Chris POV

It's my last day here in America, I quickly did what I need to do to be back at Lyrinx's hand. I didn't call him because I want to surprise him.

When my plane landed on the Philippines it's already noon, I head to my house and rest for a while. When I woke up, I quickly take a bath and go to my café, I think he's in there.

When I arrived at my store I only saw Sam and the other workers but I didn't saw him.

"Where is Lyrinx?" I asked Sam.

"He went out with his cousin." He answered and I nod, I want to call him but I don't want to ruin my own surprised.

I went to my office and wait for Lyrinx to come back in here, I keep on waiting and I'm starting to be annoyed because he still not coming back. So, I stepped out from my office and I saw that it's already night time.

"He's still not here?" I asked.

"Nope, he didn't get back, maybe he's in his house now." Sam said then I quickly ran to my car and started to drive to his house.

After some minutes I arrived at his house and I saw another car parking infront of his house and I saw a man kissed his forehead and hugged him, my blood boiled at anger, jealous and feeling betrayed.

I get out from my car and sprint towards them, I pulled the man away from Lyrinx and I punched him to his face and was about to punch him more when Lyrinx stepped between us.

"What are you doing, Chris!?" He asked in anger, wow, he's the one who's angry now, great.

"Elijah, you can go, now, I'll talk to you later." He said to the guy and the guy just nod and went to his car then drove off.

"What were you thinking!?" He asked.

"Wow, What WERE you thinking!?" I asked back. "Hugging with another man infront of your house!?" I said every words are like venom.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Don't play innocent, Lyrinx, I saw what I saw." I said in anger.

"It's not what yo-----" He started but I cut him off.

"Then what is it, huh!?" I yelled, I can't control myself anymore.

"Please, let me explain, I lov-----" I cut him off again and he was about to held my hand when I backed away, I saw the pain in his eyes.

"Don't you dare touch me, I don't love you, I didn't love you!" I yelled at him and he smile sadly at me, his tears are threatening to fall.

"I know." He said before sprinting in his house and slammed the door behind him.

I went in to my car and drove to my own house, when I arrived I got to the bar and grabbed alcohol and drink it. It hurts more than what I felt when Parker fooled me.

I throw the bottle and my glass to the wall and sat on the floor, I, then started to cry.

"Why? Is my love not enough!?" I yelled then throw another bottle.

•Lyrinx POV•

After what he said I sprint inside my house, the words he said hurt me so much, I slammed my door behind me and I lean on it and cry then I sat on the floor. I didn't think he will say that to me.

"I love you, I love you." I said while crying.

"You didn't mean all that, you loved me and you still love me!!" I yelled still crying.

I stepped out to talk to him again to explain to him but he's nowhere to find, so I just go to my friends house.

I walked to the road alone and the breeze of the cold air is hitting my skin, I feel so lost and alone. When I got to their house, I knock after a couple of knocks, Ava opened it and was surprised to see me crying.

"What happened to you?" She asked then I hugged her starting to cry when harder to her shoulder.

"Chris doesn't love me anymore." I replied.

She guided me to their living room and sat me on the couch then she gave me water.

"Grayson, Ashley, Lily, Keegan, Lyrinx is here!!!" She shouted and all of them rush with a smile on their face but that smile slowly fades when they saw me crying.

"What happened to you?" They all asked in unison.

"Chris told me he doesn't love me anymore." I answered.

"But why?" Keegan asked.

"He saw me and Elijah hugging." I answered.

"But Elijah is your cousin." Ashely said.

"He doesn't know that." I answered.

"You should explain it to him." Grayson said.

"I know, I tried to but he didn't listen to my explanation and he just said that he doesn't love me." I responded my tears rolling on my cheeks.

"You can sleep here, and stay here for a while, don't go for work." Lily said to me.

"But if I didn't go to work, I won't be able to explain things to Chris." I protest.

"We know but if you go there he still won't listen to you, he will just be an ass." Ava stated and I nodded.

They guided me to my room and laid me down, they didn't leave me until I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up early this morning, I felt lazy I didn't want to move to my bed. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come out here it's time to eat breakfast!" Ava yelled outside my door.

"I'm still not hungry, I will eat later." I answered.

"You need to eat, you didn't eat dinner last night." She replied.

"I'm really not hungry!" I yelled back.

"Okay, but when you feel hungry just go to the dinning room, we're going to leave your dood there."

She responded.

"Yeah, thank you." I replied and I didn't hear her again so I just think that she went downstairs and eat with others.

I look at my phone hoping that Chris called me last night but when I see that he didn't my tears begin to fall again, I wiped them and turn off my phone.

Afternoon goes and I still didn't move from where I was when I woke up. I just let my tears flow, it hurts so much. Ava came again to tell me to eat but I declined again they can't get inside because they accidentally locked it last night and they didn't want to come in without my permission so they didn't really tried to unlocked it using the key.

"Please, Lyrinx it's already dinner and you're still not eating anything." Ashley said worry in her voice.

"I will eat when I felt hungry, please I want to be alone." I replied and I assumed she did it.

I really wanted to be alone, I don't want any of them to see me in this rate, I don't want to burden them by looking like this.

"I love you Chris please come back to me." I said then I cried harder before I drifted off to sleep.