Chapter 3-2

Sprawling before us laid a meadow. Wild flowers blanketed the ground in various colors. It was beautiful and peaceful. The sun was positioned just above the horizon indicating it was still early morning. Birds flew above and into the trees beyond. The sprite followed us out of the rock opening. As before, the opening closed quickly behind us.

In the sunlight, the sprite was breathtaking. Her long golden hair blew in the breeze. Her silk dress hugged her body. She walked toward us and said. "Welcome to Airea. The second realm. We are pleased you are here. I will be your guide as you travel to the next Realm. You are safe. No harm can come to you here. Please join me. Others have made camp waiting for your arrival. Once there, we will travel to the Gardens." I looked at William wondering if any of this meant something. He looked as skeptical as me. "Thank you Sprite for guiding our way in the passage. What is it you are called? I am Madelyn and this is William." She didn't answer right away. Instead motioned us to continue following her. As we did, I couldn't help but take in the landscape. It was hilly with trees and alive with wildlife. Bees were busy flying from flower to flower. Everything seemed to vibrate with energy. Even I was beginning to feel more alive.

We walked through the meadow to the woods. Beyond a celebration could be heard. Loud and boisterous, about hundred warriors of the realm were gathered around several long tables. Half storytelling of heroes and victorious battles fought long ago. The other half was enjoying the merrymaking.

As we approached, everyone stood and bowed deeply. Not a word was spoken. Even the bees had gone quiet. William stood and marveled over the gathering. I could see hope and pride in his eyes as he looked over each man. William spoke "Please, there is no need for formalities. I am pleased we are among friends!"

The sprite led us to the front table where two aging men were seated alone. They too stood and bowed. We bowed in return. It was apparent the older of the men was the ruler of this realm. The man spoke "I am Brannigan. You may call me Brann. This here is my councilman, Libor. We welcome you to Airea. Please join us as we feast. We are celebrating your arrival." I looked at William wondering how they could have known we would arrive today. I had hardly known myself. William smiles in return and bowed deeply. When he rose he said, "Thank you kind King Brann. We are most humble and grateful for your hospitality. However, we must continue our travels as we seek to find someone."

Brann was large and broad shouldered. His hair was blond and wavy. He had dark blue eyes that had no cruelty in them. Yet, had seen much. He was much older than he appeared. We sat before him at the table. Servants quickly poured wine and brought plates filled to the heavens and placed them between their lord and us. I hadn't thought of food till this moment. My stomach began to make all sorts of terrible noises. Brann let out a laugh and said "Eat, Drink, and be merry. Today we celebrate tonight we counsel."

William and I ate till we couldn't anymore. It was high sun when we arrived in Airea. Now, the sun was slowly settling. A large fire was being lit and dancing had commenced between the warriors and the servants. Tents had been put up in a matter of seconds. The sprite once again appeared. She said "Please allow me to show you to your tent where you may renew yourselves. The King wishes to counsel tonight when the moon has fully risen."

I walked into the tent expecting grass floors and found a fully furnished room fit for a king. Then I smiled remembering, William is a King. He looked at me and asked "Does this please you after our dark stay in the tunnel?" I walked up to him and replied, "I would stay anywhere with you. But yes, I am pleased and hardly know when and where they were able to do this. I never saw one cart to bring this all in." William took his cape off and sat on the fur bed. I walked to him and kissed his head. He hugged my waist and pulled me down on the bed next to him. "Madelyn, this counsel at full moon means magic is being used. I'm not completely sure we are among friends. However, we mustn't meet with suspicion. Do you understand?" I nodded yes and he kissed my hands. Sleep took me quickly.