Delfin gawks the moment she heard the name of the Angel God she had long for. The Angel God of the Southeast that serves the King of Trolls. She imagines his majestic wings and muscular body as she reminisces the last time she had seen him visit her on the island. She looks at Salthifer with glaring eyes while the other is just looking at him innocently.

"How would you convince such God to serve me, mortal?" Delfin asks spires are in her voice as she spats to Salthifer. Salthifer thought for a moment before he clears his throat. "I've met Luellen before and I can guarantee you that he will serve you with no question ask," Salthifer said as he looks at her with a smirk and she glares right at him. 

"Negotiate with him now, and maybe I will let my troop join yours," she said, challenging Salthifer as he nods to the Queen. Belevathan stands up and grabs Salthifer's arm, asking him if he should continue this or ask somebody else. Salthifer looks at her with a smile and went to the balcony where he removes his disguise. Delfin gasps when she saw the Mended One. She can't believe that he is real and not just any fantasy that he might not be real.

Salthifer draws his wings out and shakes like a dog. He spreads them widely and looks sharply over the horizon. His eyes then turn into violet and he whispers an unknown language and the winds blow hard, making the table cloths fly towards the guests. His powers are too extreme that Sartilliane and Belevathan shield the others so they won't be affected by the sudden whiplash from Salthifer. 

Moments later, an angel came out of nowhere. White hair with glistening sapphire eyes, his wings are black but a bit darker than Sartilliane's. His body looks a bit like a Sluagh but his face is more of a human face. Delfin gasps as she sees the angel in front of her. There, standing tall and proud is Eldridge Luellen. He bows when he recognizes Queen Meryanha and bows to Delfin also. Delfin bows like a princess and smiles sweetly at the Angel God. 

He then turns to Salthifer who is adjusting his armor after his quick change. Luellen went over to him and bows down to his knees with a bit of a smug look on his face. "My duty of protecting the Trolls King is done, my Liege," said the Angel God with pride in his voice as he waits for his new master. "Well done, Luellen," Salthifer said with a smile on his face.

"Now, you should meet your new master. The only person that you will protect during the war," Salthifer declares as he draws his hand towards Delfin. Luellen follows where the hand points and looks at the MerFairy. He bows his head and shows the sweetest smile that the Angel God could offer. 

"I, Eldridge Luellen, will protect you and the island for as long as I live," Luellen declares in front of the others. He receives a few encouragements from his fellow Angel Gods and some applause from the others too. Delfin didn't hesitate to touch him after his declaration. She asks everyone to follow her where her soldiers are. Queen Meryanha handpicked the proper numbers of soldiers needed for the war. 

Luellen went to Salthifer's side and asks about a certain person. "Is he going to join us for battle?" he asks the living God. Salthifer nods and told him much greater news. "Jethro and Keres will be joining us," Salthifer said, making the Angel God gasps in excitement. "The titan and the Sluagh Prince?" he asks, trying to comprehend the information coming from the living God. Salthifer nods at the man beside and Luellen just smiles, complimenting Salthifer for convincing the titan to join their troops. 

"You are complimenting the wrong person, kid," Salthifer said, drawing his hand and pointing at Alviary who is having a mental breakdown as they speak. Luellen follows Salthifer's hand and when he saw Alviary, sweating profusely and shivering non-stop, he wonders why the other living God is being like that. 

"What's happening with Alviary?" Luellen asks as he watches the other as he shivers as if there is someone blowing cold air behind him, shakes his head, and heaving a heavy sigh from time to time. Luellen looks at the Queen who is not noticing what is happening in Alviary's body. He asks Salthifer about it but Salthifer just shrugs it when he realizes that this is not Alviary. 

He tries searching for Alviary's soul and it reacts where Phantom Island lies. He sighs in relief and looks at Salthifer who is more focused on looking over to the wolves rather than to the army of merpeople who will be joining them in the fight against the Sluagh. "So, who asked the Sluagh Prince to join us in fighting against his own kind?" Luellen asks, moments later, as they walk throughout the island and before they board the ship to sail back to Phantom Island. 

"He will not be fighting his own kind. He is just here to protect his mate since his mate is an Angel God," Salthifer said, making Luellen flinches in a hurry and moves away from Salthifer as he chuckles at the sudden reaction. "Stop joking like that, Salthifer!" he exclaims, making the other Angel Gods looked at them in worry. Queen Meryanha and Delfin went over to know what is going on between the two, who is just having a good time earlier. 

"What is going on?" Delfin asks, clinging to Luellen and touching him gently, easing all the nervousness and shivers that he felt from the sudden information. "Salthifer?" Meryanha asks, her tone is filled with worry and confusion. The living God only shrugs as he looks away from Luellen. "Answer me, Salthifer!" Luellen yells once again, making the others flinch away and glaring at the living God. Salthifer sighs and went over to Luellen as he pries him away from Delfin. 

Luellen struggles from the living God's hold as he was being dragged to the deepest part of the forest where the old Tree of the Fifth Kingdom standing tall and proud. The others did not dare to follow the two since they don't want to mess with a pissed off living God like Salthifer. They've never seen him mad before but according to the legend, he is scary when he is mad. None of them wants to test that theory so they wait for him to come back. 

 Meanwhile, back on Phantom Island, Alviary is having his existential crisis for believing that the kid that they adopted many years ago, will always be the sweet kid he knew before. He sighs to himself and enters the darkroom where the Titan is. Meryanha hasn't known about the secret visit of Alviary or the information that Alviary knows about Jethro's existence on the island. And Alviary would not dare to tell the Queen about the visits since he has a mission to accomplish. He might tell her about it after the war. 

Alviary sighs and looks around the darkroom as he strips off of his clothes. The titan who is watching what he is doing is enjoying every bit of it. He did not dare move or make any sound so he will not scare the living God. Jethro had never seen his foster father as an object of pleasure and sexuality but after his transformation as a living God, his perspective towards him changes. He can't unseen now how beautiful Alviary is, with his wings, his long hair, and his wings. 

Jethro licks his lips and transforms around the same height as Alviary. He removes his shoes and put them aside as he quietly walks where the living God is. He carefully blows cold air into Alviary's naked skin as it sends shivers down his spine. He traces the fine line of Alviary's body as he moves forward towards the living God. 

Alviary is beautiful. He is much beautiful than any other living Gods that Jethro had seen for the past thousands of years of him being alive and reincarnated. No one and falter his foster father for being the most enchanting living God. Now, no one could claim him since it is part of the golden rule amongst creatures that if a titan had marked his compeer, that person or creature or even a living God should not be touched by anyone else.

"Are you ready, Forest King?" Jethro asks lips lands on Alviary's shoulder and up to his neck, biting the skin, leaving marks at the places where everyone could see them. Alviary is no longer his foster father and he is no longer his child. Ever since the last war and after he died, he was reincarnated as a creature so unrecognizable that he asks for a living God's help to bring him back as a human to find his parents but the living God made him as a titan instead. 

He carries Alviary unto the bed and laid him there gently, as he hovers on top of him and kisses him vigorously, leaving marks all over the living God's body. Salthifer felt the sensation and turns his head away from Luellen and towards the sky. Sartilliane felt the same sensation and turns her head towards the direction of the Phantom Island. Belevathan saw what is happening and closes her eyes. Zarzagoa had seen this coming but she thought Alviary would've found the titan after the war.

Nonetheless, they were all happy for another addition to their long lists of mated living Gods. Salthifer mumbles as he looks at the sky before looking back at Luellen, who has a confused look plastered on his face. Salthifer smiles and said, 

"She lost him again."