Darsh POV

My works finished late, it was already night outside when I walked out and to say that I was tired was an understatement, Bruno drove us to the house. I was about to go upstairs when I heard Lincton voice.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a brow raised.

"I'm going to sleep." I answered.

I started to walked upstairs but stopped when a hand grabbed the hem of my suit.

"Have you eaten?" He asked looking softly at me.

It was the first time he looked at me like that and my heart beats faster than normal.

'Calm the fucking down heart, I told you I won't fell inlove with him.' I stated at my mind.

'You were already fell inlove with him, idiot.' I heard a little voice at the back of my mind said.

"No, I will eat later." I answered.

"No, eat now before you go to the bed." Lincton said.

He didn't let go of my suit so I didn't have a choice but to eat now. We both walked towards the dining room. I sat on the chair that was placed at the end of the table. He served my food and started to walked away but I stopped him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the kitchen." He answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"To eat of course." He replied.

"Eat here." I stated.

"But----" I cut him off.

"No buts." I said.

He then walked out and after a while he came back with his food. He placed it on the table and sat down across me. We then started to eat after we say our grace, after we finished he was about to clean the table but I stopped him.

"Leave it there, the others will clean that up, go upstairs and sleep." I stated. I then walked away and went to my room, then I started to drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the screams, I sat up and looked around the my room but I didn't saw Lincton, I got worried immediately and I went outside my room, it was dark but I can still saw something. The sounds was coming from the room infront of mine.

•Lincton POV•

I woke up to the sound of banging on my door, then I heard my father shouted.


I was bawling my eyes and I'm scared he might beaten me up again just like he did yesterday, I got up and went in to my cabinet and closed the door.

"YOU LEFT ME WITH NO CHOICE, FAGGOT!" My dad yelled and I heard my door being kicked. It opened.

"COME OUT NOW, BEFORE I BEAT YOU UP AGAIN!" He shouted but I stayed where I was.

"I'll count to ten if you don't get out now, I will beat you up." He said.

He then started to count to ten and when he reached the then the door of my cabinet flew opened and my eyes widened. My dad dragged me out of my cabinet and he pushed me on the floor, I was shaking at the sight of him.


I saw another man behind him and I smiled because it was monster Darsh, I crawled to him and hold his hand but I was shocked when he kicked me at my ribs.

"HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH ME, YOU DISGUSTING SHIT!" He shouted at me and punched me at my stomach. I groaned in pain and I coughed blood.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and I looked up him.

I saw his eyes fuming at anger and I shrunk on that.

"Please, don't hurt me." I said but he smirked at me.

He and my father started to kicked me, punched me and beat me up, my mother came and she joined them. I was crying and shouting for help.

"PLEASE STOP!" I yelled to them but they didn't listened. They all laughing while beating me up.


My eyes then opened because of the harsh shook on my shoulders then I saw Darsh, I quickly got out from his grip and I fell on the floor. I put my arms on my face.

"Please don't hurt me." I stated my voice was shaking. I heard him walked towards me and if I could just fold myself I will do it in an instant.


I then felt his arms being wrapped around me and he shushed me.

"It's fine, I won't hurt you, I promise." I heard him said.

"Please, it hurt don't hurt me, stop hurting me." I said.

"No one will hurt you, I won't let them hurt you." He replied.

"Dad, please don't hurt me." I stated before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in the morning with a heavy feeling on my side, I opened my eyes and it went wide when I saw my arm wrapped around with another body and my head was on someone's chest. I looked at the person and my eyes widened when I saw Darsh.

I looked around and I was surprised when I saw that I was in Darsh's room. I thought I slept on the other room, how did I get in here? I thought. I got up and went to the room I supposed to sleep in and went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I can't remember how I did got in his room.

When I was done, I slipped in my clothes and went outside, it was still early and I'm the only one who was awake. I just looked around there for a while, and I went to the kitchen, I looked for some ingredients and I started to cook for breakfast.

It was 3 years ago since I last cooked, I'm not sure it my cooking skills were still in me. When I was young my mom taught me how to cook and I watched her cooked at our kitchen, then my dad will join us, it was sad because they both already died.

When I was done cooking I set it on the plate, I then placed the two plates on the table then I walked out from the kitchen. I walked upstairs and went to Darsh's room, I then poke his cheeks.

"Wake up." I said.

I just received a groan and he turned to his side. I moved to where his face was and started to poke his cheeks again, I smiled at his sleeping figure, I stopped poking him and I stared at him.

"Stop staring at me, I might melt." I heard him said and I blushed.

"Who said that I was staring at you?" I asked blushing then got up.

"I am, I saw you." He answered and sat up. I turned to other way when I saw him shirtless.

"Put some clothes on." I stated my back was still facing him.

"What's the matter? my body looks great." He replied, even if I don't looked at him, I know that he's smirking.

"The breakfast is ready, put some clothes on then come downstairs so you can eat." I answered and went out the room.

I placed my hand on my chest, my heart was beating so fast and my blushed won't go away. 'I needed to stop myself from falling to him, he said he doesn't like me and he will not like me.' I stated to myself.