The wedding ends with a blast. Both of the mated pairs had a great time with their friends before Cartilliannae opens the portal for them to enter the third kingdom where they will live in the mean time. They said their goodbyes with their friends as they enter the portal with smiles on their faces. 

Alviary shed a tear when Meryanha reassures her that she will do her very best to rebuild the old Kingdom of Voyagerinda together with the ruins of the island that surrounds the kingdom. 

Alviary thanked her and follows Jethro inside the portal. Queen Meryanha only nods and waves them goodbye as they start their mated life with their mates at the third kingdom. She chuckles a little bit for she knows that none of them knows what is happening to the third kingdom. 

The Third Kingdom is known to be the breeding mountain of mated creatures especially living God and Angel Gods. She got excited knowing that Alviary might have kids with the titan. She wonders what those kids might look like. 

Will they have Alviary's enchanting fairy-like face or Jethro's muscular features? 

As they waved their final goodbyes to the pair of mates, glowing bright lights suddenly appear on Cartilliannae's chest where her heart is. Everyone turns their heads to the living God making everyone gasps as her eyes start to glow, too. 

Cartilliannae felt her body was on fire even Alviary and the others step out of the portal as they were scared that they will suck into another world other than the third kingdom. A golden globe forms on the top of her head and sucks her inside as her body imitating an embryo inside her mother's womb. Queen Meryanha gasps as she remembers when the Oldest Sage came to their island, telling everyone that the child that escaped Biringan will be reborn. 

She didn't forget about that fact but she never cared about it. Stephen's reborn is too much to handle that she kind of never cared about the little girl's reborn. She thought that it will just be another fairy creature. She didn't realize that it could be an Old Sage who has the greatest power of foreseeing weird visions just like Cartilliannae's curse. 

She feels sorry for the young girl but there is nothing she can do but watch as the globe cracks open and reveals gigantic light blue wings with a pinch of violet and hints of pink. It looks as big as Salthifer's but not as big as Sartilliane's. A long red-haired woman peels off of the globe, wearing a long draping dress that made her look like a Greek princess. Her ears are long and her eyes are both black with blue irises. 

Fair-skinned were covering her whole body as her hand reaches forward and the globe completely fell off, spreading her wings as wide as the new horizon whenever the sun wakes up in the morning. A few gasps from the people around the pavilion where the wedding was held can be heard. Sartilliane smiles while Uran and Laryo clasp their hands together as they watch the magical event with amazement on their faces. 

Triton transforms back to his wolf form as he asks Salthifer to rub his head as they watch Cartilliannae's reborn. After the reborn, the Oldest Sage suddenly appears and looks at every living God that is present at the event before asking Zarzagoa to come with her. 

Fugatt, Zarzagoa's brother, taps his sister's shoulder as he wishes her good luck for whatever punishment that the Old Sage will give to her. Zarzagoa grimaces as she walks towards the oldest Sage before disappearing into thin air.

All of the attention revert back to Cartilliannae who fully transformed herself onto her compeer's body and takes over her soul. Everyone gasps when they see her full transformation as they made their way to the smallest and cutest Old Sage. 

"Wow, you shrank!" Fugatt exclaims, stating the most obvious thing that made every single living God present rolls their eyes. He made his way towards the newborn and bows down to his knees. "Fugatt Kamerka, Dark Sage, at your service!" he said, bowing to the newborn who only bowed back to him and smiles. She looks at the couples who are also looking at her with shy smiles and blinking owlish eyes. 

"Are you the couples that needed to be transferred to the Third Kingdom?" she asks, her tone is still the same as Cartilliannae. It is as if she is singing her words and mocking another accent from afar. It must've been a Sage thing to do that. Both of the couples nod to her and she asks them to set aside as she focuses her energy towards her palms and spread them little by little as it reveals flashes of white and blue in combination. 

Moments later, an oval-shaped tears to the empty space near Alviary that made Jethro to pull him close to him. A new surrounding opens up showing greener mountains and beautiful flowers. "This is the Third Kingdom. The only way you can contact the people from this realm is to either call me or Sartilliane. The guardian of that place is Aerh. She is the deity of fertility," she explains making Larius and Alviary blush when they heard the word "fertility". 

Alviary starts to rethink his decision of marrying a titan when he heard that word, even Larius is thinking the same thing but when they looked at their mates, they were just looking at Cartilliannae when Keres suddenly asks something unexpected. 

"What is fertility?" the young Sluagh asks innocently. His eyes were filled with enthusiasm to know what the word meant that made Jethro perk up and asks the same thing to Cartilliannae, who only smiles at them.

"Fertility is when you make babies with your mates. Both of you have the ability to impregnate your mates to bear your children," Cartilliannae said as Alviary and Larius blushes profusely, making their mates stop from asking something as embarrassing as they try to push them towards the portal.

The two gigantic male stumbles to get inside the portal as they wave goodbye to everyone on the island and to Cartilliannae who helped Alviary and Jethro to realize their feelings towards each other and how much they want to be mated. 

The Sage just nods and bids them her goodbyes and words of encouragement to the two brides. They blush again and immediately entering the portal. As the portal closes, Sartilliane went to Cartilliannae and wished to speak with her about something that involved all the Angel Gods and living Gods, which Meryanha overheard. 

The Queen was taken aback by what she heard but she just shrugs the conversation and proceeds to greet her subjects as they made their way towards her. Sartilliane and Cartilliannae settle up to the tree so others won't hear their talk. Salthifer sees them and smiles to himself. 

Triton saw him smile and asks him about to which the living God answers, "Just my sister and her undying love for a certain Sage." Triton looks up to the tree where they talk as he thinks of what their conversation could be. The new Alpha looks at Salthifer with a confused look but shrugs the idea off and waits for the right time for them to tell them what is going on.


That day came as fast as an unidentifying flying object passes through the Earth with Mach 20 speed and Sartilliane asks for their presence to be presented as well as the newest angels to be there to be promoted after their bravery on the battlefield as they helped the people of the Phantom Island in their fights against the Sluagh on the last war. 

Triton and his subjects went to the ceremony hall followed by the Angel Gods of the North, East, West, and South, who was being trailed by the other living Gods such as Belevathan, Sartilliane, and Salthifer.

Fairies, dwarves, and many other creatures were also present as they wait for Queen Meryanha and the newborn, Cartilliannae, to approach the stage and make their announcement. 

Minutes passed by and Cartilliannae appeared on the stage as the others settle down to their seats. She looks around the room and spotted Triton.

She clears her throat and started to speak, "For all the creatures that I will call, please stand beside me." She said, getting all of the other creature's attention while the living Gods were left with confusion. 

"What is going on, Sartilliane?" Belevathan asks, her hair is as long as a horse's tail and is braided that it looks heavy from her head. But before Sartilliane answered Belevathan's question, Cartilliannae speaks up getting their attention.

"Today, we will be crowning these people for their bravery and strength of their willpower as they helped to battle against the Sluagh." She said in her tone as if she is singing as she speaks. 

"Triton, come forward and accept your mark as a true Alpha of your pack," she said, waving her hands as it shows a triangular symbol with swords inside of the inverted triangle. It was the symbol of peace and prosperity for creatures and humans alike. 

"Manggalia, come forward and accept your new status as an Angel God of the West, as you guard and protect the land of Jastirikka," she calls, presenting a new status plate to be promoted as an Angel God as Manggalia steps forward and accepts it wholeheartedly. 

It has been his dream to be part of the powerful Angel Gods back when he is still in training with them. "You will also be given the power of Angel God as you served under Queen Gianniea of the West," she added, Manggalia nods and applause was distributed by other creatures present on this day. 

"Iriganiwa, come forward and accept your new status as the head leader of the Angel Gods of the East after your bravery of protecting your former Queen Odinna in the last war. Protect your new Queen as she will be appointed today," she said, making the Angel Gods of the East gasps in joy and excitement for they will have their new Queen.

Iriganiwa steps forward and accepts his new status as he tries to calm himself for being excited about serving another truthful Queen.

"Please all rise for the ceremonial walk of the new Queen of the East, Flavia Mateer!" she announces, the large door of the ceremonial hall opens and reveal a tiny woman wearing this humongous lilac dress filled with pink flower petals and strings of green stems behind her. 

She was being escorted by Larius who is being trailed by a young Keres-like who has an angelic feature and a mall body of a newborn Sluagh. Keres is walking behind him and being trailed by another kid, who has the same height as Keres but even younger than the half-Sluagh kid.

The gigantic child is smiling from ear-to-ear as he walks down the hall and when he looks back, Alviary came into view hand-in-hand with Jethro who looks the same as before. 

The news of his last reincarnation baffled the other Angel Gods as they thought that him, being a titan is the last reincarnation that he will have. But apparently being a father and a titan is not a good match for his mate, Alviary. 

So by the will of the Oldest Sage and Zarzagoa, they reincarnated him as a living Angel that has the same power and magic as Alviary and Meryanha in combination. 

Alviary waited for him for about a month to be fully reincarnated before Jethro impregnates him with their son, Dermid, who is walking in front of them with the muscular features that he got from his father. 

"I present to you, Alviary and Jethro with their son Dermid, and Larius and Keres with their son Aureole," the other creatures clap for them and Meryanha wipes her tears away as he watches Alviary and Jethro smiling happily in each other's arms. 

Once Flavia got to the platform where Cartilliannae is standing, she bows to the Old Sage with such grace and poise. She looks straight into her eyes and said her words,

"I, Flavia Mateer, will keep the things I have here before promised. I will perform and keep my duties in peace. I will guide my people through light and the path that I would be willing to take. So help me, my Sage."

She said ending it with a bow and Cartilliannae inhales as she draws her hand over her head and speaks,

"From this day and onward, I will atone you like the new Queen of the East. May your leadership last forever."


"Queen Anemi!"

"Queen Anemi!"

"My Queen!"