As we walked through the opening, the ground began to shake again. The opening was closing quickly behind us. My heart was beating hard. I tightened my grip on Williams hand as he held the lantern out with his other hand. He had strapped our bundles to his back
The passage was just taller than William and wide enough for us to walk hand in hand. It was cool but not cold. The air wasn't stagnant. Yet, there was no breeze either. It just seemed to go on forever.
"William, how long do you think it is? Do you think we will have to stay the night here?" The soft yellow light softened the hard edge of Williams' features. He looked at me and smiled. "As long as we are together, we will make it. Our journey has only begun. Coarse, I couldn't think of a better place to have you all to myself." His brilliant eyes cast that iridescence as he grinned at me. I noticed my heart was slowing as we walked. Ahead was just the same blackness that seemed to swallow the lantern light.
I looked at the walls for clues or signs we were moving in the right direction. Just more cool smooth rock. After hours of walking, William stopped and said, "It must be well into the night. We should stop and rest. We will carry on in the morning." I nearly collapsed from exhaustion. The day had been eventful and time had completely eluded us in this dark tunnel.
William opened the packs to reveal fur bedding to keep us warm. He laid them out neatly and before I could stop him, he scooped me up into his arms and kissed me so deeply it took my breath away. Still kissing me he removed my cloak and began to unlace my bodices. "I've wanted nothing more than to make love to you since we entered this passage. I want you to know that no matter what it is we face, I love you more than all the stars in the sky and will fight till my dying breath in your honor." He blew the lantern out and darkness engulfed us.
He laid me gently down onto the fur. I could feel his hands caress every portion of my body followed by gentle kisses. He entered me with such force, my body melted instantly. My moans echoed through the darkness. His warmth filled me as he held me tightly in his arms. I shivered feeling his pulsating heartbeat within me and his breathless kisses on my neck. We were one heart, mind, body, and soul. Sleep came swiftly.
I awoke before William. Hours seemed to have passed. Yet, it was still just as dark as when we closed our eyes. As my eyes adjusted, searching for direction, I thought I saw a glimpse of a white sparkle further down the passage. I strained to see clearer but, simply couldn't. Then it was there again. Excited, I woke William. "William my darling, wake. There's a light down the passage." William raised his head and stared. A tiny light blinked further down than the last. It must be moving.
William went to light the lantern and I said, " No, we won't be able to see the light. It's a sign. I'm sure of it." William touched my hand in agreement as it was difficult to see even in our close proximity. I felt around for my clothing and began to dress. It was challenging to tie the bodice on my own. William was packing our bed roll in the packs. He grabbed my hand and together we followed the light through the dark passage.
The light was as small as a spark from an ember. It gave off a dim blue glow. It was difficult to judge if we were closing the distance between it and us, as it kept flickering out. Before we knew it, we were full run toward it afraid we would lose it completely.
My legs and lungs were burning. My breathing had become loud and labored. When I thought I couldn't run any longer, the light stopped just ahead and began to glow brighter. We could see it was only a few paces further.
Brighter and brighter it grew. Blinding us in the dark passage, we had to shield our eyes. It took several moments for our eyes to adjust and realize the light had taken form. A sprite stood before us. Her skin was fair and she wore a blue silk gown. She was silently motioning for us to come closer. She pointed to a rock in the wall. I examined it as closely as possible. William was reluctant to let go of my hand making it difficult to get close enough to get a close look at the rock. He was tense and unsure of this creature's intentions.
The rock at first glimpse was nothing special. Then the closer I peered with stained eyes, I could see it was not an ordinary rock. It was a jewel within the wall surface. I touched it lightly with my fingertips and when I did, the ground began to shake and the wall opened up. I jumped back. Startled and scared of what lay beyond. William held me tightly against his chest. We stood watching as the rock split away. Sun light spilled into the passage. Birds were chirping in the distance. The Sprite motioned for us to cross through. We walked slowly towards the opening.