Darsh POV

After Jaypee checked the guy up, he put his things inside his bag.

"He's fine, he just need some rest and some ointment to heal his small bruises." Jaypee stated then I nodded my head.

"Okay, thank you now get out so I can dress up and we can go to Chris's house together." I stated and he got out from my room.

I then walked in to my walk in closet and took off my clothes, then I slipped into my comfortable clothes then I went out, before shutting the door of my room I took a last glance at the guy on my bed. Then I went downstairs.

"Candice!" I called one of my maid.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"Don't let the guy at my room went outside this house, understood?" I stated.

"Yes, sir." She answered and I walked away.

I went out my house and I saw Jaypee at his own car and I moved to my parking spot where my car was and went inside my car.

We then went to Chris house, when we got in their house, they're already on the dining room. I sat across Kyle.

"Come eat with us." Lyrinx stated and they all sat at the empty chairs.

"How's life?" Chris asked.

"It's doing great, I had met a homeless guy getting beaten up with some idiot strangers." I answered and I saw Lyrinx glared at me.

"I will really put some tape over your mouths, you always curse, the kids are here, they might copy the words that come out from your mouths." He stated while shaking his head, me and my friends put our hands up sign of surrending.

We, then continue to eat. When we're done the maids cleaned up the table and we all went to the living room to chill out.

"So? what's happened next? why did you call Jaypee?" Kyle asked.

"The guy that I have helped was beaten up by some random guys and he was unconscious." I answered and they all just nodded their head.

"How is he then?" Paul asked.

"He's fine, he needs to take a rest because his body was tired because of the beating he just had and some small bruises on his face and some on his body, others were old but most of them were just recently." Jaypee answered.

"Glad that we have a friend Doctor here" I stated and I leaned my head back.

"Who's going to get marry next?" Chris suddenly asked.

"Probably, Darsh." William stated and I quickly look at his direction.

"And why me?" I asked.

"Simply, because you will fall inlove to the homeless guy you helped." William explained with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah sure after a billion years." I answered.

"Don't talk end you might swallow your words in the future just like our idiot friend here." Jaypee stated and look at Chris.

"Shut up, dickhead." He said and we all shush him.

"Your husband might hear us swearing, he might kick us in our asses." Sean stated.

"Are you scared?" Chris asked teasingly.

"Well, aren't you?" Sean asked back and smirked then we all laugh.

"Of course I am, he's a dragon when I'm cursing especially infront of our child." Chris whined but we all know that he loves his husband, he was literally crying at us when Lyrinx made him sleep outside their room because he cursed.

We just continue to talked for a while then I looked at my watch and it read 10am then I got up.

"I'm going now, I have a meeting at 12 and I still need to change my clothe." I stated at them.

"Bye, dre." They all yelled.

"Take care bastard." Chris yelled and the next thing I heard was Lyrinx nagging at him.

I then left their house and went to mine, when I got home, I went inside my house then I went in my room, I saw the guy still sleeping on my bed, I guess he really is tired, so I didn't bothered him and just went in to my closet. I changed my clothes to my suit and then I got out my room.

"Candice!" I yelled and she went on my spot.

"When the guy on my room woke up, give him foods and made him take his bath then change his clothes, don't let him go out." I stated

Then walked out from my house then suddenly my phone rings, I didn't bothered to look at the caller's ID.

"Bruno, ready the car, I'll just answer this call." I stated and answered the call.

"Hello, good morning sir." My secretary Alex stated.

"To you too, what is it?" I asked.

"The boards are already hear sir, they're asking if you're not coming." He stated then I looked at my watch.

"Tell them that I will and also do be an impatient ass they came there a lot earlier that the time that they set by themselves." I stated a bit annoyed and hang up the phone.

I then walked towards my car and went inside at the backseat.

"Let's go, at the airport, I have some fucking meeting with some bastards there." I stated.

Bruno being him just nodded his head and started the engine then we hit the road. After a couple of minutes we arrived at my airline and I went in to the elevator and pressed the top floor. I then walked towards the meeting room and I saw then all standing up. I motioned them to sit down when I sat down.

I placed my elbows on the table and placed my this over the back of my palm. Then I looked at them dangerously.

"So? why did you all made an appointment for a meeting?" I asked coldly.

"We called for a meeting so we all can talk about last month when 5 of our planes had a technical difficulties." Mr. Valerio stated and I sighed.

"i thought we already discussed this last week." I stated.

"But isn't important to discuss again? our profit went down because of it, and another plane was fixed again." Mrs. Grande stated.

"Where's the documents?" I asked to Alex and he handed me the documents that was in my briefcase.

"The last month problems was already fixed, that profit that we're having this month raised, and also the plane that was had a problem was an old plane one and I already disposed it, the new plane will be here for about 2 months." I stated while they were starting at the documents that I handed to them.

"And our sales this month is 3 times higher than last month because of many tourist that's coming in our country, and also some of our countrymen go to other country to travel." I added coldly and they all nodded their heads.

"Any more questions?" I asked and they didn't said anything so I stood up and went outside from the meeting room and went to my office.