Darsh POV

When I finished all my works at my office I called Bruno, after some rings he picked it up.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Ready the car." I stated and hang up the phone.

Then I arranged my papers on my table so it won't be messy when I work tomorrow. While putting the documents that I need to looked at and study later, my secretary called me.

"Yes?" I asked when I picked it up.

"Sir, Mr. Jerico, set an appointment tomorrow, at 11am." He stated.

"Okay, is that all?" I asked then walked out from my office.

"Yes Sir." He said and I ended the call.

I then arrived outside the airport and there was Bruno at the side of my car, I walked towards it then Bruno opened the backseat door and I went in.

"To home." I stated while tapping at my phone.

After a couple of minutes, we arrived at my house, Bruno parked the car on the parking space and I went out, I walked towards the door and I opened it, I was about to stepped in when I saw a guy standing infront if me.

I looked at him intimidatingly and it sink in me, he was the guy that I've helped, he was shorter than me. He looked good now that he's clean, his blue eyes were beautiful, his small pinkish lips, his hair was a bit messy but he still look cute.

"Going somewhere?" I asked dangerously while looking down on him.

"Ahg.... uhmm." I mentally smirked when he stuttered.

"Candice!!" I yelled then Candice went to out spot.

"What did I tell you to do to him?" I asked coldly.

"Ah.. uhmm make him eat, take a bath and don't let him to go home." She answered, and I gave her a cold glare.

"Then why is he going out?" I asked more dangerously but she didn't answer.

"You know that you need to take your punishment, right?" He asked, of course they already know that, their punishment was she will lose $100 dollar from their $300 profit.

"No, she did all things that you've ordered her to do, no need to punish her." I then looked at the guy who's now standing infront of Candice.

"And who are you to tell me what should I do?" I asked.

"I'm Lincton Zacario." He answered and I mentally let out a sarcasm laugh.

'This guy is brave to stand up.' I thought.

"Okay then, explain why are you at the door? it's not that you're waiting for me." I stated with a smirk on my face.

"Uhmm... ahhh, I'm just going to the garden and look at the flowers." I can tell that he was lying but I just let him.

"Really? It's night now so you won't clearly see the flowers in the garden, and the garden is at the back." I stated smirking.

"I know, I also want to see the stars and the moon." He stated and I just nodded.

"Cook me a dinner, I'm starving." I said to Candice.

"And you are going to bring it to my room." I stated at Lincton and walked away.

"How can I know where your cave is!?" I heard him yelled and I mentally smirked at that, he really have balls to say that.

I went in my room and went inside the bathroom and took a bath, after that I went in my closet and I slipped on my clothes.

•Lincton POV•

I mentally let out a deep sigh when he walked away from, but then I remembered something, did he just order me to do something for him?

"How can I know where is your cave!?" I yelled to him when he was walking upstairs. I looked at Candice who's still at my back.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, but you know you didn't to do that, we're already used to sir Darsh's personality and he's a good person, he just really doesn't like it when his orders didn't obeyed." She replied.

"Come on, I'm going to cook, you can wait for it so you can bring it to him." She stated and we both walked towards the kitchen then she started to cook for the monster.

"Wait, where is his room?" I asked.

"The room you slept in." She replied without looking at me.

We didn't say anything after that, I just looked at her while cooking skillfully, I was amazed at how delicious her food was when I ate it, gut but I was more amazed seeing her cooking in the kitchen.

When she was done, she got a tray, plates, cutlery and water, she then put the foods she cooked in the plates, and she placed it on the tray and gave it to me.

"Can you do it or need my help?" She asked.

"No, you can do anything you want or you can sleep now." I stated and she just nodded her head and I made my way.

I still remembered where the room was so I quickly found it, I opened the door without knocking and I saw the monster sitting on his chair and his head was over his arms, I don't know if he was awake or not.

I gently closed the door behind me and walked towards him, I then placed the tray on his bed and I tapped his shoulder but I just heard a groan.

"Hey monster your foods are here." I said and gently shook his shoulders.

"Take the food away, I'm going to eat it later, I'm tired let me sleep." He stated with a groggy voice, still closed eyes.

I sigh but he was maybe irritated me downstairs and he might looked like a monster but he needed to eat his food before going to bed. I leaned on his ear.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled and he stumbled from his chair and fell down on the floor.

"What the fuck!?" He slightly yelled back.

"You're not waking up and your food is here." I said then placed my hands on my waist.

"I told you, I'm going to eat it later." He said.

"No, you're not going to sleep with an empty stomach." I stated then pointed at the food on his bed. "Now, eat your dinner." I added.

"Wow, you really are brave, do you even know me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't, but I know that you're a monster." I stated and he was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Stop talking and eat your food, I will be staying here until you finished it." I stated and sat on his chair.

He then sat on his bed and placed the tray on his lap and started to eat the food, when he was done I grabbed the tray and was about to walked out, I looked at him and I saw him laying on his bed.

"Where can I sleep then if I'm not allowed to go outside?" I asked.

"You can sleep anywhere you want." He answered and I left the room.