She is known as the Cursed Seelie Queen, but her words of wisdom and her mysterious visions could create a better future if only her subject would listen to her. No one believed her visions of craziness and out of this world shit that she has been telling other living gods. But there is one living God that always tells her that everything will be done when it is least expected. She is the Seelie Queen that has been exiled from the Seventh Kingdom by Zarzagoa, who thought that she can't fulfill her duties as an Old Sage. Selfish Zarzagoa is what she calls the Old Sage. Greedy Zarzagoa is what her servants call the Old Sage.

Cartilliannae never wished to be an Old Sage just like Zarzagoa when she is still a fairy that freely roams the forest of Alviary. But after meeting Sartilliane, she did wish to be with her all the time, just like what most fairies want. Once she became an Old Sage, whenever she will have her visions or nightmares, no one ever believed that such things could happen. Until they did. 

She had a vision that Odinna would meet a mysterious girl with a mysterious past and becomes a Queen under King Aeolus' Kingdom; this vision happened and Odinna met Meryanha. 

She had a vision that Siyenthera will come back to take her mother's throne and kill her father along the way; this happened and it created the last known war where Alviary was reborn in King Aeolus' body after his death. 

She had a vision that a human girl would be given a curse that no one could determine where it came from and why she has it until she meets her friend, who she left in the place she calls "home". This happened and Momo was born and her journey throughout the dreadful curse of the white wolf started. 

She had a vision that the curse that she envisions before is not a curse at all but her friend's real identity that is hiding behind the mask of her tribe. Once such a creature reborn or recalled by humans, he will have a hard time going back to the place he calls "home". This happened and Triton was called by the young man named "Stephen", and was tasked to bring him back home.

She had a vision that a lone wolf will have his greatest revenge but would die in the hands of his son. This happened and Agus was reborn as a Sluagh and was killed by his son, the young Sluagh prince, Keres.

She had a vision that the home that Triton calls, is under the ruler of the Sluagh King, and Cartilliannae informed Zarzagoa about it but the selfish, greedy Old Sage pass it unnoticed and the vision happened again that turned Biringan into a place of ruin and raze. 

The last vision that she had is Stephen being reborn as Salthifer and he would lead the people of the island in victory with a few tweaks of mattings along the way. Alviary will meet Jethro as he unlocks the darkened room where the titan roomed for almost a hundred years. They will be mated after Cartilliannae forced them to enter her kingdom and was forced to be separated until their bond would take over and be mated fully.

Keres, the young Sluagh Prince, would fall in love with his father's right-hand soldier, Larius who he almost killed in the process, and would decide to ask the living gods who are living on the Phantom Island to help him revive Larius. Mating with him would take some time as the tradition of his half-angelic blood; they need to get married first before they will be fully mated.

Everything that had happened, she had seen it all. She had been trying to tell the other Sage about this but none of them listened to the mysterious and "flirtatious" Sage ever reborn. With this being said, both Alviary and Jethro are in front of her as she looks at them with disappointment and disapproval. A little bit of acting won't hurt the Queen since her reborn is also near. 

Alviary was bowing in front of the Queen with their faces filled with guilt, embarrassment, and disappointment to themselves that they did not fulfill the mission as their mated bodies want themselves to be fully mated. On the other hand, the titan is bowing with pride and joy as finally he is fully mated with the living God that he had longed for after his reincarnation with the help of the former Queen of the Seventh Kingdom. 

Cartilliannae clears her throat that made them looked at her with disgrace in the living God's eyes. "You did not fulfill your mission," she said, the tone in her voice is something out of the ordinary. She sounded as if she is singing each syllable in an insulting tone. "I hope you are ready for your punishment especially you Alviary. So, be prepared." She said as she calls one of her servants and assists Alviary away from his mate; the sudden action made the titan growls to the servant but the Queen just claps her hands to get his attention and soft-spoken.


She said looking at him with her wide green eyes, making the titan bows down in disgrace as he lets go of the terrified servant and drags Alviary away from Jethro. The Queen looks at him with bored eyes and called two male servants to escort him inside a room for his punishment. He let the servant drag him to the big room. 

Once entered, the titan was shocked to see garments and fabrics all around the room. A fairy tailor is holding a measuring tape and as he stretches like a whip, he moves forward to the titan with a tight smile. 

Jethro closes his eyes for the impact but when he felt nothing, he looks down at the fairy who is measuring his measurements; from his head to his toes and every nook and cranny. He was confused about everything that is happening but he did not want to ask anything about it as Cartilliannae could kill him or Alviary once she got angry.

He is sweating a lot but because of the coldness of the room, his sweating palms and neck were not visible to the naked eye. After the measurements, they made him fit things that he never thought he would wear. He is more confused now than he intentionally asks the tailor what is going on. When the tailor answered, the titan almost fainted out of shock. 


After Alviary was dragged to a large room where he sees tons of different fabrics, various jewels, and expensive-looking garments, he almost fainted in shock. He is confused as to what this punishment could be. He had never seen such punishment before. The fairy tailor is carrying a measuring tape and stretches it as it made a sound like when dominatrix swish whips on the floor. The sound made Alviary flinches. 

The fairy-tailor made his way towards Alviary and he puts the measuring tape around his waist and writes Alviary's measurement as fast as he can. When everything is done, they asked him to fit into some shoes and fairy crowns, and many other shenanigans. 

Everything is happening too fast that the living God is having trouble comprehending every single piece of fabrics, garments, and accessories they are trying to put onto him. When everything ends, they made him face the large mirror that is at the corner of the room and when he sees himself, the living God almost fainted. 

There, he sees himself, wearing a white fairy dress that looks like someone would wear it to a wedding. He touches the fabric that drapes along his shoulder down to his arm. It was smooth like silk but comfortable like chiffon. The string of beads of pearls that surrounds his neckline reflects the sun that shines over the horizon. They were sparkly and magnificent to look at. 

On his waist were the symbols of his power and strength as a living God; the moon and the stars that look upon every living god being born and reborn. On his hands were the most beautiful tailor flower fabric and on his feet were the beads that represent joy and wealth. 

Such accessories only used or seen in a fairy wedding. The living God spins around to look at the fairy tailor with confusion in his eyes. At the back of his mind, he is wishing that the answer to his question will not give him a heart attack. He moves toward the smiling fairy tailor and inhales as he asks whose wedding they were going to attend. The fairy tailor smiles as he placed his measuring tape on the table and looks at Alviary with a teasing smile and as he speaks his answer made Alviary question his sanity and his bond with Jethro.

Did the living God make the right choice? Or it is all part of a big plan that was envisioned many years ago?