Chapter 3: E Ranked Power?!

After suddenly waking up in a new place and being introduced to his new family, Akira has already jumped straight into his new life without even a second to think about what is going on. He is slowly starting to understand this world and has gone to a school to learn more about this world and his new life!

After a while of admiring the school Akira had realised that he was already at the school's door, he firmly grasped the handle of the door and swung the door open without a second thought, his old life was already behind him and he has started anew. He entered the school and stopped immediately, the inside of the school was huge, and the quality of the school alone was like nothing he and ever seen before.

Someone opened the door behind Akira, he was still admiring the school, so he didn't even realise someone was behind him. The person bashed into Akira and said, "Stop daydreaming you're blocking the doorway".

Akira suddenly jumped out of the way, bowed over, and said, "I'm sorry!"

The guy said "tch, whatever" and carried on walking past. While he was walking away Akira realised that the guy had something on his head that almost resembled horns, and he was way taller than Akira was. He remembered that demi-humans were real in this world so maybe he was one of them.

After Akira was done looking around, he saw someone standing down the hall, he went over to them and asked where he was supposed to be going, they gave him directions to the place where the welcoming ceremony was taking place, so he started making his way to that location.

When he arrived at the location, he saw a person and a long line of people, he walked over to the person and they gave him a number and asked him to line up with the rest of the students. Akira had arrived quite early to the school and his number was 112, he then realised that there were a lot of people who wanted to attend this school.

After quite a while of waiting in the line Akira's turn had finally arrived. He had watched some of the people before him and they had placed their hands on an orb and after a while some words appeared on a large screen. As Akira approached the orb a teacher stopped him and started to explain what was going to happen, "As you have probably already seen, you are going to have to place your hands onto this orb and it will tell you if you have any special powers and if you are capability of becoming a raider and attending this school"?

Akira nodded as the teacher was speaking, and he thought to himself, "There are powers in this world too? This world carries on getting better! Maybe this will be like one of those manga where I get a really strong power and take over the school?". Akira then confidently approached the orb and proceeded to place both of his hands onto it, after a few seconds a bright light flashed up from the orb almost blinding Akira, after the light had subsided Akira looked up to the screen and on the screen were the words "E rank - swordsman class".

Akira heard a subtle laughter coming from the people that were behind him and he looked down in shame, he was more disappointed than anything, he was disappointed that from his old life to now not much had changed he was still a loser. The teacher said to him "Although your class may be one of the lowest, you still have some powers and not many other people in this world have powers, so you should be proud of what you have a strive to become great."

After hearing the teacher out, Akira started to feel a little better, she was right, although his powers weren't as good as he was expecting them to be, he still has some, so Akira still has a chance to become great and achieve something in this life. The teacher then shook Akira's hand and welcomed his to the school, he was then told to make his way to his first class, where he would gain information on this world and start to learn how to use his powers.

On the way to his class Akira was excited, he started walking as fast as he could to get to the class because he couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like. Then suddenly, someone walked out of one of the classrooms, because Akira wasn't concentrating properly, he didn't realise that someone was in front of him then all of a sudden ...


Akira had crashed into the stranger.