Lyrinx POV

"What?" I asked, my dad was the first one who came back in reality.

"Well, we just kind of surprised." My father said.

"Why?" My mother asked.

"Well, I kind of feel bored doing nothing so I try something new, it's fun tho, it's kind of tiring as well." I sighed.

"Where do you work?" She asked then continue to eat.

"At the café infront of the Meiresone's company." I answered and they both nodded.

"Oh at Chris's café" My dad said.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"You know, he's one of our bosses." My mom answered.

"Anyways, I work with Sam so don't worry about me." I stated and it seems like they like that.

"It's good that you work with him, just be careful, some customers are really rude." My mom said in concern voice.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will be alright, and Sam is there so he'll protect me when rude customer comes in." I said reassuring them.

We continue to eat and some conversation about my new work, I tell them about the little girl I met ang they said that I still really love kids and I agree to them. When we finish eating our lunch more like a dinner because it's close to night time, I head to my room and lay down on my bed, I'm tired so I turn off the lights in my room and close my eyes, and the darkness slowly eats me.

•Chris POV•

When all of my appointment is done, I feel really tired, so when I got home, I immediately went to my room and drifted to sleep, I will be back to Philippines tomorrow, I already said that to my friends so they won't be surprised if I came back home tomorrow.

When I wake up, I still feel a bit restless but I got up and ready myself for going back at Philippines, I take a bath, brush my teeth, wear my decent clothes then I call my pilot to say that we will be back, and of course to my secretary/assistant that I will be back now.

After I ate my breakfast, I bid my goodbye to Mercedes and went to the airport and get in my plane. We take off after some minutes and now we're on the sky.

I grabbed my laptop and type some things, and Lyrinx came in my mind and I begin to search about his identity again.

I know, I kind of like a creep now and I know also that I can ask him that but it will be weird and I can easily know his identity because of my skills about it so that's not going to be hard anyways.

It's already afternoon when we arrived, I went to the car that is waiting for me and the driver drives it to my house, I still feel tired so, I decided to take a nap.

I woke up at the sound of my phone indicating that someone is calling, I picked it up without looking at the caller's ID.

"Hello?" I said groggily, still feeling sleepy.

"I think, I disturbed you from your sleep." Kaiden stated then laugh at the other line.

"You think right, I'm tired and you freaking disturbed me from rest." I said and got up, rubbing my eyes to make the sleepiness away.

"William went home and he and Haisley already made up, and they will marry this coming November." He stated and I just hummed.

"So?" I asked.

"So, get your ass off of your bed and come here at my house because we're celebrating and we don't want you to be left out." He said and hangs up the phone.

So, I have no choice but to get up and postpone my rest, so that's what I do before going out my house and went to my friend's house, I'm in their driveway so I walk to their door and don't even bother to knock, I opened the door and went in, Zyritch was the first one to notice me.

"Uncle!!" She runs towards me and I picked her up.

"What's little princess doing?" I asked her and walked towards her parents.

"I'm eating cookies, Auntie Haisley gave it to me." She said excitedly.

When we reached her parents I set her down and she went where the cookies are.

"So? You two both made up?" I questioned then and they both nodded.

"We're planning on the wedding to be this November." William stated.

"That's good, and please don't make a baby that's like Zyritch." I whispered but enough for Kaiden to hear it.

"What did you just say?" Kaiden asked then glared at me, I smirk.

"Dre, let's accept the fact that you're whole family spoiled Zyritch, she literally asked me for a house that's made from chocolate and when I say no she cried on my shoulder." I stated and they all laugh.

"Well that true, tho." He said then laugh as well.

"So? what did you do at America? We heard that you went there to talk to Parker." Jaypee asked then I glared at Darsh.

"You really don't know how to shut your mouth." I said then rolled my eyes. "Anyways, we just talked about a year ago and we both already moved on and we both forgave each other, he already have a boyfriend well a fiance and they're wedding is in January, they also invite me to come." I answered.

"And you will come?" Sean asked me.

"Of course, why not?" I responded.

"Good to see that you've already moved on from him, so are you seeing a guy or a girl?" Paul questioned.

"Well for now, none, I don't think I will be fall inlove with someone these days." I said then drink my beer.

"Don't say like that, I'm sure someone will capture your heart sooner or later." Kyle stated then we all continue to drink our beers.

After we finished a more than 10 bottles of beer we went to the living room and we all collapsed at the floor and that's the last thing I know before I drifted off.

Morning came, I woke up laying on the floor with my idiotic friends, I stoop up and begin to wake them up.

"Hey bastards wake up." I said to then while shaking their shoulders.

"I will count to 10, if you all don't wake up I will go and collect a cold water and I will splash you with it." I warned but them still didn't move, so I started to count to ten, when I reached 10 they still sleeping, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed some cold water from the refrigerator.

"You all left me with no choice, idiots." I said then splash them with water, they sat up in an instant.







They all said and gave me a death glare, if looks can kill I will be 6 feet under ground right now.

"Hey, hey, in my defense, I warned you all but you didn't listen." I said and raise my both hands sign of surrender, then I laugh at them.

"What do you want fucker?" Sean questioned.

"Well, I'm going to leave, so I wake you all up." I said then they all look at me like I'm stupid.

"You can just leave, you motherfucker, and text all of us." Kaiden said, they all still sleepy.

"I know." I said then leave the living room and I left the house.

When I got to my car, I immediately hopped in and drove to my café, it's still early so I'm sure it's not open yet. When I arrived, the store is still close just like I thought, I unlocked it and went to my office, I didn't bother to lock it again, because anytime soon, Sam will come in the store to open it.

I'm still tired, when I got in my office I lay down at the sofa and take a nap. I heard a knock that woke me up from my nap.

"Come in." I said groggily, my head is throbbing because of hangover.

"Chris, do you want to drink tea?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah." That's all I replied then back to sleep.