Chapter 2-5

William knelt at my feet and looked into my eyes. His expression was not that of anger but of love and understanding. How could I be so blessed? His blue eyes captivating me, he said "Madelyn, surely you understand that physical affection of a lady not of his coven is frowned upon. They are a people of ritual and tradition. He respects your gratitude and understands you have yet come to all your memories. Some of which have robbed you of your upbringing and mannerisms. Please don't be hurt. I only speak true to protect you." I pulled his hand to my lips and gently kissed his hand and nodded in understanding. I couldn't allow my indiscretion to alter the course. Tonight we must flee west to the barrier. We must find our way to the next realm.

The evening was growing late. William and I made our way to the hall for dinner with our guests. When we entered the Regald and Sigha were the only two of the coven to join us. They stood in wait for our presence before being seated. William nodded and they both sat. A chair was pulled out for me by a servant that I had not seen when we entered the room. I looked around and found several servants were standing against the walls nearly hidden in the shadows. I could barely make out their faces in the glow of the fire.

William was the first to speak. Lifting his goblet and looking at each of us when he spoke, he said "Tonight we part. Our fate in the hands of the creator. I wish you great health and prosperity in your journeys to come." We raised our glasses to him and drank deeply. The room became silent as I sat my goblet before me. I could feel the tension rising and looked at William. It was Regald who finally spoke. "William, what is it you seek? Why do you flee your home with less than 5 days to prepare?" William had the look of a great lord who had been scolded by a peasant. His eyes became dark and stern. He looked at Regald and said " My friend, the Guardian has given his counsel to Madelyn. It may be difficult to understand the urgency in which we must leave tonight but, I ask that you do not question my judgement. Give us your blessing and I promise all will reveal itself in the days to come. We are ill prepared for a battle at the keep. The village consists of farmers, not soldiers. Prosperity has long passed this realm. All that is left is ruins and ghosts. Most of the villagers fled in the early days having witnessed Madelyn's spirit walking the keep. Those that remain are wary of her presence. I couldn't expect them to stand against the Lich. Nore do they deserve to be served like lambs to the slaughter. No. We will leave tonight. With the creator's blessing, we will find what we seek to destroy the Lich army."

A servant was making her way around the table to refill our wine. I placed my hand over my goblet. She stopped in her tracks with concern that she had done wrong. I looked at her and smiled to reassure her she had done nothing. Instead, she ran out of the room to the gallery. The display only confirmed William's statement to Regald. William sat back in his chair and touched his finger tips together with satisfaction. He nodded to his guest and said "Eat. Our departure is not to be mourned but celebrated. If we are successful, the Lich will be destroyed and the realms will be safe. Most importantly, Madelyn will be safe."

I was famished. It had been a long day and could prove to be a longer night. I could hardly recognize the dishes provided but was grateful for the cook. As I ate in silence, I began to drift into my thoughts. I was certain that the barrier held the secret to our journey. I could swear it was pulling me there till the damned cat startled me. Maybe it was best that I injured myself. Had I found what was pulling me, I may not have been prepared had I journeyed alone. I do not remember the realms. So much of my memories still elude me. William will certainly see to it that every precaution is taken. I was comforted by the thought of him joining me.

William motioned to the servants to clear the main course and serve the desert. While doing so, he spoke quietly into the ear of an older male servant. The servant nodded and left the hall through the gallery. Only a young man was left. He appeared to be in his early 20s. He had a kind face but eyes that held immense wisdom for one so young. He stood in wait as if at attention. Two returned from the gallery with two plates each. William was the first to be served, then me, and our guest. I looked at my plate in awe. The desert was a type of custard with a fruit jelly. It occured to me that William was ensuring that our last meal at the keep was one to remember and very well could be our last meal in this life.

When I had savoured my last bite, I looked around and found that my companions were also in deepthought. I wondered if they too were thinking about how amazing the custard with blackberry sauce was or our departure.

William broke the silence by standing and requesting we join hands near the fire. I stood and walked up to his left side, taking his hand in mine. Sigha and Rigald followed suit. It was Rigald who spoke and blessed our journey with success in finding the creators. When he was done, William squeezed my hand and said " The horses are ready. The servants have packed all we should need from this realm. It is time to go. Are you ready my love?" I smiled and gave William a nod. It was time. Time for us to find our way to the unknown. To the realms of the creators. To discover my past and to find what is known about my father.


In the courtyard, Thor and Nero were saddled. Packs lay at both their sides. I expected they contained all the essentials for our trip. One of my ladies maids brought me an elaborate cape made of thick wool, The hood was lined with soft fur. She seemed rather sad. I expected it was because their Lord was taking leave with no return in sight. Or it could be the impending doom of the Lich Army. Suddenly she hugged me and said " Fare ye well me lady. I ken not where ye will be travelen. But me ma and I's will be keepins ye and the Lord in our prayers. Return to us. It has been foretold ye will bring back life to us all." I hugged her back thanking her for her kind words. I gave her a kiss on her cheek. as a final farewell. We mounted our horses and began the journey back to the barrier.

The forest was black and limbs were barely visible. Thor followed behind Nero. William would instruct me to lower my head when low branches blocked the path. The night grew darker with each hoove step. It seemed like hours had passed before we found the stream. William asked if I would know when we reached our destination. I answered "Yes, we had made love there only this afternoon." William pulled Nero's reigns to a halt and swung around in his saddle. It was only now that I realized William had been fashioned with a dagger and sword. Even in the soft light from the lantern. I could see the fear and anger in his eyes. "You meant to leave today? Without me? That's why you left before I had awakened. You intended to be gone and I wouldn't be able to stop or follow you! Do you have any idea what could have happened? Do you!?" I sat quietly and did not respond. William just stared at me waiting for a reply.y. He did not move or flinch. Nero didn't even twitch an ear or tail. The forest too stiffened. I opened my mouth to reply but there were no words. I looked down at the reigns in my hands in shame. Tears formed and began to fall. When I finally could utter a sound, everything just came out in sobs. I hadn't even realized William had dismounted and was now cradling me in his arms and said "Hush my love. There is no need to put yourself out. I apologize for letting my fear control my temper." He held me till the tears subsided. When I was sure I could speak, I looked into his eyes and said " I had so much to consider, including your safety. I am sorry. Yes, when I left I did intend to leave without you. I thought it would be safer for us both that way. The nightmare the other night has weighed heavy on my mind. It wasn't until I had reached the area that I began to long for your presence. Then the cat startled me and I injured my ankle. Don't you see, everything led to my delay so you could journey with me?" William nodded and gently put me back in Thor's saddle.

We reached the opening shortly after. The barrier cast a deep shadow on the small mossy opening. If it weren't for the strong feeling it gave me, we would have road right past it. William dismounted first then came to assist me off Thor. I held him briefly as if to apologize yet again for my indiscretion this morning. He knelt down and kissed my forehead and walked towards the packs on the horses. As he pulled them off, it occured to me that William intended to leave the horses and our journey thus forward would be on foot. A shiver worked its way down my spine.

The area sent vibrations through my body. As I got closer to the stone barrier, a low humming began to replace the vibration. I gestured to William to take my hand. Together we touched the cold rough stone. His hand on top of mine. Our fingers intertwined. The rock began to move apart. We stood watching with our hands held tight. They shook so fiercely that I could barely hold my footing.

The opening led to a dark tunnel. William held up the lantern to inspect the passage. It seemed to go on long beyond the light's distance. I looked at William and held his hand to my lips and said, " Don't let go."