Lincton POV

Morning came and me and Darsh was packing our things, we will bring one tent, that was Darsh idea not mine. He said it won't ve more hassle if we will just bring one tent. He even said that he will bring a soft blanket that we can laid down on.

"DARSH!" I yelled, he was taking so long.

"WAIT A SECOND, I'M COMING DOWN!" He yelled back.

After some minutes he finally got down and we both went inside his car, Bruno will going to drive Darsh's car, so we won't need to leave the car at the feet of the mountain.

We arrived there and we both got out, I looked at the mountain we're going to climbed on. Then, I looked back at Darsh then smiled.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded happily.

"Of course." I answered.

We then started are way to the summit, it was really really fun, the nature was so beautiful, the air was really fresh, I love being in the nature.

"Careful, you might trip." Darsh said and kicked a small branch and a stone away.

"Thank you." I stated.

We continued to walked on the trail.

"It's so nice to be in the nature." I said looking around.

"You surely love the nature." He replied then I looked at him.

"Of course I love it, who wouldn't?, I mean it's so beautiful and nice, the fresh air, the amazing view, the cute little flowers, the crystal blue water." I explained.

He smiled at me and looked around too, he mumbled something but I didn't heard it.

"Are you saying something?" I asked.

"No, it's nothing." He answered a bit in a hurry.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am, let's go, it's already afternoon and the sun will go down sooner than we thought we better hurry up." He replied.

"Okay, if you say so." I responded.

We arrived at the top of the mountain when the sun was already down, it was quite disappointing because I didn't have a chance to got to see the sunset, but when we got there my eyes widened at surprised.

It was really really beautiful here but what caught my attention was the table set up, petals of flower were on the grass, it was organized so nice, I looked at Darsh and he smiled.

"Surprised." He said and I felt my tears started to flow.

I ran towards him and hugged him, he caught me and hugged me back, I was crying out of happiness. I pulled away and I looked at him.

"T-thank you so so much." I stated looking directly at his eyes.

"You're welcome, I hope you like it." He responded.

"Like it? No! I loved it." I said that cause him to smiled.

"We should set our tent then we could eat our dinner." He then suggested and I nodded.

We set out tent up and put all of our things inside. We then walked out from the tent. He pulled out a chair for me to sat on and he sat across me.

"How did you do this?" I asked.

"I planned it but my friends helped me." He answered.

•Darsh POV•

Before I got out from my room, I called my friend to set up my surprise, they all happy by it so they gave me a hand. When we both arrived at the mountain and started to climbed up, I felt a bit nervous.

'What if he didn't like it?'

'What if he will be mad because I did something like this?'

'What if he leave?'

Questions were running in my mind, I was literally fucked up inside but I was trying to looked so calm outside so he won't worry about me. Because if he did the surprise will be fucked up.

When we got at the top of it, I smiled when his eyes widened in surprised and I freaked out when I saw his tears then he ran then hugged me. I smiled at that and hugged him back.

"T-thank you so so much." He stated looking directly at me.

To say that I was happy at that was an understatement I was on cloud nine when that happened, I was like the most happiest man lived on this world when he hugged me and thanked me and said that he loved my surprised.

We then started to eat, it was just a steak and some pasta, I have red wine ad my drink and he have orange juice for him. He really was not a fan of alcohol. When we finished we got up and sat on the grass.

"I didn't think that you will sat on the grass with me." He said.

"Huh? why?" I asked confused.

"I mean you're a billionaire and some rich guys really didn't want their clothes to be dirty." He explained.

"It's fine, I'm not one of them." I answered.

"Why you didn't said some hurtful things to me when we first met?" He asked.

"About you being gay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Because if I did, I will be a hypocrite, I have gay or bisexual friends if I say something hurtful to you because you're a gay I feel like I'm saying those things to my friends too." I replied.

"But how about you didn't yelled me when I woke you up in the middle of the night.?" He asked.

"Because I know that you were scared, you need something or someone to comfort you not to scare you or hurt you." I responded.

"Thank you for doing all this things to me." He said then I heard him sniffed.

"Don't cry, it's fine, I told you just tell me what you want and I will do it in a heartbeat." I stated proudly.

"You know, no one really did something like this to me in my whole life." He said.

"Even your parents?" I asked and I saw him smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, even them, but it's alright now, they're dead so they really can't do something like this to me." He replied.

"Why do you keep on saying that your parents died even tho they are not?" I asked and he looked at me.

"No, trust me they died, 3 years ago." He answered and I'm confused.

"Huh? But I know where they live." I stated and he looked shocked.

"You didn't tell them where I am, right? please tell me you didn't." He said, I felt him starting to panic he then stood up. I followed him and hugged him from his back.

"It's fine, I didn't tell them where you are, calm down." I stated.

"Are you serious?" He questioned.

"Of course I am." I answered.

We sat down again and looked at the beautiful view, the stars and the moon was shinning so bright, it lights up the sky.