Chris POV

It's been a week since I said those hurtful words that I didn't mean, I now regret it all because of the looks that Lyrinx gave me that time. I hate myself for hurting him and making him cry.

I went to his house but he isn't there, his parents won't tell me where he went, I tried to call him but his phone is off. I asked Sam but he didn't know.

This time I went to my café to asked Sam again, I know that he know where Lyrinx is, but he just don't want to tell me. When I arrived I saw Sam talking to another guy and my blood boiled when I saw who it is. It's the person who hugged my Lyrinx. I walked to that person and pulled him to face me.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I asked angrily.

"I'm here to explain things." He said.

"I don't need your explanation, I saw what I saw." I replied and walked away from him.

"But you saw wrong, he's my cousin." He said that made me stop from walking.

"He's your what?" I asked again.

"He's my cousin." He said. "We met again a week ago when you saw us, we hang out for that day and I sent him home because it's too late for him to walk for the next bus." He explained and my world crushed when I heard him.

I was about to reply to him when my phone rings.

"What is it?" I asked when I picked it up.

"Where are you? Bring your ass here." Kaiden said, I forgot it's my friend's wedding.

I walked out from the door and drive to my house and quickly change my clothes into my suits and drive to where the wedding will be held, I got in there in time.

"What took you for so long?" Kyle asked.

"Finding my love." I answered.

"Why?" He asked again.

"I'm going to explain to you all later." I answered then we all get ready for the wedding.

We all congratulate William and I also teased him for a bit and they all glared at me at the end of it.

The wedding was nice, they said their vows to each others and I do's, when the priest announced them as husband a wife, we all cheered for them, while they both kiss each other on lips.

We then left and drive to the reception, the MC of the reception was funny. William and Haisley gives their own message for each other, well, basically they repeat their vows.

Then the MC called for someone who wants to give them message so as his friends we all raised our hand.

"Do you bring the tarpaulin?" I asked Kaiden and he just nodded his head.

After we all give our messages the tarpaulin starts to roll down at the entrance of the reception hall.

"Look there, idiot!" I yelled to him and when he saw he glared at me and the crowd started to laugh.

"I'll get you back at your own wedding you fucker." He yelled and the crowd laughs harder.

We all get down from the stage and went to our table.

"So? What happened? Why were you late?" Kyle asked me then they turn their attention to me.

"I was searching for Lyrinx." I said enough for them to hear.

"Why?" Jaypee asked.

"I kind of tell him that I didn't love him." I said then scratches the back of my neck.

"You what!?" Dwayne asked half yelled.

"I kind of sai----"

"Why?" Paul questioned.

"The day I came back I didn't tell him because I want to surprise him but the night came and I didn't saw him, then I decided to go to his house then I saw him hugging another man, which is his cousin but in my defense I didn't know that he is his cousin that day." I explained.

"Wow, dre, you're an idiot." William said at my back and I glared at him.

"I didn't know what else I can do." I said and drink an alcohol.

"Why don't you go to his house? or maybe ask Sam?" Darsh said.

"I already did but he's not in his house and his parents won't tell me so is Sam." I answered.

"Then ask his cousin." Paul suggested.

"I don't want to, I will just go and ask Sam again." I said.

"Such a stubborn ass you have there, dre." Kaiden said.

"Whatever." I said then drink my alcohol again.

We talk to another topic until I decided to go to my café again, it's already night time but I know that Sam is still in there.

When I arrived, I saw Sam still at the counter, so I walked towards him.

"Sam, where is Lyrinx?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He answered not looking at me.

"I know that you know where he is, please tell me where I can find him." I stated.

"No, I won't, you hurt him Chris." He said glaring at me.

"I know and I want to see him and apologize for what I have said." I replied.

"No, I won't tell you." Sam responded.

"Please tell m----" I was cut off from my own words when I heard a voice.

"I know where he is." A voice said and I turned around to see Lyrinx's cousin.

"Really? Where is he?" I asked him, I know I hit him but I don't care I want to see my beautiful baby and I don't care if I got jealous over him.

"Come with me." He said.

"Elijah, no." Sam said sternly.

"But do you want to see Lyrinx sad again?" Elijah said.

"Of course not." Sam replied.

"Then let this man see Lyrinx." He replied then Sam sighed.

"Wait for me I'll come with you." Sam replied then take off his uniform then we got out from the store l, Sam locked it before we left.

We all ride our own car, I followed Elijah and after a couple of minutes driving he stopped infront of the unfamiliar house, it's big it has a plants outside of the house, even it's night, I can clearly see how beautiful it is.

They knocked on the front door, and after a couple of knocks a girl opened the door, she's one of Lyrinx's friend.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I'm here to talk with Lyrinx." I answered.

"He's sleeping, you can go and talk to him tomorrow." She replied, I was about to speak when Elijah speak for me.

"Ava, let him speak with Lyrinx, I don't want to see my cousin sad anymore." He said and opened the door even wider to let us all come in.

"You know where his room is, guide him in there." She said before looking at me. "And you, once you hurt him again, I will castrate you, understand?" She added then I just nodded my head, I'm not afraid of her empty threat.

We walked on the stairs and we stopped infront of one room, then Elijah knocked.

"Who is it?" My heart breaks when I heard his voice it seems like he's crying.

"It's me, Elijah, Can I come in?" He asked.

"No, leave me alone." He replied.

"Someone wants to talk to you."

"Tell them, I don't want to talk to them." He answered, Elijah was about to speak when I shush him.

"Even me?" I asked and he doesn't answer, I was about to lose my hope when I heard a sound of him moving.