Darsh POV

I woke up in my office, I yawned and stretcted my arms. I slept here at my office in my airport because of some difficulties about a plane, I decided not to let it took off so no one will going to be hurt. I then heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I stated and I saw Levi, one of my pilot here walked in.

"What is it?" I asked sternly and he gulped.

Everyone knew me as a cruel CEO a cruel business man, one wrong move and I will spit fire on your face.

"Sir? Can I take a leave for 2 weeks?" He asked.

"2 weeks?" I asked.

"Yes, sir." He answered.

"Okay, give me one valid reason for me to allow you." I ordered.

I looked at him dangerously saying that 'if I didn't liked your reason you can go and never come back because you're fired.' He gulped again.

"My wife gave birth to our son, and I need to be on her side so she won't be moving around to much and she can take a rest." He answered nervously.

I just looked at him and I close my eyes, and I slipped two papers out and wrote something on it, I then pushed it towards his direction.

"Sign that." I stated and placed a pen on the side of the paper.

"What this is for?" He asked.

"Can you read?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir." He answered.

"Then read it." I responded.

"I, Reid Smith asking for a 2 weeks leave at 'National Airline' if I didn't go back when my 2 weeks done, I won't we working at the airline anymore." He stated.

"But si---" I cut him off.

"If you don't want to sign it then I won't allow you to take your leave." I stated without looking at him.

"Take it or leave it." I added playing with the pen on my fingers.

He then pulled away the lid of my pen and sign the two papers, I gave him the one copy and the other was with me I put it in my brown envelope.

"Thank you sir." He said then he walked out from my office.

I heard my phone rings then I looked at the caller's ID and it's one of my friends, Sean the lunatic.

"What is it fucker?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Woah woah woah dre calm the fucking down, I called you because Chris and Lyrinx invited us to there house to eat breakfast." He answered.

"Okay, I will be there." I said.

"Where were you? you're not in your house." He asked.

"Aw are you worried at me dre?" I said then smirked.

"Shut up fucker why would I be worried about you?" He asked.

"Anyways, I'm in my office at the airport now, I slept in here because of some difficulties that I was working until last night." I answered.

"Okay, see you later, idiot." He said then he hang up.

I guess Lyrinx isn't with home because if Lyrinx heard him, he's now death. I picked up the important documents and put it in my briefcase, then I walked out from my office.

When I went out, I saw my car at my own parking space and I walked towards it. When I reached the spot of my car I immediately went in at the backseat.

"Go to my house, I need to change my clothes." I stated to my driver, Bruno.

At the ride I just read the papers I took from my office and when I'm done I looked outside and saw a bunch of men, they looked like they're beating someone but I can't see who it was.

"Stop the car." I stated calmly.

"Okay, sir." Bruno stated.

When Bruno stopped the car I immediately went out to walked towards the bunch of men direction, I can now fully saw them, their beating a homeless guy and they're also saying something but I can't hear it clearly then I heard a crying.

"What the fuck are you all doing!?" I yelled and the men looked at me before running away.

I then started to walk towards the man who's now laying on the cold and slightly wet floor, I picked him up bridal style and I walked towards my car, then I went in.

"Drive now." I stated.

I then looked at the guy who's still unconscious, he have a small bruises on his face, there's a bit of blood on his pinkish lips, his nose is pointed, his eyelashes were long and thick. I just looked at him and studied his face until we got at my house.

"We're here now sir." Bruno stated when he parked my car at my parking lot.

He then opened the backseat door for me to came out, I climbed off with the guy still on my arms. We walked towards the door of my house, Bruno opened it for us and I walked in, I went upstairs and went in to my room and I laid the guy on my arms down at my bed.

I then pulled out my phone and dialed Jaypee's number after some rings he picked it up.

"Where are you dre?" He immediately asked when he answered.

"I'm in my house, I'm going to be late a bit." I answered.

"It's fine, Chris is still sleeping and they still aren't done cooking." He said.

"But why did you call?" He then asked.

"I need a doctor at my house." I stated.

"Why?" He asked trying to hide his worry.

"I'm not injured or something, I just happened to helped a guy being beat up by some random guys." I answered.

"That's not my specialized, you bastard." He replied and I tsked.

"Just come here, it's not too severe and I think you can check him up even this isn't your specialized." I responded and he sighed.

"Okay, I will be at your house give me a minute." He stated and hang up the phone.

I just stared at the guy who's on my bed and then after a couple of minutes I heard my door knock.

"Come in." I stated and I saw Jaypee walked in.

"I thought you will be here after a minute?" I asked them teasingly then I smirked.

"You know I need to get my things." He answered then he rolled his eyes.

"Alright now check him out." I stated pointing at the unconscious guy on my bed.

"Wow, did you fell inlove with him the moment you saw him?" He asked then I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Are you nuts? I don't, now go check him up, you fucker." I stated then smacked his head then he did what was he told.