Chapter 01



"I'll see you soon, i promise that I'll visit you" i smiled genuinely

"Bring back the house, okay?" she said while smiling dearly and i just nodded and close the door, my smile faded as i see my sister suffer from her illness. She has leukemia, an illness that affects the blood and bone marrow. She keeps on having fever and bruises, she was brought to hospital after she blew the candle on her 7th birthday, She fainted and almost hit the ground good thing that i caught her on time.

As i walk down the hall i heard the nurses gossip.

"Did you hear someone was diagnosed with leukemia, but she rejected the medicines that were given by Dra. Fern yesterday" The blonde nurse said

The brunette shook her head "No, i was off duty that time i guess? But why would she do that?" as they walk away, their voices became inaudible

I arrived at the reception and wrote my name in the log out section, as i finish writing and talk to the nurse i walked away but i bumped into someone...small?


Wait i know that voice, i look down and saw my best friend

"Oh Lance what are you doing here?" she said as her eyes widen

I scratched my nape and chuckled "i visited my little sister, how about you? what are you doing here?" i raised my eye brow

"I'm just visited my sick aunt" She said and i frowned

"I'm about to go home wanna come with?" I asked her looking at my watch, then she nodded at agreement then smiled

Then as we walked home we passed by our elementary school "How nostalgic I remember I used to play with your hair and you'd get mad at me because you spent hours on it" I said while laughing then I noticed her spacing out.

"Earth to Skie, earth to Skie" while i snapping my fingers in front of her

"Oh yeah, hey what were you saying" she replied then chuckled

"I said 'how nostalgic how I used to play with your hair and that you'd get mad because you spent hours on it' " then she laughed out loud saying "I also remember how I would chase you around because of it" and then we ended up laughing about it until we got home safely

The next day came out boring, our homeroom teacher told us that we have free time all day. Because the Principal called all the available teachers in senior's department for a meeting. All of us didn't know the reason, behind it so we let it go easily

"Hey Lance!"

I turn my head to the door expecting to be my best friend, but it wasn't Skie and i frowned and approached the person

"Willson, what brings you here?" i crossed my arms

"I'm here to see you and stop calling by my last name, call me Bev" she whined then frown

"Well i'm going" i ignore her whining and walk back to my desk and get my bag and walk pass her as i see her frown again

I walked by the classroom of Skie and look through a gap of the door, i startled as the door opened revealing Julia their class president exited the room with an annoyed face

"Jesus" She shouted in surprise seeing me their standing

"Lance what brings you here?" she said and i ignore her as i keep on looking for Skie "Was it Skie you looking for?" she questioned while raising an eye brow and i nodded at her, and sigh in frustration because i can't find her in her seat by the window.

"She was here a minute ago, but i send her to the infirmary with Alix" then she walked away

Wait why is she in infirmary? with Alix? what happen?


Arghhh! Can't mom just respond to my texts, this is really frustrating i mentally rolled my eyes

"Skie..." one of my classmates called me

"What?!" I said in irritating voice

"Um..there's blood" then she pointed to my nose


She gave me a tissue from her bag and i tried to wipe it but the blood keeps running

"You should go to the infirmary, Skie" Julia, our president, said and look at Alix

"Alix take her there" and Hans nodded as i tried to stand up but failed my legs are shaking i hold my desk for support but Hans grabbed my waist and my arm and we started to walk to infirmary.

As we enter the infirmary where the assigned nurse was there

"You okay? do you feel hot? are you dizzy?" i was bombard with questions from the nurse who is worried, i think she's new here i didn't see her before.

"i'm alright, i'll just go to the bathroom to wash my face" i smiled and i walk to the bathroom leaving both Hans and the nurse

When I got to the bathroom I washed my face and stared at the mirror.

I've been feeling really tired one of these days I think I should go to the doctor again...nope I don't think so I don't know how I'm gonna talk to lance if I see him there again

after thinking of that I went back to the nurses office.

"Hey how are you feeling are you ok" Alix kept asking

"it's fine it was just a nose bleed" I replied. Then we went back to class.

As the substitute teacher

"Hey where have you been" Lance asked

"The infirmary why?" I asked him

"nothing" he said back. Then the day when on.

While walking home Lance asked me "hey why'd you go to the infirmary"

"I had a nosebleed that's all" I replied.

"Hey Let's stop by the old ice cream shop before we go home, my treat"

"Sure" I said back

"Same Strawberry flavour"

"Okay okay" Lance said and ran to the store "here you are madam" he said while laughing

"Why thank you good sir" I said in my British accent. We laughed while while walking home and eating our ice cream.

As i was doing my portfolio, i heard my phone ringing and i look at my caller id and it's....Alix?

"Hey?" I answered unsurely "this is the first time that you called me"

I heard a chuckle on the other side of the phone "Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Because you won't call me unless we're doing a project" i explained "why'd you call anyways?" I ask

"I was just making sure you're alright" He said

"I'm fine I'm just doing our portfolio in Math" i told him "what are you doing anyway?" i ask him knowing that he's busy

"Uh-nothing i just finished my portfolio awhile ago" he replied

"But you already pass-"

"Ok it's getting late and you need to sleep, Goodnight bye Skie see you tomorrow!" He cut me off and hung up

That's weird...
