Lincton POV

It was really really fun but sadly we need to go home because it was getting late, we all eat our dinner together. Then we went to the bus stopped and waited for the bus, when the bus came, we all got in and sat down.

"How was it?" Dwayne asked.

"It was fun but fucking scary." Kaiden answered.

"It was not scary." Lyrinx said.

"It was really fucking scary, my love." Chris stated and Lyrinx glared at him.

I just found out that Lyrinx didn't really liked it when someone cursed especially when he was around.

"You know that I just let you all cursed because you all were scared but now, stop cursing." He stated.

"Yeah, sir." They all said in unison and I giggled.

"How was it?" I heard Darsh asked.

"It was really really fun, I had a lot of fun today." I answered to him.

"Good, I'm glad that you enjoyed it." He replied.

"We can go to zoo tomorrow then camp the day after tomorrow." I stated to him.

"Are you not tired?" He asked.

"I am but I really wanted to do it, please?" I replied then he sighed.

"Okay, okay, but they can't join us tomorrow for the zoo." He replied and I just nodded.

"It's fine, we can go there together." I responded.

The bus stopped and we all got out, we walked for a while until we reached the village, the guard opened the gate and we all went it, we then walked away towards the guard after we thanked him. After some walking we finally arrived at Darsh's house.

"Good night, dre, Lincton." They all stated and we waved at them then they all walked away.

"Thank you, you join us." I said looking at my friends.

"It's fine and we have fun too." Dominique answered and they all walked inside the house.

"Let's go." Darsh said, we then walked in and went in to his room, I didn't changed my clothes we both laid on his bed and we sleep.

I woke up with a pain in my back, it doesn't hurt so much, I groaned in pain when I tried to got up then next thing I knew, Darsh helped me to laid back down.

"Are you fine? where does it hurts?" He asked clearly worried and I felt a blush creaked on my cheeks.

"I'm fine, just my back hurts a little." I answered.

"Lay down on your stomach." He replied.

"H-huh? why?" I asked.

"No more questions just do it." He responded sternly.

I laid down on my stomach and he sat more comfortably beside me, then I felt his hands on my back massaging me. It feels great that I let out a moan.

"You know, you shouldn't let out a moan, I might take you now." He said and I blushed.

"S-sorry." I said.

"Where that it hurts?" He asked.

"Here." I said pointing at my waist.

He then massaged the part that I have pointed and I felt more comfortable and great more than ever.

"Take a rest, you're still tired." He said and I shook my head.

"No, we need to go to zoo." I replied.

"We will this afternoon, sleep for now, don't overwork yourself." He replied.

"Okay." I stated before I closed my eyes, I drifted of to sleep while he was massaging me.

Someone was shaking my shoulders and I didn't like it. I groaned and pushed the hands of that person, can't he see that I'm taking a rest, I'm still tired.

"If you don't wake up right now, we're not going to zoo anymore." I heard a voice said and I bolted up.

"No, I want to go to zoo." I said still closed eyes.

"Then get up now and get ready." He said then I slightly opened my eyes.

"You can sleep when we get home." Darsh stated.

"Okay, now get out so I can get ready." I said but he just laid on the bed.

"I can just wait you here." He replied.

"But I will get ready." I said.

"Then get ready, I won't bother you anyways." He responded and I just rolled my eyes.

I then got up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a bath, after that I went inside his closet to got some clothes, then I slipped in to it, then I walked out.

"Why are you always wearing my clothes?" He asked.

"Because I like it, now let's go." I said.

We then walked out from the room and the house itself, we got inside his car then he drove towards the Zoo. After a couple of minutes we got there and we both climbed out the car. We head inside the Zoo. I was so happy because I can see animals.

First, we went to where the birds were and the birds are just so beautiful their colors and their wings.

"It's so beautiful." I said.

"Let's go there." Darsh said and pointed where the lions are.

"They're really scary but cute at the same time." I stated.

"How can it be cute?" Darsh asked.

"I don't know but they are cute for me." I answered.

"Come on, stop staring at them we need to see other animals." He responded and I waved to the lions.

We the head to where the bunnies are, they are the cutest thing in here, they looked so fluffy and squishy. I wished I can pet one but I know I can't take care of it.

After watching the bunnies we just walked and looked at the animals around until I decided to sat on the bench, I feet were kind of tired of walking around.

"Do you want to go hiking and camping tomorrow? we can call the others or we can just go together?" He asked.

"I would love to, but what do you think about having them there? it would be fun there with them but I kind of want us to be get along together there." I said then looked away.

"So you don't want them to be with us?" He asked then I looked at him with wide eyes.

"No! No! that's not what I mean, I mean I want it to be just us, no one will tease us both and we can know each other there." I said blushing.

"Of course we can." Darsh replied and I looked at him.

"Really!?" I asked.

"Of course anything can make you happy, name it and I will do it in just a heartbeat." He then answered and I smiled on that, I think I love him more than I think.