Chris POV

I'm in my office now, doing some works that Kelly emailed at me. When I received a chat from me and my friends group chat.

"It seems like, Chris is spending more time in his café than usual." Darsh chatted.

"Of course he will, Lyrinx is in there, right?" Sean replied.

"It seems like he found someone that captured his heart." Paul chatted.

"I'm not inlove and no one captured my heart." I replied to Paul, I lied, I know that I'm feeling something for Lyrinx.

"Yeah, and cow can jump over the moon." Kaiden said.

"You should look at the mirror while staring at Lyrinx to know that you're eyes are shaping heart when you're looking at him." Kyle said.

"Admit it lover boy, you're going to marry someone soon." Jaypee said.

"I'm not going to marry soon or later." I replied then hang up then I heard a knock from my door.

"Come in." I said without looking at the person who knocked.

"Here's your cup of tea, Sir." Said by the very familiar voice and I looked at the owner of the voice and I saw Lyrinx smiling at me.

"Thank you, how's your day so far?" I asked him.

"Uhmm it's great." He answered and I just hummed.

"I will go to my friends now, have a great day." He said and was about to leave when I captured his hand and I walk infront of him.

"Uhmm what are you doing, Sir?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said then leaned in.

I place my hands on in hips and I start kissing his neck.

"Uhmm I should get going now." He said trying to get out from my grip but I didn't let him, I continue to kiss his neck until he let out a moan.

"Found it." I said then continue kissing at his spot and he continue to let out a moan, it's not that loud to be heard outside.

"Someone might came in." He said between his moans.

"Don't worry, no one will come in here." I said still kissing his neck, I made sure to leave a hickey.

I tapped his legs sign for him to jump and wrap his legs around my waist and he did it. I walk towards my sofa and laid him down, I kiss his lips and it tastes so delicious more than anything, he wrap his arms around my neck, I ask for entrance but he doesn't open his mouth so I gently bit it that cause him to gasp and I entered his mouth, we battle for dominance and clearly I won, and I started to roam around his mouth, he slightly pulling my hair and it gives me a pleasurable sensation, I'm the one who pulled away to give him some air, then I looked at him.

"That was an amazing kiss." I said and he blushed, it's so cute to see him blushing.

"Uhmm yeah, but I have to go to my friends now, they might looking for me." He said and sat up, he was about to get out.

"Do you want to stay over again?" I asked him and he look at me.

"Uhmm no, they will be sleeping over at my house tonight." He answered and I just nod then he get out from my office.

That's it when I heard my phone rings so I picked it up.

"Hey bastard." William said.

"What is it fucker?" I asked.

"Well, I just want to say that Hypnos said that he will treat us some bears, so are you in?" He asked from the other line.

"Yeah, I will be there, what time?" I answered.

"At 10 pm and don't expect to see girls out there because no one will come, me and Kaiden will die if some girls come." He said then I laugh at his last words.

"Well, atleast I know who is wearing pants in your relationship." I said.

"Anyways, where are you? are you still at your café?" He asked.

"Yeah I am." I responded.

"Is Lyrinx there, that's why you're still there?" He questioned I can tell that he's smirking.

"Yeah he was in my office." I replied.

"So?" He said.

"So what?" I answered.

"Idiot, of course what happened?" He asked.

"Why should I tell you that, lunatic?" I asked back.

"Because we're friends." He answered.

"So? what's the connection of it?" I questioned again.

"Uhmm? Friends doesn't keep secrets from each others?" He sounds unsure.

"Whatever, we just made out, that's all." I announced.

"Woah!! you both what?" He asked.

"You heard me." I answered with a smirk on my face.

"You said that you're not inlove with him." He stated.

"Did I?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah, you did you motherfucker." He said and I laughed.

"Get your ass over here, you're spending more of your time in your café." He said.

"I'm still doing some work, I'll come later." I replied.

"Yeah, of course you will." He said with the hint of sarcasm then hangs up the phone.

I just laughed at him and continue working, I'm sure that anytime my other friends will call me or text me asking what happened to me and Lyrinx, because as you all can see, we really don't know how to shut our mouth when it comes to each other.

After some minutes, my suspicions were right, they started to bombarded me some questions and some of them are calling me but I didn't answer instead I video call them to our group chat, and they all answer in instant.

"So what was this we're hearing from William? about made out?" Kaiden started.

"Just like I thought, Will already told you." I said then sighed.

"Of course." William said then smirk.

"I told you all that he's inlove." Paul said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

They continue teasing me and asking questions until they just hang up one by one, then I decided to go out and go to the company but before going out from my store, I heard Lyrinx's friends teasing him, I guess it's about the hickeys on his neck.