Lyrinx POV

When I woke up I did my morning routine and all, then get downstairs, I'm surprised that my parents are still here.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad." I greeted them then I kissed their cheeks.

"Good morning to you too son." They both replied in unison.

"Why are you both still here? Don't you have work?" I asked then eat my breakfast.

"We took a day off to take a rest." My father answered. "What about you? Aren't you going to work?" He asked.

"I'm going to work after I finish eating." I replied then continue eating, when I'm done, I put my plate in the sink and wash it then I bid my goodbye to my parents to go to work.

It's still early but I'm not doing anything and I'm sure that Sam is already there so I won't be waiting for him to open the store. When I got there, the door of store is already open but the sign says it is close. I opened it and walk to the counter where Sam is.

"Good morning, Sam." I greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Rinx." He greeted me back.

"What are you doing? and Why the sign of the store is still close?" I asked.

"Oh really? I didn't turn it around I guess, can you do me a favor? turn it around for me." He said then I just nod my head then turned the sign around, then I get back to my position.

"And last, can you bring this to the office?" Sam said with a smirk on his face.

"What's with the smirk?" I asked then put the tea and the carrot cake on the tray then made my way to the office.

I knocked first but no one answers, I knock again and just like before no one answer again. So I try to twist the doorknob and it's not lock so I stepped in.

"Good morning, here is you tea, Sir." I said opening the door wide. I heard a groan then I looked at the direction where it came from and I saw Chris laying on the sofa, kind of not comfortable, so I tapped his shoulder to wake him up.

"Uhmm sir? wake up, your food is here, and you look kind of not comfortable at your position so better to get up." I said but he doesn't move, so I put the tray with his food on his desk and shake his shoulders.

"Get up, you will be hurt when you wak---- ahh!" I cutted myself off with a not so loud scream when he pulled me with him on the sofa and hug me from behind. I felt heat rushing through my face and I know that I'm as red as tomato right now, so I try to get out from his grip but he just tightened his grip even more.

"Uhmm Sir? you should wake up now." I said smoothly.

"Later please, I'm still tired." He said with sleepy tone.

"But your tea will be cold." I said then sighed when he doesn't move. "Atleast let go off me so I can continue my work." I added and thankfully he let me go, my heart is beating so fast and I'm blushing from the tip of my hair to my toes.

"When you wake up, your food is on your desk, okay?" I said then he just hummed, I'm still worried about his position, he will be in pain when he wakes up.

I get out from his office and change to my uniform, then I went outside still blushing and all.

"So? what take you so long?" Sam asked with a knowing smirk, I know that he know what happened but I still said it to him.

"Well, uhmm, your boss don't wake up and I tried to wake him up but he doesn't move so I just left the food on his desk." I said, I didn't lie I just didn't include the part that he pulled me and hugged me.

"Ohh, okay." He said but he doesn't look convince.

"Hey! I'm telling the truth." I said then blush.

"I didn't say that you lied." He said then laugh at me, I know he's annoying.

"Whatever, hmp!" I said then I collect the orders of the costumers.

•Chris POV•

I woke up and my back is in pain, I shouldn't have sleep at the sofa, when I sat up I saw my food at my table, maybe Sam took it here and didn't wake me up. I got up and went to the bathroom and wash my face then brush my teeth, after that I eat my food then stepped out from my office. I saw Sam then I went to him to thank him.

"Thank you for the food but you should wake me up." I said to him when I got to his position.

"I thought Rinx wake you up." He said confused.

"Rinx?" I asked, who's Rinx.

"Yeah, Rinx, Lyrinx, he's a new employee here." He said then pointed at the pink haired guy talking to a kid while smiling. "There he is."

I just looked at the pink hair guy and the world seems to stop and we're the only people in the world, his smile looks so bright, the way he talks is so calming, I felt my heart beats fast, he looks like an angle.

"Earth to Chris." I blinked when Sam's hand is waving infront of my face.

"H-huh? Are you saying something?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm saying something but you look like you saw cupid, anyways I'm saying that Lyrinx is working here since yesterday, I forgot to tell you that." He responded.

"Oh, okay." I stated then look at Lyrinx again.

"Take a picture it will last longer." Sam stated at my back then I gave him a glare.

"Hey, beautiful where are you going after you work here?" I heard a guy said then I looked at the direction where it came from and I saw Lyrinx smiling uncomfortable while the guy is touching his hand.

"Uhmm, I'm going to my home." I heard him replied and trying to get his hand out of the man's grip.

"What go with us after your work?" The man asked then looked at Lyrinx from head to toe but Lyrinx politely declined.

The hand of the man let go of Lyrinx's hand and he placed his hand on Lyrinx's hips. I felt suddenly angry and walk towards them and grabbed the man's hand from Lyrinx's hips.

"If he said, he doesn't want to come, that means he doesn't want to come, understand?" I said to the man and I place my arm around Lyrinx's waist and pulled him closer to me, I looked at them for a second then I grabbed Lyrinx's hand and drag him to my office, in our way I saw Sam smirking at me which i ignore.

When we arrived at my office, my anger is slightly fading, I motion him to sit down and he did.

"Sir, I'm sorry abo----" He doesn't complete his words when I sent him a glare.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Uhmm they were just fooling around, I guess?" He said uncertain and he lowered his head.

"Are you kidding me? they were literally eyeing you like a prey and you're saying that they were just fooling around?" I questioned my blood is starting to boil again.

"It's not that big de---" I cut his words off.

"It's not a big deal? What is a big deal for you, huh?" I asked him, slightly angry at the words he said, of course it's a big deal, is he fucking kidding me?

"Sorry, Sir, it won't happen again, I promise." He replied. I sighed and just hummed then I tell him to go back to him work.