Chapter 02



I woke up with my head throbbing and feeling hot

"cough cough" when I saw my hand there was blood.

"I should already take my meds"

i take my medications then checked my phone and saw the time it was already 8:00

shit I'm already 30 minutes late

I went to shower and change my clothes then ran to the nearest bus stop. My head starting to ache but i didn't mind


When I got to school luckily our first subject is english and Mr. Rom, luckily i'm one of his favourite students. I rushed down the hall and opened the door loudly making the professor stop his lecture, all my classmates including Lance look at my direction, i feel my face grew red from embarrassment.

"Well good morning Skie, may i know why're you late?" He asked, while crossing his arms

And i said "I slept late reading books" that was my fun excuse

"Okay then, you may take your sit" and he continue his lesson

Then I look and waved at lance "why are you late" he mouthed to me with his eyebrow raised

"I'll explain later" I mouthed back and sent him a smile then i sit down by the window as always.

Then I started feeling hot and bothered but decided to just let it pass.

The bell rang, and that make me back to reality i pack my stuff and walk with Lance to history. Both Lance and i had English and History together in Mondays and Wednesdays

Which made me even more drowsy and I just slept through out History.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder as I lift my head I find Lance looking down at me and told me it's already lunch. Then we went to the cafeteria, Lance told me to sit and he'll buy our food i'm about to argue but he already at the counter.

Once he bought our food and I stared onto space the whole time because I had no appetite and i just play with the spaghetti that Lance bought for me since he knew my favourite food.

"Hey hey hey Skie" I heard someone say and I saw Lance waving his hand in front of me. Then I stood up and told him I was going to the bathroom but as I stood up I felt myself falling and i blackout.

I woke up with a familiar ceiling, i scrunched my nose i tried to sit up but my head ached and i feel a hand in my... hand?

I look at who's hand was it, and it was Alix's i moved my hand but i seems he felt my hand move "Skie your awake wait a sec, I'll get you some water" he said and I nodded back.

When I saw him come back he was holding a glass of water with the nurse following closely behind

"hello sweetheart how do you feel?" I heard her say, while she was holding her clipboard. Alix gave me the water and i drank it and place it in the side table.

"I feel hot and hungry" i said and both of them laughed at me then i smiled

the nurse then said "Your fever was caused due to your lack of sleep and stress, take it easy will you?" and I nodded not finding the words to say but she gave me a comforting smile which i return

"I've already filed a half-day notice for you so you can go home early today" the nurse said then left

"Come on, I'll take you home" Alix then followed with a worried eyes

"Nope, you can go ahead I can manage myself and your mom's probably looking for you" I said with a forced smile, he stayed there for awhile then muttered okay and left.

I went to the hospital for more meds and check-up with Dra. Fern before I went home.

I went to the her office, and she gave me my medications and checking me up. She then sighed and scanned her computer then looked at me

"You need to do your chemotherapy to live a little longer we're already looking for a matching bone marrow" she tried to reason with me

"We already talked about this, It's fine I'll just take my meds" I told her with a weak smile

"Fine but when you come back to ask for medication I'll stop giving you" she then said with a serious gaze

"Ok then, I'll just find another hospital" i said then walk out, as i walk out i heard her calling out my name which i ignore

I then entered my home, i didn't even care to eat dinner. I was alone, mom was at states being a doctor she was, she usually visit here every 3 months but that stopped.

I lay down and stared at the ceiling, i grab my medications from my bag i stared at it for awhile

"When will this end?" i asked, i groaned as the bottle fell on my face because of my phone ringing

What now?

Oh it's... only him

I didn't answer his call



I was worried why Skie isn't at school yet i keep on playing my pen or doodling on the back of my notebook. Then I saw her rushing towards the classroom door, which makes a loud noise which we all look at her direction. She grew red from embarrassment which i chuckled.

"Well good morning Skie, may i know why're you late?" Professor ask

"I slept late reading books" then she smiled, good thing that she's one of his favourite students

"Okay then, you may take your sit"

I raised my eyebrow "why are you late?" i mouthed

"I'll explain later" she mouthed back and smiled, then she sat down by the window

She looks a little off, but i shrug it off and continue listening and doodling, i look at her sometimes because it made me worried. She's not even listening and she's always spaced out.

History passed and lunch came I bought Skie some spaghetti because it's her favorite food, when I got to our table I gave her the spaghetti

"hey hey hey Skie" I told her because she was just spacing out.

"Hey I'm just going to the bathroom" she told us then she started falling luckily Alix caught her

shit I should have caught her I told to myself

then he rushed her to the infirmary then I followed behind.

Alix then laid her on one of the beds "hello what happened here" the nurse asked

"She passed out" Alix said

"Alright, you guys go back to your class only one can stay" the nurse said eyeing at the both of us

Me and Alix argued for a while for who gets to stay with her, I'm not trusting with this guy with her after all I'm her best friend

"Alright, boys who brought her here?" The nurse asked raising her eye brow obviously annoyed, then Alix raised his hand

"Ok then, you stay here" the nurse said while pointing at him, then Alix ended up staying with her. Then I just went on and went back to class wondering why she would pass out.

The Professor dismissed us and i packed up, then I saw Alix going to the gate I called him and he turned around frowning

"Hey what's up?" He asked

"Where's Skie?" I ask straight away

"She went home early the nurse gave her a half-day slip" he said and I nodded in reply then he walked away while i was standing there thinking of what happen earlier

What happened to Skie?
