Lyrinx POV

I woke up in the middle of the night at the loud thunder, I really hate thunders I'm afraid of it. When I look outside, it's raining heavily, I saw a bright flash and after that a loud thunder. I hide under my blanket and tried to calm myself down but the thunder is so loud so I yelled unintentionally.

"AHH!!" I yelled, I really hate thunders.

Someone opened the door but I don't know who is it because I'm too afraid to be out under my blanket.

"Hey, it's okay, no need to be afraid of." I heard Chris voice and he slowly pulled my blanket away from my face.

"It's fine, don't worry, it won't hurt you." He said soothingly and he smiled, I feel my hear beats fast, I still don't know why I'm always blushing and why does my heart beats so fast when I'm with him.

"Did...did I wake you up?" I asked shyly.

"No, you didn't, don't worry." He answered and brush my hair using his hand.

"Uhmm thank you." I said then yawned. I feel sleepy and tired these days.

"You can sleep now, do you want me to play some music?" He asked.

"Ahh, no it's okay." I answered. "Uhm can you...ahh..can you stay for a while?"

"Yeah sure, I'll stay until you sleep." He answered that made me smile and I close my eyes to sleep.

I stretch my hands and I felt someone on my side, I opened my eyes and I almost yelled when I saw Chris on my bed, but I realized that I am in his house. I was about to sat up when Chris put his arm on my waist and pulled me closer to him spooning me, he's the big spoon and I'm the small one.

"Uhmm Chris?" I asked silently.

"Don't get up yet, it's still early take a rest, you look so restless last night." He said then he snuggles behind me.

He's right, but how can I sleep when I felt his thing poking on my bum, I blush and swirl my lower body trying to find more comfortable place, but he held me tight.

"Stop moving around, I might take you right here, right now." He said with his sleepy voice and I felt my thing begin to stand up.

So, I just stop moving my lower back, but wait is he gay? maybe because no guy will cuddle with another guy and say something like that to another guy.

I didn't feel sleepy anymore and I think Chris is deep sleep right now so, I tried to escape at his grip again and thankfully I manage to escape. I went to the bathroom and find a toothbrush that isn't used yet, and thankfully that I found one and I brush my teeth.

I went downstairs and saw Elizabeth cooking and other maids, I guess? I went to them and greeted them, they greeted me back.

"Good morning, do you need help?" I asked to Elizabeth.

"Oh, dear, nothing, just take a seat and leave us all the work in here." She said.

"But I can help." I stated.

"Chris might get mad if he saw you doing chores." She responded and I shook my head no.

"He won't, don't worry and he's still sleeping." I reassured her.

"You're his guest, Sir." One of the maid said.

"Just call my Lyrinx or Rinx." I said then they also introduce their selves excluding Elizabeth because we've already met last night.

"Please, Let me help" I asked and I gave them the best puppy eyes and I pouted, Elizabeth just sighed and nod her head.

"You can ready and set up the dinning room." She said and I nod my head.

I get plates, glasses, forks, spoons, and put it on the table. When I'm done, Elizabeth is also done cooking.

"Why is there so many plates?" Claire asked.

"Oh, so we can all eat." I said to them with a smile.

"Uhm we don't really eat with Sir." Cassandra stated.

"Oh, is that so? but you can eat now with us, the more the merrier." I said to them and walked away to wake Chris up.

When I stepped inside the room, I saw Chris still sleeping, so I went beside him and gently shakes his shoulders.

"Wake up, it's time for breakfast." I said and just groaned.

"It's time for breakfast, Elizabeth is already done cooking and they're all waiting for us." I said and he slowly open his eyes, I smiled at him.

"Good morning." I said then hold his hand and tried to pull him up.

"Get up, so we can all eat." I stated and pulling him up.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"With Elizabeth and the others." I stated and smile.

"Huh? They will join us?" He questioned.

"Yes, I asked them to, so please let them join us." I gave him a puppy eyes and when he nod and I smiled at him.

He get up and went to the bathroom, maybe to brush his teeth and my eyes widened in surprised, I immediately went inside at the bathroom and saw him brushing his teeth with the brush I've used.

I went to his front between him and the bathroom sink and was about to get the brush but he stop me. He spit some one the foam in his mouth.

"What are you doing? can't you see I'm brushing my teeth?" He asked but he's not annoyed.

"Uhmm, the brush..uhmm...I already used it, so you shouldn't use it." I said shyly then lowered my head.

"And so?" He asked that made me look at him, he leaned in and I looked away blushing.

"Uhmm nothing, be quick so we can eat our breakfast." I was about to move when he put his both hands on the sink that make things hard for me to go anywhere.

He leaned in and I shut my eyes close, my heart is beating fast again, he might hear it. The next thing I knew he's now done brushing his teeth.

"Let's go, the food might get cold." He said then grabbed my hands and pulled me with him.

When we got at the dinning room, I saw them standing there and not on their seats.

"Let's all take a seat and eat." I said and they all nodded and take their seats, after we say our grace we begin dig in.

When we finished eating, I let them wash the plates even tho I want to but Chris said I still need to go home and go to work so I didn't bother to ask them to let me wash it.

"Come on, you're going to be late at your work." He said but I just pouted.

"I feel lazy to go to work, can I just don't go to work today, please." I said while following him to his car.

"Please, please, please." I pleased, I know that I just got work but I really feel lazy and I don't want to go to work today, he sighed.

"Okay, I will just give you a ride to your house." He said and opened the passenger seat's door and I hopped in with a smile on my face.

"Thank you." I said and he just hummed and turn on the engine and hit the road.