
Bong Soon just swallows saliva.

Oh SeHun leans in and she closes her eyes then suddenly

Min Ho :Stop!

Oh SeHun backs away and as he's doing so he receives  a call

Oh SeHun: Hello...When...Now?...Can't I do that later?.....Im kinda busy....Aish this is annoying...Okay I'm coming .

Bong Soon: (sad) You have to go?

Oh SeHun: Yes I'm sorry .

Bong Soon :It okay.

SeHun leans in for a kiss on the cheek but is grabbed by Myung Soo 

Myung Soo: (grabbing Sehun)Great I'll walk you out.

Oh SeHun :Bye Bong Soon!

Bong Soon: Bye SeHun!

Soo Hyun :Great now you've said your goodbyes I'll take you to your room.

At the room

The Boys wait for Myung Soo to come back and as he enters the room

Myung Soo :(enraged)I can't believe you almost kissed that guy

Soo Hyun :You're unbelievable !

Min Ho: What we're you thinking!

Bong Soon: I wasn't thinking, I was just caught  up in the moment

Won Ho: (chuckles)Moment my foot

Bong Soon:Just imagine if IU or Lisa or even Ariana Grande was here. Wouldn't you do the same

All three of them:No!

Won Ho:I would totally kiss Ariana.

Bong Soon: At least someone here is human

Myung Soo: What do you mean by that.

Bong Soon :You heard me!

Min Ho :This girl is impossible

Bong Soon :You guys are the ones acting impossible.

Soo Hyun: We're just hurt.

Bong Soon: Come on guys you know you'll all come before SeHun.We have  deeper ties than just a crush.

Won Ho:She's good with words too.

Min Ho: Okay I guess I would also kiss my bias.

Soo Hyun: Me too

Myung Soo:Just never mention his name again.

Bong Soon :I can't promise anything but I'll try

1week later

News report headline :Mrs Park commits suicide before her trial begins


2 weeks later

News report  headline

Police car  transporting Doctor Wong to the prison after he had been found guilty has an accident.  No survivors.

The day after...

Bong Soon is woken up by  the opening of curtains

Bong Soon: Come on Mrs Park just let me sleep in.

Maid:Young Miss I'm not Mrs Park and you're getting late for school .

Bong Soon :I'm sorry Min Young.You're lucky you don't go to school .

Min Young:Its okay Young Miss you'll get used to me like you were  used to her....You're lucky you can afford to go to school.

Bong Soon: It's hard to process that she's dead or that she was bad person....I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so insensitive.

Min Young:It's okay ,now quickly get ready your parents are already waiting for you for breakfast.

Bong Soon does as she's told and goes downstairs

B.S dad:(smiling) There's my princess

Bong Soon :Morning dad and mom

B.S mom :How are you dear?

BongSoon :How am I supposed to feel when you're forcing me to go back to school

B.S dad:You've already missed out on so much.

Bong Soon: I haven't missed a thing ,learning online was really nice

B.S mom :Learning online isn't like experiencing a real lesson

Bong Soon :You just want me to do the limp of shame.The worst thing is this cast I still have on my leg doesn't go well with anything. I'll forever be a freak.

B.S dad :At least everything else healed .Soon that cast will also be history and they'll forget about it.

Bong Soon: Teens never forget things like this.Anyway I have to get going im already late.Wish me luck

She gets driven to school by her new driver.

Bong Soon: Thanks for the ride Mr...?

Driver:Mr Choi

Bong Soon: Cho!?

Mr Choi:No young Miss I said Choi not Cho

Bong Soon: Aweeeee ,(whispering to herself) How weird is that?

Mr Choi:Did you say something young Miss

Bong Soon :No it's nothing bye.

She exits the car and as if nothing has changed there he is the guy who always waits for her with the biggest smile on his face and she can't help but smile back.

She limps towards him aided with her crutches.

Myung Soo: This look suits you well

Bong Soon :You like teasing me don't you

Min Ho: (suddenly appearing) I think you look cute.

Soo Hyun :(appears as well)Meh she just looks fine

Bong Soon: Glad to see none of you have changed

Won Ho: (suddenly appearing )I'm not a huge fan of change.

Bong Soon: Anywho today's the day.

Min Ho :We've been waiting for this.

Soo Hyun: For too long

Myung Soo: Well so far so good

Won Ho: Lets hope it stays that way

Bong Soon: Well  for now let's go in

They walk into the school and the boys look totally cool that they are drawing all the attention away from poor Bong Soon, which is exactly what she wanted today.

They get to their class and to her surprise everyone is super nice.

Bong Soon :This is so weird it's like the whole school got brainwashed or something

Soo Hyun: Well you almost died ,they have hearts you know .

Bong Soon: It's still weird how I have to almost die to be liked .

Min Ho :Nothing at this school makes sense.

After school Bong Soon quickly changes and heads back downstairs. As she's exiting she runs into Mr Shin.

Mr Shin:Good day young Miss

Bong Soon: Hi

Mr Shin:Are you going somewhere?

Bong Soon: Yes

Mr Shin:You can take my driver since he's

already here

Bong Soon: No it's okay,my ride has just arrived.

Myung Soo arrives to pick her up

Mr Shin :Okay then ,enjoy.

Bong Soon :Okay tell mom and dad I'll be back late.

Mr Shin:Okay.

Bong Soon heads into the car and they drive off

Mr Shin:That's if you come back.

MEANWHILE....the gang meets up at the noodle shop

Mi Nam: (worried) Are you sure this is going to work

Bong Soon:(uncertain)  I hope so

Myung Soo: (smiling) Lets have faith

Min Ho: (sarcastic )What could go wrong?

Won ho: Alot !

Bong Soon: Come on let's be positive .

Won Ho: You realise you could die.

Soo Hyun: No one is dying.

Bong Soon: We'll be just fine

Mi Nam:(looking outside) It's time

Bong Soon: Okay bye guys remember the plan

Bong Soon and Mi Nam exit the noodle shop. They spot Mr Choi who was spying on them and they head towards him.He tries to hide in his car but it's hopeless

Bong Soon: (smiling) Mr Choi open the door.

He remains quiet

Bong Soon: Come on open up I can see you.

Mr Choi rolls down his window


Bong Soon: I'm glad you're here can you take me and my friend home .

Mr Choi:Umm Miss...

Bong Soon: I'll take that as a yes.Get in Mi Nam.

The girls enter the car

Mr Choi:Where am I taking you?

Bong Soon: Just drive Mi Nam will direct you.

The Boys also leave the shop and go their separate ways

The girls arrive at Mi Nam's new place

Bong Soon: You can go I'll call you when I want to go home.

Mr Choi :It's okay Young Miss .

They enter the house and Mr Choi calls Mr Shin

Mr Choi:Sir she's with some other girl.

Mr Shin:Are they alone?

Mr Choi: It looks that way.

Mr Shin:Okay .

Mr Choi:Do you want me to do something .

Mr Shin: No you've done enough send me the address .

Mr Choi:(worried) Sir what are you planning on doing?

Mr Shin: If you want to live to see your kids grow you'll  just send the address and not ask any questions.

Mr Choi:Ummm sorry Sir, I'll send it .

A couple minutes later Mr Shin gets to Mi Nams place .

He goes up to the house and opens the door to an unsuspecting Bong Soon and Mi Nam

Bong Soon: (shocked) What are you doing her?

Mr Shin :(smiling) I've got some business I need to take care of  young "Miss".

Mi Nam: (scared)How did you even know this place ?

Mr Shin: (smirking) You're dear friend Bong Soon just helped me find you without realizing it.Isn't she such a gem.

Bong Soon: (defensive) What business do you have here?

Mr Shin: Isn't it obvious  I'm here to kill you dear.

Mi Nam: Like you did my father?

Mr Shin:(smiling)  Yes now the two of you will be together.

Mi Nam scoffs

Bong Soon :So is Mr Baek part of this too?

Mr Shin: (laughing) Mr Baek?He was never part of this.

Mi Nam :But I clearly heard you mention him.

Mr Shin:(grinning) I am a mastermind after all.I had to throw people off my scent. No one looks at me and thinks I'm the bad guy.They think I'm the middle man.So I just covered my tracks by mentioning him.

Bong Soon :(surprised) You really do have no shame

Mr Shin: Now why would I be ashamed dear.I've had to achieve so much through shedding blood.

Bong Soon: Is that why you had Mrs Park poison us?

Mr Shin:Well she wanted to be my queen so she had to play her part.

Bong Soon: But you still killed her anyway

Mr Shin: Sooner or later she was going to talk .(grinning) And you know it's very easy to find another  Queen.

Bong Soon :How about my grandfather?

Mr Shin: (laughing) The old man died on his own .I didn't even have to lift a finger.I almost had the company then you and your parents just had to come and ruin everything. Especially you with your meddling. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone but somehow you managed to survive that car bombing. I even sent Dr Wong to finish you off but he also failed. He was useless really.

Bong Soon: (disgusted)You're such a pig!So was it you who also sent him to drug Mrs Baek?

Mr Shin: (laughing )I got lucky there, after Mrs Park messed up by not killing Mrs Baek, Mr Baek made the stupid mistake of finding a doctor at your grandfathers hospital. I didn't want to finish her of ,I thought to myself a man with hope is better than a man without it.Mr Baek can be really dangerous  if you push the wrong buttons .Finishing her off would've seemed suspicious .You wouldn't want to wake a sleeping lion .

Min Nam:(disgusted) What a monster!

Mr Shin: You haven't seen anything yet little girl, (laughing) Doctor Wong thought I was going to help him escape going to prison and I did .I set his soul free .

Bong Soon: And Mrs Chan?

Mr Shin: Well my partner took care of that

Bong Soon :(confused) Partner?

Mr Shin :Why am I answering  questions of a person who's about to become a corpse. You can ask them yourself.

He pulls out his gun and and as he's about to pull his trigger someone shouts "FREEZE"

but it's too late as the gun fires and goes directly towards Mi Nam' s chest.

Suddenly police officers come of out all directions and pin Mr Shin on the floor.

Bong Soon :Mi Nam!

The Boys rush to her as well

Won Ho :Wake up!

Mi Nam opens her eyes

Mi Nam:(sobbing)Ouch that hurt

They all sigh in relief

Bong Soon: I'm glad you agreed to wear the bulletproof vest.

Mr Shin:(confused)  What's going on?

Bong Soon:You just got trapped.(smirking) Remember how you left me in a vegetable state.I might have not been able to walk but one thing was still working perfectly. My Brain! You see I had so much free time on that bed that i made a full proof plan which would end with you in jail.All I needed was bait .I knew how badly you wanted to finish me off but you never got a chance .So I created this one.And just to make sure you came I included Mi Nam who you've also been trying to find .(smirking )Now we're here

Detective Ji :Mr Shin you're under arrest.

Mr Shin :(enraged) You can't arrest me!

Soo Hyun :Actually they can.

Mr Shin: You don't even have proof !

Min Ho: (showing him some footage) Awe you mean this

Mr Shin: This can't be!

Myung Soo: You see every inch of this room has a camera ,we have more than enough proof to send you to jail for the rest of your life .We're also witnesses so that's double proof.

Mr Shin: Nooooooo!

Won Ho: (smirking )How does it feel to lose to a teenager "Grandfather "

Mr Shin :(furious)You'll all pay for this

Detective Ji: The only person who will be paying here is you.

Detective Geum: All thanks to Miss Kim

Bong Soon: Don't flatter me ,everyone contributed.

Myung Soo: Come on take the credit you made the plan we just followed it .

Soo Hyun: I mean all we did was get the police here whilst you risked your life

Min Ho: You really are wonder woman.

Bong Soon: (blushing) You guys are too much.

Detective Ji :Take him away.

Mr Shin is taken to the police car


Bong Soon: So what happens now?

Detective Ji: You just let us do our job.

Detective Geum: We'll make sure that man rots in prison.

Detective Ji:You don't know how indebt we are to you kids.

Bong Soon: We just did what we felt was right

Detective Ji: You went the extra mile

Detective Geum: But don't do it again, Next time tell us and we'll help you.

Min Ho: Okay we'll do that for sure.

Detective Ji :Okay we'll finish gathering up the footage then we'll be out of your hair

Won Ho: (extending his hand to her)Come on get up.Lets go out for some air.

Mi Nam :Okay

Mi Nam and Won Ho walk out

Myung Soo:(shocked) What just happened

Bong Soon:(dumbfound)  I don't even know

Min Ho: (confused) Won Ho just grew up!

Soo Hyun: (smirking) Who would've thought

They all exit the house following the two

Bong Soon: Omo they look so adorable, I'm jealous.

Min Ho: On that note.

Myung Soo: I think it's time

Soo Hyun: You picked a guy

Bong Soon:(annoyed)  Aish you couldn't let  me enjoy this moment

Myung Soo: This is serious

Bong Soon: I....

Suddenly their parents arrive

Bong Soon!  ....Soo Hyun!.....Boys!

Min Ho: (annoyed) Aish when did they get here

Soo Hyun: (irritated) They sure do know how to kill a vibe

Myung Soo: (sobbing)Worst timing ever!