Chapter 2: Rebirth

Akira was falling from the top of the school building when a strange figure reached out to him and he was engulfed by light, he felt warm like all his stress was being melted away. He reached out and with no hesitation grabbed the girl's hand and his eyes slowly started to close.


Akira suddenly woke up, but not in his room and not at the school, he was in the same scenario as in his old life, where he was completely surrounded by nothing but darkness for miles.

But this time, it was different. He knew that he fell from the top of the school and he didn't know where he was, but he didn't question it and he wasn't scared he was satisfied. Although, somewhere deep within himself he knew that he wanted to live a normal life, without pain nor suffering.

After a few moments, off in the distance he saw a light, at first, he thought he was imaging it but after a while he decided to check it out. Although he was satisfied with his scenario the fact that he wanted a normal life was driving him, a slow walk soon turned into a jog then eventually without realising it he was running.

He was running towards the light hoping for a new life, for a second chance, for a better situation. While he was running a tear started to roll down his face, he didn't know why he was crying, it wasn't because he was happy or sad, he was just crying.

He finally made it to the light, but he didn't stop running, he carried on running and running, until eventually ...


Akira suddenly woke up, he was in a state of shock and his face was full of tears, he sat up and looked around, he was in a room, it wasn't his room, and it didn't look like anything he had seen before. He looked to his side and realised the noise was coming from an alarm clock, so he turned it off.

He suddenly ran to a mirror on the wall of the room and to his surprise he looked nothing like what he used to look like, he didn't know what has happening. A few moments later, he heard someone coming to his room and opening the door, it was a girl that was about 10 years old.

She said "Akira what are you doing? Breakfast is ready!"

Then she slammed the door and thudded away, Akira didn't know who she was or even who he is but apparently his name is still the same (very convenient). He opened up some draws and found some clothes, he put them on then quickly went to the kitchen. The girl was sitting there and there was a man around the age of 30-40 sitting at the table as well.

It was going to seem strange but he somehow had to try and find out their names so he just asked straight out "Sorry, this may seem strange but what are your names?"

The man said "Akira, have you gone mad? I'm your father".

The Girl said, "I knew you were dumb; how don't you know your own sisters name??"

Although that didn't really answer his question it would make him seem weird if he asked again so he just agreed and sat down at the table. He thought " So this girl is my sister, and this man is my father, but where is this? ". Akira finished his food then got up and went back to his room. He went over to the window and opened up the curtains, he stood there in awe as outside the window was a completely different world than he had known.

It seems like he was in an apartment as they were higher than ground level, he saw loads of people in weird cars and strange clothing, he also saw strange people that looked like they were cosplaying like elves and other fantasy characters.

He heard his sister shouting saying, "You need to get ready for school Akira".

So, he picked up the uniform that was hanging in the draw and put it on, he then went over to his dad and asked him "How do I get to the school".

His dad said "Do you not remember anything? This is your first day at school, so I'll drop you off, let's go to the car".

On the way to school Akira asked his dad "Why are most of these people dressed in weird costumes" His dad replied, "You're acting very strange today Akira, and those aren't costumes, they are demi-humans". Akira was shocked that there were actually demi-humans in this place, this shows how different this place was to his old life.

After a couple minutes they had arrived, he got out of the car and looked around, there was hundreds of people walking into the school and the school looked very prestigious and very expensive, nothing like his old school. He said bye to his dad and started walking towards the school.

As Akira walked closer and closer to the school, he could feel that this was the start of his new life.

And on the inside, he was excited to see what would happen next.