We were awoken by a servant sent to fetch us for the counsel. Dressed in night wear, William and I followed the servant. He took us back to the clearing where the warriors had gathered on their knees in a circle around Brann and his councilman. They were quietly chanting in a language neither William and I had heard before. As we approached, the men became silent. The circle gave way for us to enter.
Brann was standing in the very center. We slowly approached as he said "You must summon an ancient one. Do you not?" I looked at William in complete shock. How could Brann possibly know this? I hadn't uttered a word to anyone but William. I looked back at Brann and nodded my head yes. Libor stopped chanting and walked the circle. He walked behind us and cut a small bit of my hair. I could feel the anger coming off William, yet, never wavered or show the least bit of emotion
Libor put my hair in a basin. Then with the basin in his hand, he cut William across the chest and placed the basin to catch the blood. When he was satisfied that he had gotten enough, he held his left hand up to his lips and blew. A black powder substance covered Williams cut. It was instantly healed. I drew my breath in quickly amazed at the power this man possesses. Libor mixed the hair and blood and began to study it.
"You my lord are William the Conqueror. The King of Kings. You are nearly as old as the Realms themselves. Yet, you kneel before us as young and fit as a stallion. How can this be? You have been trapped in time, but, by whom? Madelyn of Sorrow Gate, you bear the mark of the creators. You seek to summon an ancient one. To do this a sacrifice must be made. The sacrifice must be willing and have a deep love for you. Who would bear this fate? A betrayer will be amongst you as well. This person will impact the past, present, and future, but only through their death. Both entities will die alone and in agony to ensure your survival."
The moon was high and bright. Four moons left before the Lich would storm the Realms in search of me. Causing destruction and famine in its wake. I must summon an ancient one. They are my best hope of finding my father. But how could I expect someone to sacrifice their life for me? "I can't. William and I will find another way. I will not allow someone to die!" Before I could stand, the Sprite stood before Brann. She knelt down to both knees and said "Brann my lord, I have lived many years. My best years were spent caring for Madelyn as a child. I watched her grow into a beautiful woman, to marry her love, and now, I witness her strength and courage. She is pure and worthy to receive my sacrifice. Brann smiled at the sprite and before anything could be said or done, he pulled a jeweled knife from his belt and slit her throat.
I screamed in horror as the sprite fell over to the ground. Blood pouring from her mortal wound. The warriors began to chant again. It was getting louder and faster. All I could do was sob. William had not moved although he too stared at the dying sprite. My tears flowed endlessly and loud sobs escaped me "I didn't even know her name! Why would she give her life for me?" Libor placed the basin below the sprite's neck. Mixing her blood with Williams. When he was satisfied Brann lit a torch and placed the flame on the sprite. Gurgling screams droned out the chanting as her body burst into flames.
I placed my hands over my eyes to shield myself from the horror. My body shook and I could no longer endure any more. I screamed out for it to stop. The chanting continued.
Libor dipped a branch into the basin of blood and began blessing the circle. Blood splattered across the faces of the men as they chanted. Then with basin in both hands, he walked to me and held the basin over my head. I was frozen with grief. Before William could stop him, Libor spilled the basin over my hunched sobbing body. Several warriors from outside the circle restrained William. Holding him to the ground as he threatened Libor's life if he were to hurt me. Brann demanded I open my eyes, saying it was time. The summoning was working and the ancient one was coming.
The flames surrounding the sprites burning body were bright green and blazing. A blinding flash exploded from the dead sprite. I shielded my eyes with my arm. The blood was still running down my face, stinging my eyes and leaving a salty iron taste in my mouth. I gasped at the light afraid to look yet fixated on what was to come.
The sprite's body rose from the ground engulfed still in the green flames. Her eyes opened. Looking only at me. Her body floated closer till she was directly in front of me. I could feel the heat of the flames but felt no pain. William was struggling with the men who still restrained him. Panic had overcome him. The sprite placed her hand on my forehead and I closed my eyes.