They went back to Linnamenie to ask the other Angel Gods for help against the fight with the Sluaghs. They all agreed and were tasked to go to Jastirikka and ask for more troops. Kawanami went with them and the others went back to Phantom Island where everyone is waiting for their return. Queen Meryanha has been restless ever since they left the fifth mountain. She feels that there is something wrong with Alviary but she can't a finger on it. 

She asks Sartilliane about Alviary but even the living God doesn't know what is happening with her king. She felt a sudden sensation as if something is pricking her with a tiny pin on her skin. She looks over the area but nothing is there. She enters the ship cabin and sits on her chair when she notices that the mirror on the cabin is adjacent to the door. 

Meryanha looks at the mirror as it suddenly creates ripples of water inside. She stands up and readied herself in case it is an enemy attack. What she did not expect is to see Alviary being ravished by a titan that she knew from a long time ago. She gasps at the scene and tries to look away. The titan is looking straight at the mirror, his eyes were filled with lust and love; lust for Alviary's body and love for Meryanha.

The Queen just smiles and finally looks away and smiles to herself. 'I might've lost him again but I know he will be okay with Jethro beside him,' she thought as she looks out over the horizon. The image on the mirror is no longer there, it's only her thoughts that are keeping her entertained. Her being the Queen of the Phantom Island and the Queen that was being served by the Angel Gods of the North made her less human and more like an emotionless creature. Her human emotions are no longer there. 

After the last war, her system had completed her transformation as the long lost Queen. She doesn't even know what her past is or where she came from, who is her family, or does she even have friends. These memories are now long gone after the coronation and Siyenthera's death. She looks at the map that is on her table and marked 'X' the one place where Siyenthera is buried. The plan of reviving the Dark Queen might not be the best idea for it could go wrong anytime, but with her power, they could easily defeat the Sluaghs. Focusing on their goal, she looks straight ahead and exhales a sigh. 

"We will win," she boldly said as she went out of the cabin and into the crowded ship sailing back to her island. 


The ritual is finished and Larius is the first one to wake up. He looks over to Keres, who is sleeping soundly beside him. He is in his Sluagh form yet his presence is more soothing and comforting rather than the usual mad and scary Sluagh. Larius smiles and looks down his mark. It looks like a bunch of swirls and ugly lines but he knows that those ugly lines represent Keres crest and his crest. 

"You did a great job, my Prince," Larius whispers and kisses Keres on his lips before going to the kitchen and prepares breakfast for the both of them. He went outside of the hut and picks some fresh fruits from the outside when he suddenly hears tiny ruffles from the bushes. Like a soldier he is, he looks over and was shocked to see an angry Sluagh looking back at him. He runs towards the hut as fast as he can. But the angry Sluagh is much faster and catches him from behind. 

He yelps loudly, waking Keres from his slumber even from far away. He looks over to his side and finds Larius is not there. In a panic, he jumps off the bed and tries tracing his scent back. The scent of another Sluagh made him very angry. He growls and went out of the hut, following the stagnant scent. He dodges a lot of falling branches of vines and bigger trees. As the scent grew stronger and nearer, he runs faster than before and when he reaches the place where Larius is. He sees red.

Larius is bleeding tremendously but he is still fighting the ravishing Sluagh in front of him. On the last ounce of his strength, a familiar scent came over him and all of a sudden, the angry Sluagh's head lands on his legs. He yelps in shock and throws it away. He looks over to see Keres shredding his body to pieces. He immediately steps back but when he sees how angry Keres is to his own kind, his heart melts, and waits until the Sluagh prince is finished. 

Zarzagoa, who is watching everything from above, smiles and asks Belevathan to give them a visit before the war starts and bring back the head of the dead Sluagh. Belevathan nods and went over to where Larius and Keres are, leaving the sailing ship and went back to Linnamenie. She was welcomed by the calm and collected Sluagh Prince, who smiles at her and let her in where Larius is sitting and resting after the bloody fight.

She gives Zarzagoa's blessing to them and brought back the Sluagh's head only to be asked again to bring it to the Dark Sage, who had been asking Zarzagoa for a potion that the Sluagh King needs to locate the Sluagh Prince. Belevathan pouts before flying over to where the Dark Sage is. 

The Dark Sage's place is on the far eastern side of the Seventh Kingdom. She went over wearing her disguise and was welcomed by his minions, who did not know who Belevathan is at that moment; only the Dark Sage who felt her presence knew that it was her who is coming over. 

"Endulity Goddess! Welcome!" the Dark Sage exclaims, making his minions looks over where they are, which made Belevathan rolls her eyes. "Hello to you, Mr. Fugatt!" she exclaims, making him glare at her as his lips form into a thin line. "What can I do for you, living God?" he asks, his voice filled with sarcasm. "Nothing. I am just here as a messenger," she said as she reached over the bag to him. He looks at it before looking back at Belevathan, who has a smile plastered on her young and beautiful face that the Dark Sage hates so much. He rolls his eyes and takes the back from Belevathan. 

"What is this?" he asks, looking at the Endulity Goddess with piercing eyes. Belevathan smiles and answered, "It's a gift from the Sluagh Prince. He asked me to give it to you." The sudden information about the Sluagh Prince had the Dark Sage interested. He opens the bag and shrieks at the sight of the bleeding head of a Sluagh. He screams in fear and throws the bag towards Belevathan, who only catches it with grace and a smile on her face. 

"You should not do that. The Prince won't be happy," Belevathan said, giving him another warning before flying away, leaving the dead Sluagh on his front porch. He asks his minions to warn the Sluagh King about the head and tell him the new information about the Sluagh Prince.

Fugatt, the Dark Sage, then closes his door and locks it forever. He exhales a defeated sigh and contacted his sister, Zarzagoa, asking her to bring him back to the Seventh Kingdom. Zarzagoa smiles throughout the conversation but she won't bring him back in an instant. He needs to pay for his sins first before going back to the Seventh Kingdom. Fugatt nods at all the conditions he needs to accomplish before going back to the Seventh Kingdom. Zarzagoa is more than happy to welcome his brother back to the kingdom. 

Zarzagoa now readies all the supplies she needs for the war to come. She is very excited about it. It has been a long time ever since the last war had happened. Good thing that Salthifer is in need of a compeer to be reborn again. Everything is according to plan and she is excited to see the result of this century's war. After preparing everything that she needs, she asks her brother to let the Sluagh send the message of the war to make the people from the other side of the island, shivers. What she doesn't know, her brother did something to the Sluagh that will make Salthifer and the others win the war in an instant. 

Her brother never really likes helping the Sluagh if it weren't for Larius and the people of Biringan being there where he was held captive. Sluaghs are selfish creatures and can't be conveyed with words other than "I will give you these blessings of power and more strength." Fugatt is done being his slave. He will not be doing it again. 

Now, that he is free from the Sluagh King's clutches, he visited where Larius and Keres were. The Sluagh Prince is more than happy to see him and he even asks him to help Larius to recover from his wounds. Fugatt is more than happy to help them. He even offered his service of bringing them back to Phantom Island after Larius' recovery, which made the two happy at the offer of the former Dark Sage.


Alviary's mission had been accomplished and Jethro will join them in the war where they would go against the Sluagh, who is known for being brutal and cold-blooded. Alviary is more than happy to be able to accomplish such an important task. But he is worried about what would the Queen say about this. He still loves the Queen but after the task, he felt nothing but admiration for the Queen, which made him question his decision of agreeing to mate with the titan. 

He looks over to his side and sees this humongous human beside him, who is sleeping soundly and peacefully. He smiles at the sight of the titan and kisses his cheek. This made Alviary blushing profusely and look away from the titan. *Why the hell did I do that?* Alviary thought on the back of his head. He shakes the thought away but the sight of the naked titan beside him makes his head dizzy and his heart beats faster than before. *This is not normal* He thought once again. 

He went out of the bed to only drop to the ground with a thud. He looks at his knees that are shaking and all of a sudden, a good-looking titan looks over where he is sitting. "What are you doing there?" Jethro asks, looking at Alviary with confusion. Alviary blushes and asks him to bring him back to the bed because he can't stand up. This information made Jethro realizes what is going on with the living God. 

"Sorry," the titan said, rubbing the back of his head and smiling sheepishly at the living God beside him. Alviary looks at him with confusion but blushes when he heard the titan's explanation of what is happening with them. Alviary ducks his head and blushes away. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, the Sluagh King screams in pain.