The sun rose at the farthest seaboard of Phantom Island. Larius and Keres made out all through the night as they celebrate the freedom of the people of Biringan. Larius felt nice and wonderful as he welcomes a new morning filled with love and excitement. He woke up at the sound of people going walking through the hallways of the palace. 

He opens his eyes and ears as he listens to the people talking about the preparation of a fairy wedding of two. He tilts his head and asks himself whose wedding are they talking about. He blushes when images from last night flash through his mind and look at the man beside him. 

He almost flinches when he noticed Keres in his Sluagh form. He then sighs and smiles as he went down to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, he sees a palace servant in his room, he looks to the bed where Keres was before and sees that he is no longer there. 

"Where's Keres?"

He asks, the palace servant just smiles and asks him to go with her to a room as requested by Sartilliane. Larius looks at her with a confused look but complies. The palace servant smiles again and escorts him into a large room where a fairy tailor is waiting for him. 

As he enters the room, he gasps with the number of fabrics, variously designed garments, and a lot of fairy-like accessories that even he, wouldn't dream of wearing. Everything in the room looks expensive and luxurious; he started to think that the ones getting married might have been a Queen or a noble fairy. 

The fairy-tailor looks in his direction and smiles. "Good day, young Angel God!" he exclaims happily, waving him to come forward as he stretches his measuring tape and starts measuring Larius' body proportion. "What is happening?" Larius asks but the fairy-tailor is not replying to him. 

Larius releases a sigh and waits for him to finish measuring the young Angel God from his head down to his toes. Larius meticulously watches the process as the fairy-tailor hums a fairy song that even the young Angel God knows. 

After all the measuring, the fairy-tailor asks him to strip off up to his undergarments which made Larius rethink his decision of saying yes to the palace servant when she asked him to follow her inside of the big room. "Young Angel God?" the fairy-tailor asked, snapping him out of his thoughts and bringing him back to his reality of stripping off in front of a stranger. 

"You clothes, Sir," he said, his voice is filled with respect, though Larius feels embarrassed with the sudden turn of events. "Right," Larius said, stripping all of his clothes until it was just his undergarments. 

Feeling the coldness of the room, he covers himself using his hands as he watches the fairy-tailor carrying a veil made up of sheer and silk. The fairy-tailor patches it with a flower crown made up of peonies, white roses, and primroses. After that, they asked Larius to sit in front of a large boxed mirror that is located near the shelves of fabrics and garments.

 They cover his body with a soft cloth that he wrapped around himself. He looks at the mirror and sees tiny fairies putting powder into his face and placing rhinestones under his eyes. 

Larius is more than confused about what is happening but he did not ask because he doesn't want to disturb the people doing this mysterious job. He watches the tiny fairies putting blush-on and lipstick and many other more on his face. 

They even fix his disheveled hair and curl it up to make it look like cotton candy. Larius looks sweet and fairy-like despite his muscular and male features. 

They asked for him to stand up and lean down so that the fairy-tailor could put the flower crown up to his head and drags him in front of another large mirror near the door of the big room. One by one, pieces of fabrics are appearing on his skin and forming a beautiful long dress filled with flowers and stars draping to his ankles. 

He looks at himself in front of the mirror as his long white hair is not braided into something like a bride would wear. His eyes widen when he realized what is going on and immediately faces the fairy-tailor who has a big genuine smile on his face.

"It's on the accordance of the living God, Cartilliannae."

He said, making Larius baffled by what he said. He did not understand a thing but he knows who Cartilliannae is. Out of nowhere, he heard Keres' laughing voice from the next room as he talks about what Larius would look like wearing a fairy wedding dress. The latter sounds so happy that made Larius' heart swell with happiness. His cheeks starting to get red and his palms starting to sweat. 

"Congratulations, young Angel God!"

The fairy-tailor happily exclaims and went back to fixing the bouquet of flowers that Larius would be using for the wedding that the people have been preparing since Alviary and Jethro got sucked up to the large tree back to the Kingdom of Voyagerinda. Larius looks at the happy fairy-tailor while he fixes the bouquet of flowers and the boutonniere that the fairy creatures and all the male guests would be wearing on their vest. 

This is not how Larius imagines how he would be spending the entire day but now, he couldn't be asked for more. 


Cartilliannae asks her servants to ready the carriage that they will use to transfer Alviary and Jethro to the island where the wedding would be held. Alviary and Jethro had been looking at each other for quite some time since they saw each other in the hallway wearing fairy wedding clothes. 

Alviary can't look at his mate straight in the eyes without blushing as red as a tomato. On the other hand, Jethro is mesmerized as he stares at whatever Alviary is wearing. He looks mesmerizing and enchanting with the white gown that drapes on his body and the accessories that go along with it. 

The titan gulps as he stops himself from thinking perverted things as he looks at Alviary and his blushing cheeks. Jethro shakes his head and looks away while his cheeks starting to have a slight tint of pink on them. Cartilliannae saw the interaction and smiles to herself. Cute, she thought as she walks down the hallway and waits for the carriage being flown by the muscle fairies. 

When the carriage is there, the Old Sage called out the two and they were on their way to the Phantom Island for the grandest wedding ceremony in the history of their realm. 


Angel Gods, living Gods, fairies and creatures alike, and the Queen and her servants filled the seats of the wedding hall as they wait for the two brides; Alviary and Larius, to walk down the aisle as their grooms, Jethro and Keres were waiting for them at the altar. Everyone is wearing their fairy gowns and their sparkling fairy wings as the Angel Gods wear their luxurious dresses and expensive crowns. 

Everyone is at the edge of their seat as they welcomed Cartilliannae as the wedding vicar for this wedding. She looks around the room with a smile on her face as she silently mocking all the Sages and living Gods that did not believe her visions as they were happening right now. She then asks everyone to stand up and welcome the brides. 

Alviary and Larius walk side by side as Salthifer escorts them to the altar. He is wearing a beautiful silver tuxedo and his hair is flowing at the back of his head. His boutonniere has primroses and peonies on it and he is wearing his crest as a necklace. He walks carefully as the two brides' blushes all the way to the altar and avoids making eye contact with their compeer. 

Both Jethro and Keres handed their hands to assist their brides onto the platform of the altar. Cartilliannae then claps her hands commanding everyone to sit down. 

"Today, we gathered here to celebrate four young hearts joined together by the bonds from the Oldest Sage, Cartiblair."

She started, earning a few happy smiles from the guests and from Queen Meryanha who has tears in her eyes. As the wedding goes on, each bride where given papers to write their vows beforehand. So when it is Alviary's time to say his vows, he exasperated a sigh and speaks as he looks at his mighty titan.

"I was once a king who known to be as mighty as a lion. I was once has met the Queen that would serve my kingdom with her greatness and strength. But I never once imagined that after my death and was reborn as a living God; I would meet someone like you, Jethro."

As soon as the living God started, tears in his eyes start forming and dripping down his face. 

"You mean so much to me. Not one word or feeling can describe the love I have for you. I never would've thought that two completely imperfect people could come together so perfectly and be happy. I promise, on this day and forward, I would love you with all my heart and soul. I love you, my mighty titan."

He said a few howling from the wolves and whistles from the crowds made the living God more embarrassed than he already is. He wipes his tears away and smiles happily at the crying titan in front of him. Larius and Keres clap their hands for them since they said their vows first before the living God. Cartilliannae claps her hands as she looks toward the two pairs once again. "Repeat my words as I say," she said, the pairs nod and follow the Old Sage as the wedding is closing to its end. 

"I vow to honor, cherish, love, and protect you with everything I am and will be."

"I vow that every day I'll wake up and be so thankful that we're together and that I'll always be by your side."

"I vow that this love will be as great as the best fairy tale and a dream comes true."

After that, they said their "I love you" to each other and Cartilliannae pronounced them husbands and wives as they kissed their mates filled with love and happiness.