Chapter 1: Point of no Return

Akira woke up suddenly and looked around, he was in the middle of no where surrounded by nothing but darkness, "Where am I?", said Akira. He was very confused by the sudden change in his environment and he didn't know what was going on.

Many questions were racing through his mind, there was nothing for miles, all that could be seen was darkness, until suddenly a bright light appeared in front of Akira. At first, he looked away blinded by the sudden flash of light, but when he glanced back he thought he saw a silhouette of a girl inside the light with its hand extended out to him. "Who are you?" he said almost blinded by the light.

At first Akira was reluctant to see what was in the light but as time passed, he felt a sort of warmth coming from the light, he almost felt as if he could trust this person, he ended up walking towards the light reaching his hand out to try to grasp the girls' hand.

As soon as he grabbed her hand, she suddenly pushed him backwards. Akira started falling rapidly into the dark abyss. In a desperate attempt to stop falling he started to wave his arms and legs around wildly and all of a sudden, he woke up. When he awoke, he had a cold sweat on his face and was panting as if he had just run a marathon. Breathing heavily, he said to himself "What just happened?". He looked over at his clock to see that the time was only 4 am, he sighed and laid back down in his bed trying to figure out what that dream was about.

(5 hours later)

Akira woke up and got ready to go to school. He walked to school staring down at the ground to avoid making contact with anyone around him, he had a dead look in his eyes almost as if he wasn't even alive. In Akira's eyes everything around him was black and white. People were walking past him as if he wasn't even a part of this world. The people who do see him, say mean things about him, or accuse him of things that he has never done before:

"Isn't he a murderer?"

"I hear he killed his mother."

"Doesn't he have anger issues?"

"He looks weird, stay away from him!"

Akira's mother died when he was 10 years old and for some odd reason people like that started to spread a rumour that he was the one that killed his mother, although these accusations weren't completely false.

When Akira finally arrived at school he went to his locker. On the front of his locker was the word "murderer" written in red paint, this was a usual occurrence for Akira, so he continued as if nothing was even there. He then made his way to the classroom to be met with a class already in session and a frustrated teacher that told him to "Wait outside", this also wasn't new for Akira as he was always late to his first class. Sometimes he missed his first class or didn't even come to school at all.

After class was over, for break Akira went to his usual spot on the roof where he ate his lunch, he never had any friends, so he always went to the same place to eat his lunch alone. If this day were going the same as usual, then sooner or later 'they' would come up to the roof to see him.

Shortly after Akira had finished eating, the door to the roof flung open and made a loud sound when it hit the wall. 3 people walked out through the door and stood there talking for a minute. After they finished talking, they look over at Akira and started to walk over to him. Akira already knew what was going to happen as it happened to him every day without fail.

They confronted Akira with a smug look on their faces, as if they know what they are going to do, Akira already knows what's about to happen to him, but he's unaware of to what extent things will escalate.

As the bullies encircled him, the air turned cold, an ominous presence surrounds him and chills ran down his spine. Dark clouds suddenly filled the skies, *BANG* lightning struck the ground and rain started to pour as if god was crying.

The bullies slowly started to force him into a corner, Akira didn't know what to do, he stumbled back petrified, sweat was dripping from his forehead. He felt the cold embrace of the railing on his back, he could feel it slowly starting to give way.

One of the bullies stepped forward, with his fist clenched tightly,

He pulls his fist backwards and launched it directly into Akira's stomach,

Finally, after all the tension, the railing gave way.

While Akira was falling from the roof of the school, instead of being sad, he smiled, he smiled because he knew that with this, he would finally be free from his boring, miserable and unhappy life.

But deep within himself he was sad because he didn't want to die, nobody in this world wants to die.

Right before he was close to hitting the ground a bright light engulfed him and he felt warm, like all the tension, anxiety and stress of his life was melting away. The last thing that he saw was a figure of a woman reaching out to him and saying, "You've been hurt haven't you?". Akira closed his eyes and ...


Akira was pushed to the Point of no Return.