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Stephen woke up in the middle of the night. He groans as he sits up from the bed. He opens his bag in search of the map. Once he found it, he opens it and looks through it. He took a picture of the place, he is going next then checks the time.

He still has four remaining hours before he checks out of the apartelle. He stretches before planning what he should do for the rest of his trip. He even took a picture of his map to save it to his phone since the map is too big to be carried all the time.

He prepares everything that he needs and even took a shower because he might not get one during his trip.

He checks the time again and smiles. 'It's time to go,' he thought to himself. He slips on the bag and puts everything needed in the bag making sure he is not leaving his things behind. He puts on his shoes and ties them nicely and he is ready to go.

He grabs the key and locked the door and went straight to the front desk to return the key and pays for his bills.

He felt the coldness of the near-end winter breeze as he steps out of the apartelle. He felt shivers down his spine so he just shakes it off and wears his jacket then he started walking. According to the map, he could reach Phantom Island before it gets dark or if nothing goes south.

He checked his phone again to see if he is going in the right direction since he doesn't want to get lost again. He puts his headphones on and continues walking. Hours of walking later, he spotted a small stall along the road and he decides to ask if he is near the ferry terminal.

"Excuse me, Miss?" the latter asks as he approaches the stall. The lady looks at him and smiles, "Yes? What can I do for you?" she said while organizing her goods. Stephen smiles back and asks, "Can I ask if where the ferry terminal is?" The lady looks at him with confusion and realizes that he is asking for the ferry terminal.

She laughs at her own confusion quietly then answers the latter. "Can you see that corner?" she asks the young man. Stephen nods as she continues to tell him the direction to the terminal.

"Walkthrough that corner to reach the plaza. The fare is cheap so I suggest to go ask them to get you to the ferry terminal. Just beware of thieves that roam around that place, they are pretty trendy nowadays," she added.

The young man nods and thanked her for the directions and started walking again. He entered the corner and true to the lady's words, the alley is pretty small. A car won't even fit there. He walks through the smelly canals that fill the side of the alley and at the end of that is indeed the city's plaza.

It still early but the place is already packed with people buying their groceries just like the early morning of Sunday.

He walks around looking for the tricycle terminal when a guy bumps into him. He said he's sorry but the guy stops him.

"I'm a thief, give me your money." Stephen looks at him with fear and was about to run when he felt something sharp against his waist.

"I will stab you to death if you don't give me your money," the guy said forcing him to give up his money. Stephen does not know what to do and he can't give up his money since he can't stay in that place any longer.

He needs to get to Phantom Island before anything could happen to him. But before he even can speak, a man stops the other thief from hurting him.

"You don't want to go to jail, right?" the man said and let go of the other's arm as they watch him scurry away.

"Are you okay?" the man said as he checks if Stephen is harmed or not. Stephen just looks at him as if he knows who the mystery man is. That's when it strikes him, the guy looks very much like Alviary.

But he couldn't be Alviary because Alviary is dead and no one told him that he can possess a living human. Stephen continues to stare at him when all of a sudden the guy chuckles.

"Quit staring at me, kid. You are making me feel stupid," he said as he snaps his finger at Stephen. The latter blinks his eyes and hugs Alviary.

Alviary flinches by the contact but hugs the boy back so people won't get suspicious.

Stephen is the one to break the hug and smiles at Alviary. "You don't know how happy I am now that I saw you," Stephen exclaims with an overjoyed voice. Alviary just smiles and slaps the boy on the head.

"Stupid, you have everything that could help you to reach this place before dark but you still got lost," Alviary said in between his snickers.

"I'm sorry," Stephen said in a childish voice. Alviary chuckles and continues walking with him so he could reach the tricycle terminal before he gets lost again.

"No one played you or hurt you while walking down the hills, right?" Alviary asks the boy.

Stephen thought for a minute before answering what had happened to him when he got tired from walking. "Now that you mentioned it," Stephen said giving Alviary a sheepish grin. Alviary rolls his eyes and stared blankly at Stephen.

"I did hear something along the woods when I sat down near a big tree. They are tiny whispers and giggles along with a big whoosh of cold air.

Then out of nowhere, I heard this deep big voice asking whoever scares the shit out of me to go away and let me continue walking," Stephen said as he continues his story in an excited voice.

Alviary softly smiles at the latter who telling his accident with the forest fairies who retell them as if he is reading a bedtime story. As they reach the tricycle terminal, Stephen looks at Alviary with sad eyes.

"Will you go with me?" Stephen asks with a sad voice. "I would love to but I can't. They will not welcome me there," Alviary explains as he pats the boy's shoulder. "Now, listen here, boy," Alviary said as he looks Stephen straight in the eyes.

"The moment you got to the boat terminal, go to the front desk and say my name. If the lady just looks at you with confusion, present one leugo bill. Do you understand me?" the living god added. Stephen nods and takes note of the instruction that Alviary gave.

"Why can't you go with me?" Stephen asks before boarding the tricycle. "They hate me there. Plus, their queen and I are not on good terms. Now, go before it gets dark," Alviary said as he pushed the boy to board the awaiting tricycle.

Stephen mounts the tricycle and tells the driver his destination before waving goodbye to Alviary. The driver nods and drove away. It took them thirty minutes to reach their destination. Stephen pays the driver before going to the front desk.

"Good morning," Stephen greets the lady at the front desk. The lady greets back and smiles at him. Stephen took a deep breath before saying Alviary's name. The moment the lady heard his name, her eyes turns into green, and smiles at him.

"Brave for you to go there alone," the lady said as she writes down his ticket. "I need to," Stephen simply answers. The lady looks up to him with confusion when she trembles at the sight of a white spirit.

She visibly gulps and looks away. After writing Stephen's ferry ticket, she instructed him to go find a small boat and show him his ticket. Stephen nods and pays her ten leugo bills. He thanked her and she just smiled back.

Stephen went on his way to find the small boat. He went around the terminal and asks the guards where could it be so he won't get lost. "The boat is at the end near to the ferry Crepinss," one guard said.

Stephen nods before thanking him. He skips to the end of the big ferry boat when he sees an old man sitting near a small boat. He greets him with a smile and shows his ticket.

The old man frowns at him and asks, "That place is dangerous, why would you want to go there, kid?" Stephen just smiles and answered, "I have something to do there, Sir. Please get me to the island."

The old man sighs as he helps him board his boat. Stephen sits comfortably while the old man starts his engine. Moments later, they were on their way.

The waters that parted the island from the mainland is far and wide. Its beauty could be described as an escape from the real world.

The shallow waters gave its signature that drawing people out of their misery and welcoming them with warmth and glory.

It's an enchanting and magnificent sight. Stephen even took a picture of the sea. They have been traveling for almost half an hour now when all of a sudden, the older man that was stirring his mini boat starts to transform into something he hasn't before.

His back starts to extract four big white wings and his hair starts to extend to his legs. His clothes start to change, too.

He looked like a traveler from medieval times but more elegant and rich. He turns to Stephen and the boy felt his breathing stops. He looks so magnificent and calm. But nothing compares to Alviary's beauty and sophistication.

He bends down on one knee and told Stephen to get ready because they are near Phantom Island. Stephen nods and looked around him.

The vast space that serves as a picture earlier is now filled with numerous soft humongous clouds. The mainland is nowhere to be seen and he can't also see the island.

The only indication that they are there when he felt the boat rams into a hard surface. The engine stops and the older man asks him to get off before the boat vanishes along with him. The boy nods and is mounted off of the boat.

When his feet meet the sandy part of the shore, he looks over the older man. True to his word, the boat did vanish leaving no trace of its existence.

The older man approaches Stephen and asks him to walk behind him never leaving his sight. Stephen nods and follows the man then they both entered the island.

The island's aura is dark and unwelcoming. He even felt shivers under his jacket. He can't even imagine living in a place like this. If he is, he will probably be more scared than safe.

They walk for about fifteen minutes when Stephen sees a stone-walled arch filled with green vines and wallflowers. They continue walking for another five minutes then that's when Stephen sees the true beauty of the island.

The dark aura that the island gives from its unwelcomed visitor hides the true wonders of the Phantom Island. The boy, himself, can't help but smile when he sees the magnificent place. Fairies and dwarves alike are welcomed and nurtured there.

Big birds with multiple wings can fly freely without being shot to the dead and get sold on the black market.

Mysterious creatures that only exist in books could be seen running along with humans. The heart of the island is much happier than the rest of it.

The older man guides him to the palace where he could meet the queen that reigns it all. He follows the man with glee.

Once entered the palace, the man bows to the queen who looks much younger than him. He bows with him as a sign of respect. When he looks back, the queen smiles at him and said,

"Welcome to Phantom Island."