Chapter 3-6

In the tent, William cradled Madelyn in his arms. Rocking her like a child. The gesture was equally comforting him as it was her. He felt powerless to do anything else. He rocked her till she was fast asleep and his arms grew heavy.

A wash basin had been placed in the tent some time earlier. William rose to fetch rags to clean the blood off her face and body. His hands were trembling as he touched the cloth to her skin. Emotion overwhelmed him and he began to sob. He placed his hands over his mouth to muffle the sounds. His fear of losing her again was overpowering. Dread filled the pit of his stomach and he no longer could hold back. Williams' whole body began to tremble and tears fell down his cheeks. Gasping to breath, William came to his feet and ran out of the tent not wanting to wake her.

He ran to the clearing and collapsed to his knees. There the sobs could no longer be contained. Alone under the moon and stars, he began to cry. William wrapped his arms around his chest and lowered his head as the tears fell. He was angry at Brann for not being more forthcoming to the night's agenda. Angry that he was defenseless against the warriors. But most of all, William was angry that he let her down. He was unable to stop the terror that unfolded before her eyes. How can he protect her in the days to come. His mind spiraling with doubt and despair.

William heard soft foot falls of someone approaching him from behind. In a swift motion, he pulled a dagger from his boot, rose, and pointed the dagger at the throat of the intruder. Libor froze with his hands held up in front of him and said "It is only I. It was not my intention to startle you but, inquire on your health as you seem to be out of sorts. Has the maiden awoke yet? Has she revealed the words of the ancient one?" William lowered his arms to a more casual and less defensive posture. With disgust he answered, "My Lady is exhausted. When she is ready, she will reveal what she knows. Now please excuse me as I need to return to her."

William pushed past him rubbing shoulders. When he was ten paces away, Libor spoke out with contempt in his voice, "You do know that you too are an anomaly. You died nearly a thousand years ago. Tales and songs were written in honor of your conquests. Your Lady too. How peculiar that you both find your way here to Airea during the gathering for all Kings day. On the day we pay homage to the kings of the past ." William stopped. He did not turn to face Libor but replied sternly, "There's a war coming. Choose your side carefully mage!" He continued walking to the tent without even a glance back.