Darsh POV

I woke up in the middle of the night of the sound of someone's cry. I sat up and looked around my bed but I didn't saw anything.

"Please help me." I heard another sound.

I got up and was about to went outside my room when my feet hit something or should I say someone. I looked down and I saw Lincton on the floor laying and groaning. He was laying there without an mattress or something on his back or a pillow to put his head on.

I sat down and was about to touch him but he pushed my hands.

"No, please stop, please." He stated.

I got worried for real and begun to gently shook his shoulders but he just doesn't getting up, I then harshly shook him to woke him up.

"NO!!" He shouted.

He finally got up panting and covered on sweat. He then looked around the room and stopped when he saw me.

"Did I woke you up?" He asked.

"Not really." I answered and he lowered his head.

"Sorry." He mumbled but I still heard it.

"Why were you screaming and asking for help?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just a nightmare." He answered but I know he was lying.

"Okay, anyways, why were you sleeping here?" I asked.

"You said, I can sleep anywhere I liked." He answered and I just mentally facepalm.

"I mean why would you want to sleep on the floor without mattress and pillow? you could have slept on the bed." I said.

"Oh! I just got used to it? and also in sidewalk I don't use that things." He stated with a smile and I don't know why but my heart shattered.

"Come on, you can sleep on my bed." I stated.

"No, uhmm I'm fine here." He stated with a tone of.... nervousness?

"No you're not, come on." I said again and laid down on my bed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course, why can't I? and we're both man." I said and his glinted with a fear.

"No." He asked and laid down on the floor.

"What do you mean no?" I asked confused at him, why is he being stubborn now?

"We can't sleep on the same bed." He said.

"Because?" I asked.

"I'm ahh uhmm I'm..... gay." He whispered.

"And so?" I asked him. So what if he's gay? it's not disgusting or we won't do anything wrong.

He looked at me with his eyes widened. I looked at him questioningly.

"Did you saw a ghost?" I asked.

"A-are you not going to hurt me? said that I'm a waste of space? or to tell me that I'm going to burn in hell?" He asked.

"Huh? Why would I?" I asked confused, what is he saying?

"I'm a faggot." He said.

I clenched my fists and I saw him flinched then he shut his eyes tightly, I then unclenched my fists and brushed his hair using my hand.

"You're not a faggot and you're not a waste of space, who told you that?" I asked.

"Uhmm no one, come on let's go sleep." He stated and laid on my bed.

He then closed his eyes, I know something was up to him, and I will find that out soon. I will kill the person who said that hurtful words to him.

I looked at him and I saw him deep in his sleep, I got up and picked up my phone then I dialed my friend's number.

"What the fuck dre? what is it?" I heard Chris asked.

"I want to know who's the parents of Lincton Zacario, ASAP." I stated.

"Can I do it tomorrow morning?" He asked whining.

"No, I need it now." I said.

"Okay give me a minute, I'll text you their names." He said then he ended the call.

I waited for a couple of minutes when I heard my phone beeped.

From: Chris fucker

Mother's name: Joseline Zacario

Father's name: Ferdinand Zacario

I read it out loud and my phone beeped again and I saw their address. I replied thank you to Chris and I let him slept. I then contacted my other friend after some rings he answered the call.

"Are you fucking for real? you're calling me at the fucking middle of the night?" He asked when he picked it up and I rolled my eyes.

"I need your help." I stated.

"What help?" He asked.

"I need you to find someone and to find out what happened to their son." I said, I looked at Lincton with soft eyes.

"And their names are?" He asked.

"Joseline and Ferdinand Zacario." I said and I also gave him their address.

"I will tell it to you when I found out." He replied.

"Okay, thank you." I said and ended the phone call.

I looked at my watch and it said, it was already 2:04 am, my sleepiness went away from my body. I grabbed my briefcase and pulled out the papers that I will review. I sat down on my chair and I opened the lights on my table.

I then started to work but I always looked back at Lincton to assured that he was still sleeping. I just read the documents the things that I needed when my phone beeped, I just rolled my eyes when I read it.

From: Chris fucker

Don't forget to pay me, 2 million is enough.

"You really can't work without asking for a payment, you shit head." I stated to myself.

When I felt tired and sleepy again, I went on my bed and laid down on it. I don't really care if I have a gay beside me, it's not that he's going to rape me or whatever and I can see that he's a kind person, from how he acted when I don't want to eat before bed.

"What happened to you?" I asked him and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.