My Bias

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"Won Ho opens the door smirkingĀ  and they all drop their jaws to his surprise "

Min Ho: (dumbfound) Okay you win

Soo Hyun: (surprised) I should've done this

Myung Soo:(sobbing)Ā  Me too

Won Ho:(smirking) I told you guys I would outdo you.Bong Soon what do you think ?

Bong Soon just keeps staring with her jaw dropped at Won Ho 's surprise.

SooĀ  Hyun :Is she okay?

Myung Soo: (waving his hand across her face)She's completely zoned out.

Min Ho: (trying to close her open mouth)Yep you broke her.

Won Ho:Come on I need a reaction at least(he pinches her)

Bong Soon: Omo that hurts.

Soo Hyun: Phew she's okay

Bong Soon:(star struck) I think I just died,I can see an angel right there.

Min Ho: (chuckles) Exaggerating much.

Bong Soon: I think I've really gone mad.I can SeHun right there.

Sehun just smiles

Bong Soon:(mesmerized)Ā  Omo he's even smiling .(smacking her head)This accident has really messed me up.

Sehun:(smiling) She's adorable

Bong Soon: Somebody pinch me ,he's even speaking now.

Sehun walks up to her and pinches her

Bong Soon :O M G!!!!....

Bong Soon screams out loud shocked happy confused all whilst pressing the emergency button.And in a matter of seconds the boys are escorted out the room by the nurses and doctors.

Doctor:What's wrong Miss Kim your vitals seem fine.

Bong Soon: (excited)SeHun is here.Not like in my dreams but he's really here!

Doctor:(confused)Ā  Who is SeHun?

Bong Soon:(shocked)Areyou kidding me you don't know SeHun !

Doctor: Nurse who is SeHun?

Nurse :He is some famous singer .My daughter likes him.

Bong Soon: (offended) He is not just some famous singer!(daydreaming) He is a walking dream,my fantasy ,adorable in anything he does ,an amazing person and most importantly my future husband.

Doctor: I still don't get why you pressed the emergency button.

Bong Soon: This is a major emergency!Oh Sehun is here and I look like this!

Doctor: Might I remind you ,you just had a major surgery.

Bong Soon: Come on just remove the neckbrace and the plaster on my hand and leg

Doctor Jung: I'm not doing that.

Bong Soon: Aish can I at least get out this bed to look less pathetic.

Doctor Jung: We can put you in a wheelchair if you like.


Oh Sehun:I hope she's okay.

Won Ho: I didn't think she'd reactĀ  that way .

Myung Soo: (sarcastic )What did you expect?

Min Ho: I still don't get what all the fuss is about.He's not even all that.

Oh SeHun:Awe really

Soo Hyun:You're just another guy.

Suddenly the doctor comes out the room followed by the nurses .The boys reenter the room welcome by a smiling Bong Soon who now is in the wheelchair

Soo Hyun: Are you kidding me!

Min Ho: What's all this?

Myung Soo: What happened why did you get out of bed.

Won Ho: (laughing) You look worse now

Bong Soon:(sad) Really

Oh SeHun: I think she looks just fine

Bong Soon: (happy) Really!

Oh SeHun :(smiling )Yes you do

Won Ho: He's just being nice.

Min Ho: (shocked) Omo ,you even put on make up!

Bong Soon: If I can't looks attractive for him ,I can atleast look pretty.

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) Like you've ever looked attractive

Bong Soon chuckles

Oh SeHun: You didn't have to do all that ,you looked just fine .

Myung Soo: Stop lying to her.

Oh SeHun: I'm not!

Bong Soon: You know what let's leave these judgemental ,insensitive guys .

Oh SeHun: Sure thing I'll take you around the hospital.

Bong Soon: You see boys ,this is what a real gentleman is like.Learn some manners from him

SehunĀ  takes Bong Soon out of the room.Leaving the boys dumbfound

Won Ho:(laughing) And to think it's the same girl you bought flowers for yesterday.

Soo Hyun: (shocked) So ungrateful

Myung Soo:(hurt) She didn't even try to look decent for us.

Min Ho:(confused) Its like we don't even exist .(jealous) How can she not notice all this.

Won Ho:(smirking) Eitherway I win .

Soo Hyun:(pissed)Ā  You suck

Myung Soo: (pissed)You really suck

Min Ho: (pissed)You reallyĀ  really suck

Won Ho: (laughing) Come on boys ,don't hate the player ,hate the game.

They all storm out the room followed by a satisfied Won Ho and start spying onĀ  Bong SoonĀ  and SeHun

Bong Soon: Thank you for taking me out of there

Oh SeHun: Its okay anything forĀ  my fan.

Bong Soon: They are usually nice i don't know what's up with them.

Oh SeHun: Boys are like that sometimes don't worry about it.

Bong Soon: What sucks is that they're ruining my day with you.

Oh SeHun stops the wheelchair and goes in front of Bong Soon and looks her straight Into her eyes

Oh SeHun: They haven't ruined it .Your day has just began and I'll make sure you have an amazing time.

Bong Soon: (thinking outloud)I think my heart just skipped a beat

Oh SeHun smiles

Oh SeHun: Mmm what can we do for fun in a hospital

Bong Soon: Well you're with the best person.I can have fun at literally any place

Oh SeHun: Really

Bong Soon :Yes really

Oh SeHun: (teasingly) Even at a funeral

Bong Soon: (smirking) Depends

Oh SeHun:(surprised)Ā  Ouuu, you'reĀ  a treat

Bong Soon:You haven't seen anything yet .

Oh SeHun: Come one let's go I know just the place to start the day

They go outside to the ramps

Bong Soon :Omo this is perfect.

Oh SeHun: I can take you up and down as many times as you want.Starting now!

Sehun starts pushing her up and down the rampsĀ  .She looks so happy like she's riding a rollercoaster.

Min Ho: (irritated) Are they allowed to do that

Myung Soo:(jealous)Ā  Its not even safe.

Soo Hyun:(smirking)Ā  Don't worry give him 2 more rounds then he'll be totally exhausted .

Won Ho:You guys really need to get a life, are you going to follow them all day.

Min Ho: (sarcastic) Like how you keep on following us?

Won Ho:Don't flatter yourself,this drama is just too good to miss so I'll stick around you losers.

Myung Soo: (annoyed)You really have a way with words.

Won Ho: (acting cute)That's why we're bestfriends.

Myung Soo:(annoyed) I can'tĀ  even stay mad at you.

MEANWHILE...SeHun keeps on going up and down with Bong Soon, lasting longer than the boys predicted

Myung Soo:(annoyed)Ā  Aish is he some machine

Soo Hyun:(irritated)Ā  Maybe it's not that hard

Min Ho: (smiling) I've got a plan.

The Boys go and report Bong Soon and Oh SeHun for misusingĀ  the ramps. A security guard is sent to deal with them but they manage to escape

Bong Soon: Aish and we were having so much fun

Oh SeHun: Don't worry the day is not over.

Bong Soon: You're right, let's find something else to do.

They bump into some old man by mistake making him drop his game on the floor

Oh Sehun:I'm so sorry(he starts picking up the pieces)

Old man :This is why I hate all you youngsters. You're so reckless.

Bong Soon: We're really sorry sir we didn't see you.

Old man:(sad)Its not like you see anyone these days.My grandson visited me but he hasn't stopped using his phone .

Bong SoonĀ  feels bad for the old guy.

Bong Soon: Wait ! ,would you like to play chess with me.I noticed you don't have a partner

Old man:You don't have to

Bong Soon: (teasingly) Are you scared I'll beat you.

Old man: (laughing) You think you can beat a chess master.

Bong Soon:(smiling)Let me show you old timer.

Old man: (excited)Awe it's on .

They find a spot and start playing. Bong Soon uses SeHun to move her pieces.


Myung Soo:(surprised)Ā  She can play chess

Soo Hyun: Must be all those games she's got on her phone.

Min Ho: (smiling) She's full of surprises

Won Ho: You guys are totally missing the point.

Min Ho: They are just playing chess .

Myung Soo: What else is there?

Won Ho: Aigoo you're a bunch of blind losers.

Soo Hyun :(sarcastic) Okay tell us what were missing all seeing Won Ho

Won Ho: You see how shes moving her pieces .WHISPERINGĀ  the moves to SeHun.

Min Ho: Yes Her arm is fractured afterall

Won Ho: Exactly! ARM not Arms .She could've easily used her other hand but no she just had use poor unsuspecting SeHun.

Myung Soo: Omo ..He's totally right

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) There's nothing poor and unsuspecting about your SeHunĀ  he's clearly enjoying this .Look at that grin on his face.

The old man's grandson is drawn to the chess match by the people with his grandfather.

Grandson:Who are these people?

Old man: (smiling) I'm just showing these youngsters who the chess master is.

Grandson: But hey this guys looks familiar

Bong Soon: He's just got one those faces

Grandson: Might be.

Oh SeHun: Yes it's that.

Grandson: Wait a minute .(excitedly) That voice it's Oh SeHun!

Oh SeHun: (laughing) Calm down kid .

Grandson: Wow this is so cool,my grandad is playing chess with Oh SeHun, let me take a picture.

Bong Soon:You should be the one playing with your grandfather.Did you visit him so you can spend your time on your phone not interacting with him

Grandson: No Eunnie.

Bong Soon:(grinning)Ā  Checkmate!

Old man: Omo how did that happen.

Bong Soon: A master never reveals her tricks.

Old man: You'reĀ  the first one to have beaten me in a long while .(winking at Sehun)She's a keeper.

Oh SeHun: (smiling) Yes she is

Bong Soon: Okay kid we're leaving ,treat your grandad well or SeHun and I will find you and deal with you

Grandson: Ncaww you're so adorable that even your threats look cute.

Sehun :(jealous)Aigoo this kid ,how can you hit on your elders.

He quickly grabs the wheelchair and goes with Bong Soon far away from them.

Bong Soon: I think it's time we had a little break

Oh SeHun: Okay let's go to the cafeteria


Myung Soo: I'm tired of hiding I'm going over there.

Min Ho: Me too.

Soo Hyun: So am I

Won Ho:I'm not about to to miss out on this.Wait for me!

The BoysĀ  go and sit with SeHun andĀ  Bong Soon.

Bong Soon: (angry) What are you doing here?

Myung Soo: (smirking) We're here to eat .

Oh SeHun: (annoyed) You could've sat elsewhere.

Min Ho: (smiling) Now why would we do that ,when you guys are right here.

Oh SeHun: I was having fun alone with her.

Soo Hyun :(fake smiling) Now we can have fun as a group.

Bong Soon: (chuckles) What's fun about that?

Won Ho: (chuckles )Already throwing your friends under the bus.I expect it though.

Bong Soon: I thought you'd be on my side

Won Ho: I don't take sides

Bong Soon: Aish you're useless

Won Ho: (offended)Ungrateful much

Suddenly a little girl stands behind SeHun and pulls his jacket

Oh SeHun: (smiling) What's this little princess doing here.

Little girl:Opppa I like you

Oh SeHun: Omo she's so adorable

Little girl: Will you marry me.

Oh SeHunĀ  whispers somethingĀ  into her ear and she smiles then runs off

Min Ho: (laughing) There goes your man

Bong Soon: (defensive) Aish she'sĀ  just a fan.

Myung Soo:(sarcastic)Ā  Aren't you also "just a fan"

Oh SeHun:(smiling ) She's more than that

Soo Hyun: Aish how much did Won even pay for you to be here,I'll pay double.

Bong Soon: I'll pay triple for him to stay

Myung Soo: Since when do you have money .I highly doubt your allowance can afford that.

Bong Soon: In this vegetable state I'm in my parents will do anything to keep me happy. Don't try me.

Oh SeHun: Aigooo even though I got paid it was just for an hour but I stuck around just because i actually like hanging out with Bong Soon.

BongSoon: (happy) Really

Oh SeHun: Yes really

Soo Hyun: Aish he's got a slick tongue.

The little girl comes back smiling and gives SeHun a little flower and he gives her the necklace he was wearing.

Little girl: Thank you Oppa

Oh SeHun: Now go back to your mom okay

Little girl :(happy) Okay

The little girl runs off.

Oh SeHun: Here you go

Bong Soon: Omo you gotĀ  me a flower.

Won Ho: Aishh don't act like these guys didn't give you a whole flower garden yesterday

Soo Hyun: I agree with the kid

Oh SeHun: Awe

Ā (he takes the flower back and makes it into a ring then puts it on Bong Soons finger)

Oh SeHun: Do you like it?

Bong Soon: I love it

Myung Soo:(pissed) Are you Kidding me

Min Ho:(irritated ) It won't even last.

Soo Hyun: Yeah by tomorrow it's going to be just another dead flower.

Bong Soon :Why are you guys so negative

Oh SeHunĀ  :Dont mind them

He gets up andĀ  takes charge of Bong Soons wheelchair and runs off with her

Myung Soo: This means war

Min Ho :I'll only be on your side today

Soo Hyun: After we get rid of him it's one man for himself

Won Ho :I still think you're pathetic

Meanwhile Bong Soon and SeHun are racing in the halls of the hospital trying to get far away from the boys and they end up catching the eye of the guard from before.

Guard:Stop you little punks

Little girl: Dont call my Oppa a punk

The guard ignores her and starts chasing after them

Bong Soon and SeHun manage to escape getting caught as they hide in a nearby ward.

Bong Soon: Omo we're inĀ  a nursery

Oh SeHun :Those babies look so peaceful

Bong Soon: Yes they are adorable .

Oh SeHun :Not as adorable as you

Bong Soon chokes

Bong Soon: movies this is also where most babies get stolen.

Oh SeHun :Well these babies are lucky ,the only thing I'd like to stealĀ  is a kiss from you