The man stopped, inhaled deeply, then looked at me intently. "Where are my manners? I am Edwin. I once ruled the Realms under the guidance of the creators. But that was many years ago. I know you have questions but, I'm afraid our time draws short. You must go to the beginnings. Go to the Realm of Myst. Do not travel alone. Follow the path. Many will join your cause and defend you from impeding dangers. Be sharp for there are those who wish to deceive you.
Lastly, for I'm afraid our time has come, to answer what I can see is most on your mind, yes, I am William's father."
Before Edwin said the last bit, I could feel myself being drawn up. Him and his garden prison became small and blurry.
With a flash, I was in the circle again. My lungs gasped for air as my equilibrium was finding its center. My eyes were adjusting. I could hear yelling to my right. It was muffled and far off. A high pitched piercing sound sores through my ears as I tried to make out the words.
I looked to my right and saw William restrained by several men. He was looking at me screaming something that I still couldn't make out. I reached out to him with both arms. William broke free of the men sending two soaring. They both hit the ground with a thud. The other men only looked on with shock in their gaze.
William threw his arms around me at once. I laid my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat. Exhaustion overwhelmed me. The ringing in my ears was beginning to fade and sounds were more audible. William was telling me that I'm ok. That I am safe. He picked me up into his arms as he stood and began to carry me back to our tent.
King Brann and his warriors only watched. Libor however was anxious to know what the ancient one had to foretell. He began to follow William to the tent. He would not be satisfied till he heard every last bit. He thought to himself "Better to get now while it is still fresh." Before he could reach the tent, the warriors blocked his way.
Brann approached Libor from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder and said, "Enough was done. They require peace. We will parley in the morning. Warriors, protect the newcomers with your lives tonight. Let no being disturb their slumber." The warriors gave a silent nod, maintaining their positions around the tent. Libor sighed and turned away towards his tent. Satisfied all was calm, Brann retired to his as well. Morning would come soon.