We arrived at the club pretty early that we supposed to, the owner of the club is one of our friend, Hypnos.

"Hey, dre, what do I owe for a visit?" Hypnos asked when he saw us sitting on the bar stool.

"We didn't came here to visit you." Kaiden answered him, Hypnos put a hand on his chest where his heart his and act like Kai hurt him.

"Chris usually do that so think of something new, sometimes you need an originality, you know." Kaiden added, that make us laugh.

"Anyways, why are you here?" Hypnos asked.

"What do you do in club?" I answered in question.

"Maybe sleep?" He answered.

"You know what? You're name suits you very well." I said then order a drink.

We continue talking and I tell Hypnos why we are here, he seems a little bit shock but he doesn't seem disgusted at my sexuality and it's great that your friend accepted you for who you are.

"So? What happened to the boy?" He asked.

"I don't know, we lost our communication and last time I checked he went overseas with his boyfriend." I answered and take a sip from my drink. He just nodded his head and drink his own beverage.

"Are you not going roam around? to find some people messing around in your club again." Darsh said.

"Nope, kind of feeling lazy to do that and I know that the guards here are doing their job pretty well, so I don't have to worry." He answered, and Darsh nod.

"How was William? Why aren't he here?" Hypnos asked.

"He went abroad, probably chasing the love of his life." Kyle explained.

"He's stupid." Hypnos announced.

"What can we do? He's William the most stupid person we've know." Paul answered, and we all nodded at acknowledge.

"Oh, I thought it was you." I stated looking at Paul.

"Ohh!! savage man." Sean said while laughing.

"Whatever, are we here to talk about your problem or to gossip about William's stupidity?" Kaiden stated then rolled his eyes.

"Chill, dre, we've just came here and you're already pissed off." I teased him and he just glared at me, I'm used to it, I always tease him even before.

"You know that I just came here with all of you because you have a problem, and it's too crowded out here." Kaiden said clearly irritated.

"Are you nuts? Why don't you say it earlier so that we already move to VIP room." Kyle stated.

"Nut my ass, you do know that I hate it, idiot." He said and all of us laugh.

"How is your lives?" Sean asked.

"Pretty great." I replied.

"Awesome." Kaiden stated of course he has a husband and 3 kids who wouldn't be feel awesome about that?

"Yeah same as the both of them." Jaypee stated and we all talk about our lives and occasionally bringing out the company.

We're still having a conversation when I felt a pat on my shoulder and I turned around to look at the person who caused it and I saw a pink haired guy, he has a small face and small lips and kind of big eyes, he looks a girl more than a boy by the way, he's definitely shorter than me. His cheeks are crimson red maybe because he's embarass? I'm pulled out from my thoughts when he pulled me by my collar and kiss me.

"I'm sorry, my friends dared me." He apologized looking anywhere but me, the he walked away.

I'm still stunned still kind of shocked about what just happened, until I heard my friends laughters. I glared at them but they didn't stop.

"What was that?" Kyle asked.

I shrugged, " I don't know either."

"That's kind of surprising." Paul said.

"Yeah." They all agreed at him.

I stand up and was about to walk towards the pink haired guy but Darsh asked me.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I will return it to him." I said in a casual tone then starts walking towards the boy I saw him getting tease by his friends.

I patted his shoulder and when he turn around and saw me his eyes widened.

"I'm here to return something." I said then kissed him.

"I don't like it when I owe someone." I added then walked away from their table and went back to ours.

"Whoa, that's shocking." Jaypee stated chuckling.

"That's a show, right there, but kind of sad it's too short you know." Sean stated.

"Okay, the show is over, I guess, can we go now to VIP room? I'm feeling sick around this people." Kaiden asked before letting out a breath.

"You're an ass." I said.

"Ha-ha-ha, alright let's go." He said the all of us stand up and walking to the VIP room but before I went in I glance at the pink haired guy's table.

After a while we all a little bit tipsy so we decided to stay the night here at the club. When the morning came, I was the first one who woke up, and I felt like someone is smashing my head. I look around and saw them groaning from pain as well, yeah we all an idiot for drinking so much alcohol last night.

"Hey, dre, do you have some medicine to cease this headache of ours." I asked Hypnos when I saw him getting up.

"Yeah, wait here I'm going to get some." He replied.

About a minute or two he arrived with glasses and medicines we all took it and I kind of feeling a bit better.

"Dwayne will kill me." Kaiden said then groaned.

"He might and I can't wait to witness that." I said then laugh at him.

"We better go home before my husband decide to kill me." He stated again the got up.

"I totally agree to that, I still have things to do." I responded and I saw my friends getting up one by one.

"Can we drive?" Jaypee asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah we can, we also might die too." Sean answered and we all laughed.

After couple of minutes when we all pulled our shits together we head outside and hopped in our own vehicles. I drive towards our neighborhood and to my house, after an hour I arrived at my house and go to my room then decided to go to sleep. I'm still kind of feel tired and dizzy from last night.