard remembering my dream I looked directly into William's eyes and said, "If you are to become a soulless creature, then, I do not wish to live any longer; for it was your soul that I fell in love with." He looked up into my eyes with confusion, unaware of the dream. "Madelyn, where is this coming from? Has something happened?" Abruptly, I moved away from him and back towards the window. I paced for a moment; again looking out to the night sky. With hesitation, I replied, "I died and came back to you. Anything is possible." William stood and walked towards me. Again he wrapped his arms around my body. This time he pulled me into his body and held me tightly. I closed my eyes and thought: "William is a daywalker able to consort with the book of old. I am no longer human. I'm more. I am the daughter of a creator. If we together could summon an ancient one, they may be able to help us find my father. Maybe he could stop the Lich."