Morning came quickly. William was still fast asleep next to me. Quietly I slipped out of the covers and into my slippers. There was no need to wake him. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to be alone. There was much I needed to do. I felt it was better that William not be privy till I knew exactly what it is I am looking for. The cat and Thorn were the first things on my list. I wasn't sure how William would handle talking creatures. I wasn't too comfortable with it myself, but if it brought me closer to finding my father or my origins then so be it.
I dressed quickly and fled down the hallway; out to the courtyard. There, Thorn awaited my arrival. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me for leaving William without a word. I had to set the feelings aside and push forward before I lost my nerve and scurried back to his warm body.
I stepped inside the gallery and approached the scullery maid busy at her morning chores. "Maid, please notify Lord William that I have gone out for a morning ride and to begin breakfast without me. I shall return before high sun." The maid curtsied, "Yes, maladay. I let the Lord and cook know ye be not present. But malady, if ye think ye might be wanting to take a bit with ye, I be right glad to place a few bits in a nappy for ye. " It took some careful consideration to understand the maids intentions. "Yes, I would very much like a snack to take with me. Thank you, I will be in the courtyard saddling Thorn." Only a few minutes passed and the scullery maid was walking across the courtyard with a cloth package. As she approached me, she held the package out for me to take. I no sooner took it and she turned and ran back to the gallery. Morning was well on its way and William would wake soon. It was time for me to be on my way.
Thorn walked with a slow but steady pace out the gate. Peasants were busying themselves with their morning chores. No one took notice of me passing by. Nor did I make my presence known. William as lord and landlord would have taken the time to wave and share kinship with those he passed. As was such with great lords. I'm sure it came with great responsibility as well. All of which I knew very little of at the moment. My memories may be coming back in glimpses but, my schooling and etiquette was still quite elusive.
Lost in my thoughts, Thorn came to a stop at the main road. I had yet to tell him where I wanted to go. I hadn't even thought of it.The sun was bright and I had to shield my eyes when looking towards the sea. I leant down to Thorn's ear and asked, "What way do you suggest we go for a quiet safe place for me to think? A place I can explore my thoughts without being interrupted?" Thorn bobbed his head toward the forest and began to trot. His gait was so smooth. It took very little effort to keep my seat with him. A smile came across my face as the wind blew through my hair.
The forest was quiet with the exception of a few tree dwelling animals. Thorn walked slowly avoiding the low hanging branches. In the distance, I could hear the flowing of a stream bubble against the rocks. Instantly, I knew that was where I wanted to be. Thorn stepped in its direction without hesitation.
The morning light was bright against Williams' eyes. He stretched his arm out to embrace Madelyn and only found an empty pillow. He sat up quickly with blurry eyes scanning the room for her presence. Realizing she was not in the room, he dressed and immediately headed for the great room. He thought to himself, "She must be waiting for me to dine." Only empty chairs greeted him. Yelling for the servants to join him at once, panic began to grip him and he ran outside to the courtyard.
Ragald was just completing his morning blessings when he heard the commotion from the courtyard echoing through the stone halls. He looked at Sigha and motioned with his hands for her to stay put. Silently he rose from his prayers, dressed, and quickly left to investigate.
In the courtyard, William was speaking very low to a young gallery maid kneeling before him. Sobbing and begging forgiveness, "Lord, I beg ye. I had let the time gits away. I did not know she not have your permission to leave. She told me to tell you she be back at high sun. I gaves her bit of breakfast to takes wit her. Ye Lord, I did not know!" Two men lifted the maid by her arms and drug her back to the gallery.
William was saddling his horse when Regald approached him. "William, you mustn't go. She will return before sunset. Madelyn is just exploring, I am sure of it." " Regald, you may be right but, what if? I cannot bear to think she could be in danger. And it's not just that. She has been very distant since speaking with the Guardian. Something has changed in her. Last night she awoke from a dream accusing me of betraying her to the Lich King, becoming his nightwalker. A soulless creature. I tried to comfort her and she pulled away. It was like she was repulsed by my presence." Regald could see the pleading in Williams' eyes. Let me go, they said. He understood what needed to be done to prepare for the Lich King and his army. With only five days left, it would be difficult but Madelyn must be able to find the strength within her to fight them. Isolation has only made things more confusing for her. Maybe she will find what it is she needs before it's too late for the Realms.
"Lord, find your lady. My brothers and I will do all we can to protect and guide you in your journey." Gathering the reins in his hands, William gave a worried grin and nodded. The horse was in full canter before Regald could say anymore. He stood alone in the courtyard and watched his Lord ride through the gate.