Lyrinx POV

Morning came and my head was pounding but it's my own fault so I can't blame anyone, I went to the bathroom and took a shower before brushing my teeth then went downstairs.

"Good morning." I said when I saw my mom and dad in the kitchen. I went inside then sit at my chair, I begin eating after that I went to put my dish into the sink and cleaned it.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to a café for a while." I said then go out and went to my favorite café.

When I get in, Sam greeted me, I greet him back then find a chair to seat on, my eyes stopped when I saw a familiar man sitting alone while tapping on his laptop. I tell him my order and I went to the man.

"Mind if I seat here?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said still tapping with his laptop and doesn't bother to glance at me. His voice is so good to hear, I would like to hear it all day and all night.

"Uhmm, hey?" I want to start a conversation you know, it's kind of silent, he just hummed.

"About last night? I'm sorry." I said, he looked at me then he sigh before he turn his attention on his laptop again.

"I reall----" I didn't finished my words when he cut me off.

"It's fine, I already returned it to you, so we're even." He stated then his phone rings.

"Yeah...I will be there.....idiot." He said then hangs up the phone call and tidy his things.

"Nice to see you again." He said before walking away.

I followed him with my eyes then my eyes widened when I saw him walking in the building in front of the café.

"You know Chris?" Sam asked me then give my my order.

"Chris? Who's Chris?" I asked him then take a sip from my coffee.

"The one who you were talking to." He replied.

"What is he doing there?" I asked pointing at the building infront of the café.

"I guess you don't know him." He said then chuckles, I just rolled my eyes to him and keep on looking at him waiting for an answer to my question.

"He's one of the friends of the CEO and the owner of that building, he's also a shareholder of the company." Sam explained and I just nod then the realization hits me. What!? he's a fucking business man?!

"Why is he here?" I asked again.

"Of course to get coffee and cake for his breakfast, I'm kind of surprised that he came here alone." Sam stated then I nod.

"And you know this is his café, so obviously he will come here." He added then I choke on my drink.

•Chris POV•

I saw the pink haired guy again, I'm not feeling happy or sad about it tho, it's just a coincidence I guess, he was talking about last night when Kaiden called me and want me to come to his office for today. When I went in to his office I immediately saw him kissing Dwayne, I cleared my throat.

"Tss, you know, you can knock." Kaiden stated then give Dwayne a peck on his lips.

"Good morning, Chris." Dwayne greet me with blush on his cheeks.

"Good morning to you too, Waynie, your horny husband called me." I said then I look at Kaiden.

"How was the company at the America?" He asked.

"It's doing better than last year, the sales are getting higher and higher and I will be there next month to check if there is something wrong." I stated, I'm the one who managing our company at USA and Kaiden at Philippines and other of our friends are managing our other companies from other countries. But if there is an important meetings we will all be there to discuss it.

"Glad to know, then. Do you know how was the others?" He questioned.

"Yeah, all of our companies are doing well, we also get rid of the person who stole a money from the company at the Spain a few months ago." I assured him and he nodded his head and hummed.

He put his both elbow on his desk and place the back of his hands under his chin and looks at me with an unreadable expression.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"How was the kiss last night?" He asked back then smirk, I just glared at him.

He shrugged, "I'm just asking you know."

"Is that all you need?" I asked glaring at him.

"Yeah, that's all." He answered and made a 'shoo' motion.

"Okay, I got to go." I stated then waved at him and Dwayne.

When I walked out from the office, I sigh then I went to my house but while driving to my neighborhood, I saw a familiar guy, the pink haired guy, walking alone and lost. I slow down then open the window of the passenger seat.

"Hey? Where are you going?" I asked half yelled making sure that he heard it.

"H-home." He said stuttering then give me a smile, a smile that can make my day from bored to happy.

"Do you want to jump in?" I asked.

"N-no, no, no, my house is kind of near." He answered while making a hand gestures.

I stopped my car and he stop too, I close the window and open the passenger seat.

"Hop in, it's a command better to obey it." I said in a firm tone. He looks like he's in the middle of fighting with himself either going in or continue to walk.

"It's too sunny out there so better to hop in so you won't get sunburn." I said then give him a genuine smile. He sighed and hopped in.

"T-thanks." He said then I just nodded.

"Now, tell me where your house is." I said then he begin to give me the directions.

After a half of an hour we arrived at the front of a house with a second floor, it's isn't big unlike my house but it isn't small too. It has a plants and flowers the house is painted with color white. The pink haired guy turned his attention to me.

"Thank you Chris." He said and it shocked me how does he know my name? well, I'm a business man and I'm a spy as well but no one knows that I'm a spy except from my friends.

"How did you know my name?" I asked, giving my attention to him. He laughs nervously then scratches the back of his neck.

"Uhmm Sam told me." He said.

"I d-didn't asked him about you, okay? he just asked me if I know you because you know, I sat with you at the café." He said in defensive tone and I just nodded my head.

"You're always quiet." He stated then pouted at the end of his words, I feel my lips curve into a smile.

"Anyways, thank you for the ride, I hope I didn't bother you." I just nod, he climbed out from the car then closing the door of the car then wave at me before he goes in.

I started driving to my own house which in my surprise isn't that far from the pink haired guy, it's about 20 minutes drive. I suddenly stepped on the break when I realized that I didn't ask for his name. I shake my head then got out from my car and go inside my house.