What happened yesterday is still stuck on Stephen's mind. The ride to the phantom island, the transformation of the ferryman, the creepy entrance of the island, the beauty that it hides, the creatures living within, and their beautiful queen.

Meeting her feels like heaven, they even treat him as their own. He felt alive on the island. he had a good night's sleep and even played with the other creatures living in it. He smiles as he wakes up and reminisces about everything that had happened yesterday.


He was so nervous to even meet their queen but the ferryman said that everything will be okay as long as he knows why he traveled to Phantom Island.

"Make no mistakes." He remembered the ferryman said as they walk inside the palace. The palace is big and wide. It's not the same as the old palaces shown in pictures in the real world.

This one is different. It has a pointy roof and is surrounds by towers that have a similar type of roof. The roof extends to a much higher point that is according to the ferryman were swords from the last war against the north and south. The structure is so magnificent and breathtaking.

Her symbol is at the center of the main wall upfront. The ferryman told me that her symbol is an angel with folded wings; one is a black wing and the other is white. Combining the two kingdoms that were once enemies.

It was a remarkable thing to see in real life. He was nervous, yes, he had said too many times, but at the same time, he was so excited to meet the queen. When the big door opens and the guards welcomed them, Stephen saw the queen standing up to meet them.

She has humongous wings, bigger than the ferryman and her subjects. According to the ferryman, her wings represent each of the Angel Gods from the North to the South. She has eight of them, so there could be eight Angel Gods.

Stephen was amazed by how she managed to carry eight humongous wings behind her back. It might've been heavy for her but she did not care. She still stood up to greet us. We bowed to her as well then she sat down to her throne.

Beside her is a winged man with long blond hair and has pointy ears. He wears armor that looks lighter than the others. He wears a hooded cape and a black mask showing his glowing blue eyes.

The ferryman shoves Stephen a little and told him not to stare. He said he's sorry and looks away.

The queen taps her hand by the armrest and everyone begins to disappear. Even the ferryman went away, the time Stephen looks at the queen once again, her other wings are now gone and were placed with just a pair.

She came down from her throne and went by Stephen's side. "How are you, my boy?" she asked with a smile on her face.

Stephen smiled back and said, "I am fine, Your Majesty." The queen nods at him and leads him near the big window to see the beauty of the island. "I might know the reason why you are here, you should've brought the wolf with you," she said in a teasing tone.

Stephen looks at her and answered, "Uran said I can't bring him because it was too dangerous." The queen shakes her head and laughs a little. "Alviary and his creatures are truly funny," she said as she wipes her tears away.

"We have long forgiven them already. We even would have helped them escape Gliffan forest when the Sluagh attacked but their queen's pride took aim to their main goal so they blocked us out," she said with a sigh of frustration at the end.

Stephen looks outside the big window and was amazed by the happy smiles that emit from the people and creatures alike on this island. Stephen even starts to imagine a life here with the others. He clears his throat and asks the queen the real reason as to why he came to the island.

"Your Majesty, I would like to have your assistance in saving the people of Biringan from the Sluagh," he asks with respect as he puffs his chest to look more confident as he is not. The queen looked at him with stern eyes before looking away.

"The Sluagh is a tough creature to kill. We need to bring all the forces that we could think of if you want Biringan to be saved," she said walking away from the window. Her wings disappear as she sat down by the stairs of her throne.

"But fortunately for us, my soldiers are easy to talk to and won't hesitate to join the fight against the Sluagh, the problem there are the wolves," she said in a sigh.

Stephen looks at her with determination. "You look so confident, boy. Would you like to do something for me?" she asks as she notices the way he looks at her. "What's in it for me?" he asks as he makes his way to her side.

"We will help you defeat the Sluagh and saved the people of Biringan. I can even help you free the white wolf from his curse," she offers while looking at the young boy in front of him. Stephen thought for a second before answering her offer.

Will it be a win-win situation for both of them or not? It sounds like it will just benefit Stephen's desire to eliminate the Sluagh. He looks at the queen and smiles, "Okay I will do your favor. As long as I don't die while doing it," he said with confidence.

The queen just smiles and stands up and walks away from him, spreading her wings along the way. "Go and convince Alviary to join the fight against the Sluagh and you will have my full assistance in doing so," she orders before knocking on the big door. Stephen follows behind her thinking how hard can it be convincing Alviary.


No one told him it will be this hard. No one cared to tell him that Alviary is one of the most stubborn living god existing in this realm. No one told him that he needs to suffer explaining what are the pros and cons of joining when the only thing Alviary can think of are the cons.

Stephen inhales already losing his calm and cool persona so that he could just yell at the living god in front of him.

"For the last time, Alviary, they will fucking help us in saving Biringan and she will provide all the protection needed in fighting the Sluagh. No one will die and everyone will be saved unless you have other plans on dying alone and lonely!" he exclaims cutting off whatever the living God wants to say.

"Don't you want to end all of the sufferings your subjects endured for all of these years?" Stephen asks as he faces Alviary with anger and frustration. Alviary looks at him with guilt then he sighs.

"I hear you, alright. And I also knew that Meryanha will say yes to you at your request," he said as he transforms himself into his human form. He looks back to Stephen and said, "Do you think she will recognize me in this form?"

Stephen looks at him confusedly and asks, "The hell you mean?" Alviary laughs and reveals something to Stephen that the boy will never want to know.

"I am her husband, King Aeolus."