Lyrinx POV

Chris left when I get inside my house, I immediately call my friends to be here and happy to say that they came because they all bored like me, so we all here in the living room and watching random movies.

"I have something to ask." I started, and they all look at me.

"What is it?" Grayson asked.

"What does it mean when your heart beats fast?" I asked them, hey I don't have a boyfriend before, okay and it's new to me.

"Well, it depends your heart sometimes beats fast because of running, scared or when you're nervous." Keegan answered.

"And if you like someone." Ava added. l like someone?

"What if your heart beats fast because of someone and that person can always make you blush even tho the act he did is just a normal thing?" I asked again.

"Why are you asking, huh?" Ashley asked then they all look at me suspiciously.

"Because I felt something like that." I confessed, we all know every secrets of each others so I know that I can trust them.

"So you're starting to like someone huh?, who's the guy?" Lily asked.

"Uhmm you remember the guy at the club? the one I've kissed and the one who kissed me?" I started then they all nodded their head. "That's the guy."

"Oh, so you both saw each others more than once?" Ava said then slightly squeal.

"Uhmm yeah, he's my boss and my parent's boss." I answered and they all look surprised.

"Boss? so you have work?" Keegan asked.

"Yeah, I have, I'm kind of feel bored doing nothing in here, so I decided to find a work, I'm working with Sam." I answered.

"So?" He said then smirk.

"So, what?" I asked confused.

"Tell us something about your crush." Lily said then they all look at me waiting for me words.

"Uhmm he's a good looking man, he's gentle and he's so caring, he even let me sleep in his house and sleep with me in the same bed and calm me when there was a loud thunder last night." I said to them, I keep on telling them about Chris and they all squeal except from Grayson but he has a smirk on his face.

"He's so sweet." Ava said.

"Hey, hey, hey I'm more sweeter than him." Grayson said kiss Ava's cheeks than made Ava blush.

"Okay, okay stop being a PDA couple will you?" Keegan said, and Ava stuck her tongue out.

We continue hanging out until lunch came, I cooked our food and we continue hanging out, my parents are still not home, maybe they will come back next week or so, I'm used to it but I still want to hang out with them.

"Where should we go?" I asked feeling bored again.

"Why don't we go at your workplace to meet your crush and also to meet Sam?" Grayson suggested and they all agree so I agreed to them too.

"Okay, let's go." I said to them after I collected my wallet and phone.

We use Grayson's car to get there, when we arrived I saw Sam at the counter as usual. I opened the door and we all get in.

"Hey, Sam, long time no see." Keegan said while walking towards Sam.

"We've literally saw each other last night, remember?" Sam said and winked at Keegan who blushed dark red.

"I smell something fishy, what did you guys did last night?" I asked playfully smirking at them both.

"Didn't Keegan tell you that me and him is in a relationship with each other?" Sam said and we all surprised, Keegan doesn't say a word about that.

"So? why didn't you tell us?" Lily questioned then rolls her eyes.

"I was going to tell all of you today when we decided to go in here." Keegan answered.

"So? What makes you all came here?" Sam asked.

"We feel bored." I answered.

"Oh, I thought you're here to see Chris." He said, smirking at me.

"Oh so Chris is your crush's name." Ava stated.

"You have a crush on Chris." Sam asked, more like a statement. "He's in his office, want me to call him for you?" He asked and I blush.

"No need, I didn't go here to see him, we just wanted to see you." I answered still blushing.

"Aww, are you blushing, Rinx?" Ashley said.

"I'm not." I said then looked away, it's the same time when Chris get out of his office.

"I thought you don't want to come to work today?" Chris asked.

"Uhmm yeah, I'm here with my friends just want to see Sam." I answered still blushing and I lowered my head.

"You must be the person who's Rinx talking about." Grayson said. "I'm Grayson, this is Ava my girlfriend." He said while pointing at Ava. "This is Keegan, Sam's boyfriend." he added then pointed at Keegan. "This is Ashley and Lily." He added then pointed at the two girls.

"Nice to meet you all." Chris said.

"Nice to meet you too." My friends said in unison.

"Have you eaten?" Chris asked me, and I nodded my head, still not looking at him.

"Hey, is there something wrong? why aren't you looking at me?" He questioned.

"Uhmm no there's nothing wrong, don't worry." I answered.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am." I said and look at him then smile, he smiled back.

"Okay, if you say so, Sam can you give me a tea." He said at Sam then look at me again. "I'll be in my office if you need something, okay?" He added and I just nodded my head.

He left and my friends starts squealing and slightly hitting me, Sam is slightly laughing at my face. I'm sure that my face is now red. We take a seat but we didn't order, we just here to talk and do nothing, me and my friends are having a conversation until Sam calls me.

"Rinx, can you give this to Chris?" Sam asked smirking.

"Yeah." I said then get the tray on his hand then he sat at my spot.

I walk towards Chris's office then I knocked.

"Come in." He said the I opened the door, he doesn't aware that I'm the one who giving him his drink.

"Here's your tea, Sir." I stated then place his cup of tea on his desk, he looked at me.

"Thank you, how was your day so far?" He asked.

"Uhmm it's great." I answered and he just hummed.

"I will go to my friends now, have a great day." I said was about to walk away when he captured my hand.