Chapter 3-7

Morning light shone bright throughout the tent. Madelyn opened her eyes slowly allowing her eyes to focus. Birds were cheerfully chirping. The smell of food lingered in the air. Her belly began to groan. She had eaten very little over the last 24 hours. A sense of dread and urgency set in as she remembered they only had 3 moons left to reach her destination. She had to go to Myst. Where it began. To her beginnings.

William had her wrapped tightly in his arms. She tried to turn to her side and his arms only pulled her back closer to his chest. Softly she called his name. Ready to fend off any intruder, he bolted straight up blocking any direct threat to her with his body and dagger in hand. Madelyn laid her head between his shoulder blades and kissed him softly. He relaxed, realizing there was no intruder and turned to her.

Overwhelmed with adrenaline, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Her lips parted as they met his. Passion rose within her and she kissed him back with the same intensity. With a swift move forward, William laid atop of her. Madelyn's hips rose to meet his. Pinning her arms down above her head, he entered her forcefully. A moan escaped her lips as he did. He pushed harder and faster. Kissing her fearlessly. Driven by his passion, William did not seek to make love but to rid himself of the gut wrenching feelings that had balled up in the pit of his stomach from the night before.

Harder, he thrust himself in her. She cried out, moaning in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He continued thrusting, feeling her soft silk flesh warm against him. Pushing even harder with every thrust. He throbbed inside her with every stroke. Hearing her cry, only made the animal inside hungrier. Anger and madness had taken over. Release was the only way to rid himself of doubt and fear he felt the night before.

Their lips still pressed upon one another's, he tasted the hint of blood. He kissed her harder. Piercing her lips with his tongue. He could feel her body release. The moment he had been waiting for. He thrust as hard and deep as he could into her. His primal instincts controlling his every move.

This time she screamed and her body convulsed. Her silk flesh tightened around him and pulled him deeper with every convulsion. Her flesh became hot as fire and as wet. He let himself go inside her and could feel the emotions draining. He moaned out her name.

Feeling her body quiver against his, he collapsed body soaked with perspiration on top of her. Holding his weight by his elbows and burying his head in her neck, he said "I'm sorry if I hurt you. Please forgive me." Madelyn whispered into his ear, "I love you."

Gently wrapping his arms around her body, William laid silently with Madelyn's head in his chest. He listened to the birds chirping running his hands through her hair. At this moment there was nothing but peace. Madelyn began to retrace her visit with the ancient one. William listened and continued to stroke her hair.

Madelyn dressed as William packed their simple belongings into his packs. William was lost in his thoughts. He was determined. They would eat and parley with Brann but, it was time they pushed on. Libor is not to be trusted. He is more interested in our mortality than he is in defeating the Lich.

Madelyn distracted him, "William, can you please lace this for me. I'm simply helpless without my ladies to assist." She held out her arms and turned. William smiles and says, "I have not much practice putting one on as I do taking one off. However, I will do my best." He gently laced the bodice. If too tight, she would not be able to move or breathe.

Willima kissed her neck when he was done. Madelyn twirled in her dress and smiled at him. She said, "Today is going to be a good day. We will share only what is necessary. It is important that we convince Brann to brace for war. Then we must find our way to the next realm. I believe Brann knows where we must go." William returned her smile and nodded. He was tense thinking about how Libor will not be satisfied with the conversation regardless of what information was shared.

Brann sat at the large table as he did the day before. Madelyn sat directly in front of him eager to eat and begin the conversation. A plate was placed before her with fruit, eggs, meat, and biscuits. Her belly gave out a loud gurgling sound that all could hear. She blushed and gave a slight look to those in front of her. With no further hesitation she began to eat.

William sat next to Madelyn across from Libor. He was not as eager to eat as Madelym. He looked at Brann and said "The Lich army will come on the Blue Moon. Are you prepared?" Brann smiled and replied " Let the skully basterds come! My brave men will not let them harm the good people of Airia. We are prepared for battle." Brann raised his glass to his men. They gave out a loud cheer and began to slam their cups on the table. Brann stood up from his bench and gave a loud roar. His men joyed in. The sound was deafening and frightening. Predictor beast would run. These men were loyal and would die for their king. But did they know why the Lich King was coming? Would they still go to battle for the likes of our souls?

Libor was picking at his biscuit with long scrawny fingers. William had not paid much attention to his features previously. Now, he was examining him intently. Libor was tall with a long pointy nose and sunken eyes. His skin was grey and paste. He resembled a crow in human flesh. Even his black cloak had an iridescent shimmer of feathers. William stared at him with such intensity, the world around him faded away.

Madelyn greedily finished her plate before the men. She had taken notice of William's glare. She needed to guide this conversation before enemies were made. "Brann, I'm sure you are interested in the ancient ones' guidance. I can not indulge all the details as I still find them to be obscure." Brann was mid drink. He slowly sat his mug down on the table before him and said, "The council was yours alone. You do not need to share if you do not wish to. It was a privilege to provide you passage to the gardens and break bread with you. We gather here every year to pay homage to the kings of the past. My great grandfather once told me a story that was passed down to him through generations that a day will come when the Lich King would rise again and only the King and Queen of Sorrow Gate will be able to defeat him. We meet here every year awaiting your arrival. Now that you have arrived, it is time to prepare for war. I suspect you will be in a hurry to push on as your journey doesn't end here." Madelyn smiled and nodded. Before she could speak, Libor interrupted, "This story was not shared with me. Why was this not shared when you requested assistance in sending her to the ancient one? I wish to know what the ancient one had to foretell. Surely there was valuable advice that will be needed before the battle." Brann looked at Libor again with disdain. This is the second time that Willam has witnessed such exchanges. William finally spoke, "The ancient one was my father. It would seem he has instructed us to seek and gather forces throughout the realms. I fear this must be very disappointing news to you Libor. As there was not much else shared. You yourself know, Madelyn was only gone but a few moments." Libor snapped, "Yes, but time passes differently in the gardens. Everyone knows that!" William's eyes grew dark and his skin paled. Madelyn noticed him reaching for the hilt of his sword. Brann said to Libor, "This information was for King's privilege only. The Lady of Sorrow Gate need not share her intimate dealings with peasants, mages, or the rats for all I care. You are in my service and you will show respect to my guests. Do I make myself clear?" Libor only nodded. William relaxed. Moving his hand back to the table. Madelyn exhaled sharply expecting a much bloodier outcome.

The conversation quickly changed to reminiscing of the great battles fought throughout the realms. Something all the men were happy to discuss.

Madelyn watched William intently as he laughed and smiled. She knew he was playing a part. Brann could be trusted. Libor on the other hand was far to inquisitive. There was spite and jealous tones in his speech. He gave William looks of disgust and contempt. She wondered what for?

Madelyn interrupted the merry talks and bousting. She said, "Libor, have you been to Sorrow Gate?" Libor sat his goblet down on the table and responded, "Your Majesty, I have not had the pleasure. No one has." His gaze was mocking. He knew more than he was telling. Madelyn continued to press Libor, "Why do you say no one has? Clearly the very stories being told today are of Sorrow Gate. Surely someone has foretold them to the other Realms." Libor turned his nose down keeping his eyes on Madelyn. Cringing he said, "Sorrow Gate fell a thousand years ago. No man alive today has been there. It no longer exist."