It's the day of the war and every single person is on the edge of their seats. These past few months had been the most hectic for Salthifer and the people inside the Phantom Island. No one knows what is going to happen but they all hope that they will win the battle against the Sluagh. Queen Meryanha asks everyone to pack everything that they need and board them to the ship. After everything had settled and everyone boarded the ship, they sailed once again this time; their destination is the old palace where Alviary's human compeer ruled before, the Kingdom of Voyagerinda.

They had just arrived at their destination when the Dark Sage came into view. "Greetings, people of the Phantom Island!" he said, smirking a little to piss Belevathan who has a smug look on her face. "My name is Fugatt and I will take you directly to where Agus is," he said, creating a larger portal where everyone could fit including the troops that Belevathan. The moment they enter the portal, Fugatt warned them of the grave danger that the Sluagh had planned for them. 

Clangs of spears and the voices of evil can be heard; sweaty bodies from tyrants that ruled the place, Agus never imagine that there will be guardians that guard here. Long tails and prickly ears, giant bodies in silver armor, growling stomachs hungry for justice and fear. The leader of those tyrants encourages his subjects to fight until their last breath. To protect the palace until their king would return to his rightful place. 

The realization hits him when he sees that Sluaghs are more powerful than them. He prays to all the living Gods to give them the strength and power but was interrupted by a roaring Sluagh charging towards him. He draws his sword and prepares his shield for the impact but none of them came. He looks over for his savior and sees Sartilliane with her golden shining armor that sparkles through the light from the hidden light. 

"Sartilliane!" he exclaims with joy and pride as he looks over to see if she is with someone else. And there, in front of him, are the saviors that he will be thanking for saving their lives. "My Lord!" he exclaims again, Sartilliane smiles at him and asks him to join the others as they fight against the Sluagh. Their leader nods and asks for his troop to resume a close formation; guarding the gates of Voyagerinda keeping the Sluaghs from entering as they protect each and every ruin from the last fallen Kingdom. 

"Shield the gates while fighting against the Sluaghs that's trying to conquer our kingdom!" he orders, his troops following his command and shielded the gates of the palace with their magic shield that had been taught to them for over a thousand years, preventing anyone from entering even the living Gods. The scenes touch Alviary's heart for he doesn't know what he did for them to protect his kingdom just like this. He didn't know that there are still guardians guarding this sanctuary he once called home. He will say his thanks later after the battle. 

A humongous Sluagh appears, leveling and pounding the magic shield as they force their way inside. Gab and the other Angel Gods of the North pierce their way through the Sluaghs and went to the guardians' aid. "I don't know who you are, but if you will stand in our way, I will not hesitate to kill you all!" the Sluagh exclaims but got terrified when he heard a sudden boom behind him. He turns his back and surprised by a humongous circle that kills hundreds of their troops. 

Repeated sounds can be heard all throughout the kingdom, making the Sluaghs terrified and falls back. But Agus' mind tricks take a toll on them and ordered them to fight until their last breath. Belevathan charges with her troops toward the Sluagh, slicing them in half and cutting their heads off, minimizing the numbers of Sluagh as they attack more. "Oh, looks like it's started!" Jethro exclaims as he watches the fireballs being released in Salthifer's hands and throwing them at the Sluaghs in armors. 

Screams of pain and suffering from the Sluaghs can be heard across the field as the other Angel Gods attack non-stop. Queen Meryanha went to Jethro and asks him to save the people of Biringan while the others will stay here and fight. Jethro nods but Alviary asks the Queen to join him in rescuing Ignacio and his people. Queen Meryanha gives her approval as she launches to attack towards the Sluagh in her armor made of latex and tantalum, making her attack freely. 

The humongous Sluagh growls at the guardian as it speaks, "Is this what great magic looks like? I must end whoever using it to make my King win this war!" He said as he faces the guardians with anger and irritation. The guardians looked at the Golden Warrior beside him and ask, "Who are those flames belong?" His voice is filled with worry and hesitation as he watches the flames engulfed every Sluaghs it lands to. "Don't worry; it was just an Angel God from the South," she said in a very calming tone, making the leader of the guardians sigh in relief. 

The giant fireball looks like a giant sun dropping on the land. Its striking rays and spiraling flames engulfed the Sluaghs, killing them instantly. The colors of yellow, orange, red, violet, and pink can be seen as it spirals on the ground. It was a magnificent sight to watch as the guardians thanked whoever Sage heard their prayer of help. The fireball disappears together with the hundreds of Sluaghs that it engulfed, revealing four figures of Angel Gods with their bloody swords and crazy glowing eyes. "This is why I asked you to move, Sluagh!" one of them exclaims, making the Sluaghs inline back away from the killing machines that they call Angel Gods. 

"W-Who are you?!" the giant Sluagh asks looking terrified at the four figures in their bloody armor. Gab is the first one to step forward, making them shudder in fear. "Angel Gods!" one of the Sluagh exclaims, scrambling to his feet to run away from the Angel Gods. Sartilliane catches him and cuts off his body in half, and wipes away the disgusting scent of blood from the Sluagh. The giant Sluagh looks at Gab with anger as Flames forms another batch of fireballs on his palm. 

"You must thank the living Gods by ending your lives so easily," Andrea said as she smirks before charging towards the Sluaghs as Flames releases his fireballs. Some of the Sluaghs tried to run away from the battlefield but they were caught by Belevathan and her troops of Living Dead. "I'll say it once again," Gab taunts pointing his sharp bloody sword towards the face of the Sluaghs. "Move out of the way, you disgusting creatures…" he trails as he moves an inch forward. "…unless you want to be wiped without a trace," he said, moving again as the Sluaghs stumbles backward away from the Angel Gods, who were ready to kill them all. 

Gab attacks with the other Angel Gods and slicing their enemies in half as they attack more and non-stop. His sword pierces through the lines of Sluaghs making the others take shield from their own kind. The giant Sluagh senses the great aura coming from their enemies tries to disappear from their view but was caught by Belevathan, who stabs it multiple times. Another shrieking screams of dying pigs was heard as another batch of Sluaghs were engulfed by the giant fireballs. 

Salthifer and Zarzagoa watch the war from above. "Are you having fun, Zarzagoa?" Salthifer asks his voice is filled with disappointment and seriousness, making the Old Sage flinch from her spot. "Don't use that tone on me, young man," Zarzagoa said, clearing her throat and fixed her posture as she watches the war unfold. "If it weren't for your boring and lazy ass, this war would never happen!" Salthifer exclaims, making her look at him with an awkward sheepish smile. Ever since Salthifer finds out that the war was because of her, he is giving her a hard time. Even Billie, the former princess of Hell, finds out about it and was asked to do community service towards humankind. 

She will be with Laryo as soon as the war ends. She will become his apprentice in being a folk healer. "Oh, shut up! I already said sorry!" she said as she pouts her way of ending the conversation. Salthifer exasperated a sigh and looks over where the war is being held. When he notices that, Agus is nowhere to be found. He alarms Larius who stayed on the island to protect the place in case a estrange Sluagh attacks the Phantom Island. Salthifer waits for his answer to return as he turned back towards what is happening on the main battlefield but is shocked when Larius messaged back.