Lyrinx POV

The sound in here is so loud, I pity for my eardrums, we sat down at the vacant seat then order some drinks.

"It's too loud." I stated loudly making sure they hear it.

"Of course it is." Keegan shouted back and rolled his eyes.

I sighed and give up, I sat down comfortably and ignore the loud sound, after some minutes I got used to the loud sound.

We all kind of tipsy, and we decided to dance, well, THEY decided. They all went to the dance floor while me still sitting here, I'm not a kill joy, okay? I just don't want to be so near with other.

I'm still drinking when I felt a touch on my shoulder, and l look at the person who touch me, then I saw a man smirking.

"Hey, beauty, why aren't you dancing?" He asked, he's drunk.

"I don't want to be near at others." I stated and sip my drink.

"Do you mind if I join you here for a while?" He asked.

"Yes, I mind so go back to your table, I don't want to have a conversation with a stranger." I rolled my eyes and the man glared at me before going back to his table.

After that I saw my friends coming, and they sit with me.

"Let's play!" Ava suggested.

"What are we going to play?" Lily asked.

"Truth or dare." Ashley stated then picked up an empty bottle and place it on top of our table.

"That'll work." Keegan said.

"Who's going to spin the bottle?" Grayson asked.

"Me!" Ava exclaimed and we all nodded.

"The top one is the one will going to asked between truth or dare and the bottom one will be the one who will answer or do the dare, got it?" I explained, then they all yelled 'YES'.

Then she spin the bottle and the bottom pointed Keegan and the top one pointed at Ashley.

"So? Truth or Dare?" Ashley asked with a smirk on her face.

Keegan rolled his eyes and replied, "Truth."

"Okay, What's your biggest fear?" Ashley asked.

"Darkness." Keegan answered.

It's Keegan's turn to spin the bottle and the top pointed at me and the bottom one pointed at Ava.

"Truth or dare, sweetie?" I asked.

"Of course, Dare." She answered confidently.

I smirk, "Do a lap dance on Grayson's." I said and the others laugh except from the blushing Ava.

"Come here, babe." Grayson stated and patted his lap.

I chuckled, "What? He's your boyfriend after all." I rolled my eyes.

Ava went to his boyfriend and begin to give him boyfriend a lap dance, we all laughing and Ava is still blushing.

We all play then it's my turn, but hey I'm kind of smart I choose truth than dare.

"You're no fun." Ava complained then pout.

I chuckled, "What's the question?"

"Are you still virgin?" Ava asked while smirking.

My eyes widened and I felt a hotness to my cheeks.

"O-of course, I am, that's a weird question." I answered stuttering but I honestly answered it.

They all chuckled, "What an innocent little guy, you are." Keegan cooed at me and I just glared at him.

We continue playing and it's my turn again this time I choose dare because it's not Ava who will going to dare me.

"I dare you to kiss a guy." Keegan stated making my eyes widened.

"What!?" I shouted.

"I said kiss a guy!" He yelled back.

"Oh, is Rinx a coward?" Ava teased me, I know she's just teasing me and not really mean she said.

"Okay, Fine!" I said the got up then search for a handsome guy, because why not? I want my first kiss to he with a handsome man you know.

After a moment of searching I finally found a brown haired guy, drinking while talking to I assumed his friends. I went to his direction and patted his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me. He's handsome like fuck, he has a blue eyes and jawline, and pointed nose and pinkish lips.

I pulled out of my thoughts when I remember that I'm here to make my dare. I pulled his collar and pulled him down and let our lips touched, I pulled out.

"I'm sorry, my friends dared me." I apologized before walking away.

When I went back to our table I saw my friends laughing, I guess my face is now red because of embarrassment.

"Thank you very much, Keegan." Ava said.

"You're welcome." Keegan replied still laughing.

"Ha-ha, so funny." I said then rolled my eyes.

"Are you pissed, Rinx?" Grayson teased.

"I just hope that it's not your first kiss, sweetie." Ava teased me because she know that, that's my first kiss.

I just rolled my eyes and drink my drink, as I finishing drinking my beverage I spin the bottle and it pointed to Grayson and Lily. We continue playing until I felt a tap on my shoulder then I looked behind then I saw the man who I kissed.

"I'm here to return something." He said before leaning down and before I argue with him, I felt a touch on my lips. My eyes widened when I realized that he kissed me. He then pulled away, me still in shocked.

"I don't like it when I owe someone." He said again before walking away. I looked at my friends, others are shocked just like me and others are smiling like an idiot.

"That's uhmm surprising." Ashley said when she pulled herself altogether.

"That's so wholesome." Keegan stated smirking.

"Yeah, that made my night." Ava added and I blushed really red.

"A-ahh, y-yeah." I answered stuttering not knowing what should I say and they all looked at me then smirked.

We stopped playing and starts drinking again, my mind is still on the man who I kissed and who kissed me. We decided to go home before we drown onto alcohol.

When I got home, I'm still thinking about that man. I just can't get him off of my mind, he keeps on pestering my mind.