Chapter 2-2

Nero stopped abruptly. William leapt gracefully from his saddle and landed nearly infront of me. He knelt down in one sweeping motion, carefully examining me. With hurt and anguish in his eyes ,he put his hand to my face, "Are you hurt my love?" I was dizzy by his swift movements. I smiled and said "I have twisted my ankle but am otherwise fine." Immediately William began examining my ankle. He took his doublet off and tore the bottom half of his undershirt to wrap on my ankle. I stared at his body like it was the first time seeing it. The way his chest muscles moved and the color of his skin in the light. I pushed myself up towards him and greedily began kissing him.

I had pushed him away the last few days. All I wanted was to feel his bare skin against mine. Now that we were alone, the talking could wait. I needed to feel him, my body was on fire and every nerve pulsed with anticipation of his embrace. William dropped the makeshift wrap on the mossy ground and pulled me closer to him. I pulled on the strings to his cotton shirt as he unlaced my dress. His body had a very metallic musky smell and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. His skin was warm and soft against mine. My heart was pounding so hard I could hardly steady my breath. I could no longer feel the throb in my ankle, only the throb that pulsated through my body from William's touch.

I pushed him to the ground and straddled him looking into his eyes. I needed to see his passion. Needed to know it was as strong as mine. His gaze met mine and there it was. The very yearning that was deep in the pit of my stomach was now displayed through his expression. Our eyes locked as he slid inside of me. At first slow and soft. He held my hips in his hands and moved me up and down. Not once did our gaze fall. He kissed my breast and I moaned. Then harder. Still his eyes fixed on mine. Our souls danced in the flames of lust and love. He rolled on top of me never turning away. He cupped both my breast in his hands and slowly started massaging my nipples between thumb and finger. Another moan escaped me and he pushed harder. We moved together with his slow and deliberate rhythm. Our gaze fixed upon one another, lost in the moment.


The moss was soft on our backs as we laid in each other's arms. The forest was still and quiet. I laid there not wanting the moment to end but, knowing there was much to discuss. The litch will not stop. Time was not on our side and I had already concluded that this realm was not where I would find the answers I sought.

Despite the lingering threat, the moment was ours. Time seemed to stop as we melted into each other's embrace. William pulled me tighter into his arms and kissed my head, deeply inhaling my scent, I could feel a shiver vibrate through his core. The beat of his heart was the only sound. It was in this moment that I knew no matter what was to come, I couldn't face it without him. We were bound together. I looked up into his eyes, kissing him as I did, allowing desire to take over.

The forest was growing darker. A fog began to form over the stream as we dressed. I looked at William and asked " Are you prepared to leave?" William was checking Thors and Nero's hooves. Undisturbed, William answered "Yes, the keep will be sending out search parties if we don't return soon." Lookin at my hand as they twisted in the fabric of my dress, I responded slowly and quietly. Breath barely escaping my lungs to form the words, I said, "William, we have to leave this Realm." He stopped inspecting the horses and stood quietly. A tightness formed around my chest threatening to prevent any further air to fill my lungs. The air grew heavy waiting for him to respond. William turned to me and knelt down in the moss beside me. His hand caught my chin and he brought my head up to meet his gaze. Reluctantly with tears in my eyes I met his gaze afraid to hear his choice out loud. He stared deep into my gaze and without hesitation said, "I go where you go." My arms flung over his shoulders and I began to sob. A relief washed over me and I could no longer bear all my secrets alone, I confessed everything that had transpired;Thor, the cat, my experience with the Guardian, no detail was spared. William listened intently, without interruption.

When there were no more words left to say, William picked me up in his arms. He carried me to Thor and placed me up in the saddle. He inspected my ankle again. I had forgotten my injury through the desire and the ecstasy of this afternoon's activities but, with a squeeze and a twist, the familiar pain was back. "Owe." Face pinched with pain and William stopped. He looked at me with concern. "We won't be traveling till the swelling in your ankle goes down. You must see the healer as soon as we return. That will give me time to set my affairs to order. Can you ride? Or would you prefer to ride with me?" I looked at him and reached my hand down to touch his face. This strong man was surprisingly so tender, gentle, and patient with me. I didn't want this moment to end.


In the courtyard, William jumped off Nero and came to my side. All the time barking out orders and demands as the Lord he was. The courtyard filled with servants in just moments. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to our bed chambers. I laid my head in his chest reveling in the day's delights.

The healer was waiting in the corridor for our arrival. He inspected my ankle. When he was confident that it wasn't broken, he told the chambermaids to bring pillows and cold compresses. Two maids carefully arranged the pillows under my leg to reduce the swelling while two more brought cold water and a basin filled with cloth strips. The healer poured water into a basin and began to wrap my ankle. I pinched my face with pain. William smiled and tightened his hand around mine.

Alone, the chamber was quiet. Not even the crackle of a fire sang in the room. I could feel the pulse of my blood in my ankle. The discomfort was mild, but I was far too exhausted from the day to allow it any attention.

I looked at William and said " Call for Regald. He must tend to my injury at once. We must go back to the wood tonight." William looked at me with determined acknowledgement and called the servant into the chamber. He spoke quietly into the maid's ear. She darted out of the room and into the corridor. Moments later Regald was gently knocking on the door. William greeted him with a warm smile and bow of his head. Regald walked towards me and laid his hands on my injured ankle. William sat in the chamber chair to allow Regald to tend to my injuries.

As Regald laid his hands on my ankle, the pain diminished slowly. I could feel it being pulled away and into his finger tips. The burning pain was replaced with warm tingling. It reminded me of being tickled in the soft parts of my body. I stifled a giggle. As I did, William stood from the chair in a protective stance. The expression on his face was that of great concern and helplessness. I looked deep into his eyes in hopes of assuring him that it was working. The pain was dissipating. William walked to the bed and leaned in to kiss my forehead. As he did, he thanked Regald for his assistance.

Regald let loose of my ankle and motioned for me to step down onto the floor. "Lets see how it bears weight. I am certain there is a journey to come that required this immediate satisfaction." William nodded to confirm the statement. I slipped my foot on the floor with caution. Anticipating the pain, I slowly placed pressure on it as I balanced my weight on my other foot. I was surprised and relieved to feel the pain was entirely gone. I smiled and jumped up to hug Regald. When I did, Regald stiffened. I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about the blatant disregard of my gratitude. I looked over to William and saw that he too was not pleased with my gesture. Abruptly, I let loose my embrace and sat back on the bedside. Regald bowed his head to William and left our chamber. I sat quietly pondering what I had done wrong.