Chapter 3-4

I opened my eyes to an enclosed summer garden alive with flowers in full bloom. Ivy and red roses formed the barrier. The sky was a perfect blue. A man in a long brown robe sat at a bench in the center. His hands were folded in his lap. His face was withered and tanned. His beard was white like his hair. He looked at me earnestly and said "Come sit. We must parlay before our time is done." I walked to the bench and sat. He turned to me and took my hand in his. Tears formed in his eyes as he did. There was a warmth and kindness about him that was familiar. Had we met before? I was certain that we hadn't, yet, I still had not recovered all my memories.

With tears falling he spoke "I never thought I would have this opportunity to meet you. Or to see another soul as I waste away in this purgatory. Time does not move here. The creators have blessed me with you, surely." I studied his eyes as he spoke. It was like looking into Williams's. Could they be related? Was William this man's descendant? "Who are you sir? Are you the ancient one that can help me find my beginnings?"

The man held my hands firmly and let out a puff of air. "I've known you since before your beginning child. You are special. You were hidden from those that would harm you in the Realm of Myst. There you were cared for by those loyal to your father. Your father is not just a descendant of the creators but the creator. He fell in love with a mortal and you are the result of that love. Your mother was whisked away from her homeland for yours and her safety. Over the years, your mother became resentful seeing her new home as nothing more than a prison. The creator provided but did not come to her after your birth. The creators have been gone for many years. There was speculation long ago that they had been trapped by the very powers they wielded. Much like the Lich are forced to live separated from their souls only consuming souls to sustain their miserable existence."

I listened intently as he continued on with his story of my beginning. Still, I could not let go of the lingering thought of his resemblance to William.

The man went on to tell me that my power is similar to the creators yet, I can not create. He said, "You can alter your reality. Essentially, you can move between Realms and the stars with only a thought." This made me ponder the days prior.

William called them flickers. That I was moving between the realm of lost souls and reality. Could he have misinterpreted? Wouldn't Regald have known? Before my mind ran away with my thoughts, I refocused on the man's story.