Darsh POV

When I saw him blushed my heart went crazy again, I wanted to do some crazy things to him, I guess my friends were right, I have a feelings for him.

I got up and went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth then took a bath, my mind was filled of thoughts of Lincton especially last night. Does he remember what happened last night?

He was really terrified and I'm sure his parents have something to do with this. When I asked where his parents, he answered me that they both died but I knoe it was a lie because I knew where his parents were.

I then walked out from ny room and went downstairs and to the dining room, I saw Lincton there sitting on his chair, infront of his untouched food, he looked like he was in deep thought, I sat infront of him but he still didn't noticed me. I snapped my fingers at his face and he blinked then looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Uhmm yeah I am." He answered and I just hummed.

We then say our grace and we started to dug in, he was being so quiet and I was getting worried so I looked at him and I was slightly surprised when I saw him already looking at me.

"What? I told you stop staring at me I might melt." I stated then smirked at him when I saw him blushed.

"Stop talking and eat, you need to go to your work." He said looking around but me.

"I don't have work today." I responded.

"You should go to your work, you need to manage it right?" He stated.

"Of course I need to manage it but my secretary is there so I don't need to worry." I replied.

"What if they might do something nasty?" He questioned.

"They won't." I said.

"How can you be sure?" He asked.

"Because they will regret it if they did." I answered sternly.

"Yeah, I forgot you are Darsh..... what's your surname again?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Bryant, Darsh Bryant." I answered.

"Darsh Bryant." He said and scrunched his nose, I found it cute. "It doesn't suit you but monster suits you well." He added and giggled.

I just looked at him, every time I looked at him he just looked cuter and cuter. My heart beats faster than normal and I knew that moment that I really do have a feelings for him.

"Do you want to go out?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Really!?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I told you I don't have a work for today." I answered.

"Can we go to the zoo? then amusement park? or can we go to the mountain to hike?" He asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, we can." I answered.

I love seeing him this happy, I don't want to see him like last night, he looked terrified, he also said that I needed to stay away from him and don't hurt him. I won't never ever hurt him.

"Can we invite your friends? and my friends? it will be fun if we are many." Lincton said.

"Yeah, of course we can, but are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course, we will just invite them when we go to the mountain to hike and to camp when we reached the summit." He said and I nodded.

"Okay if that's what you want." I answered.

"When do you want to do all that things?" I asked, of course we can't do all that in just one day.

"How about this whole week? it's monday." He answered.

"Okay, if you want that." I answered.

"Really!?" He said with enthusiasm.

"This week will be so fun for me." He said.

After we finished our breakfast, he happily cleaned the table and washed the plates and I just watched him.

"Tell it to your friends that we're going to hike this week, you decide which day of the week." I said.

"Okay!" He replied.

I then walked out from there and I went to the living room, I slipped my pocket out of my pocket and dialed my secretary's number, after a couple of rings he finally answered his phone.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Do I have an appointment today?" I asked.

"Nothing sir but tom-----" He said but I cut him off.

"Cancel all my appointments this whole week, I have something more important to do." I stated.

"But sir-----"

"I said cancel it." I said dangerously.

"Okay, sir." He then said.

"Good." I replied and I hang up the phone.

After a while, Lincton went in to the living room with a smile on his face. And walked towards me.

"Can we go to the mall now?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"I really want to go there but I can't because everytime I go there, the guards will just pushed me away." He answered and my blood boiled.

'How dare they pushed my baby?' I said to my mind.

"Okay, we can go there, where was that guard working?" I asked trying to calm myself down inside.

"I don't know, I don't really remember the name of the mall, but why?" He asked.

"Nothing, we are going there." I answered.

"No, I don't want to they might push me away again." He mumbled.

"They won't, trust me, I won't let them hurt you." I said sincerely to him.

"Okay." He answered.

"Go upstairs and change your clothes then we can go to the mall." I said.

"Then we can go back here for lunch?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, we will eat at the restaurant." I answered and he smiled wide.

"Okay!! I'll be back!!" He yelled then ran towards the stairs.

"Don't run, you might trip!" I yelled back but he didn't listen.

I just sat there typing at my phone while waiting for him to came back down here. I saw how happy he was and as long as he's with me it will stay that way.