Darsh POV

Last night was so hot and was so fucking nerve wrecking, I was confident that time but I was really freaking out inside of me. I was scared being rejected by him and I didn't know why.

I was the one who first woke up, I just looked at him sleeping, I know it was kind of creepy but he is so adorable while sleeping. After some minutes he then opened his eyes and was about to sat up when he groaned, I got worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am, it's just kind of hurt." He answered.

"Do you want to go home now?" I asked and he suddenly glared at me.

"How can we go home when I can't even sat up straight without pain?" He asked and I scratched the back of my head.

"We can just ride a helicopter." I responded and he looked at me dumbfounded.

"Are you kidding me? where on earth can we find a helicopter?" He asked.

"It already making its way to come here." I replied.

"Really? you aren't bluffing?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm not." I answered.

"Have you forgotten that your boyfriend is the CEO of an airline?" I asked pointing at myself.

"You have helicopter? that's cool and also when did I say that you're my boyfriend?" He asked and I


"Well, last night you were moaning underneath me." I replied and just like I thought he blushed.

"Can you not be so vulgar?" He asked blushing.

"Of course, but you should say that I'm your boyfriend first." I stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay I'm your boyfriend and you're my boyfriend, now happy?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, you're my girlfriend." I said and he glared at me.

"What do you think of me a girl!? huh!?" He slightly yelled.

"No, you're not but." I stated lowering my head. "I just want you to be." I added with a whispered voice.

I heard him sighed and I mentally smirked.

"Okay, You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend, happy?" He said and I looked back up on his with a wide smile.

"I'm ecstatic."I replied and hugged him.

"Thank you." He responded then hugged me him.

"For what?" I asked when I pulled away.

"For loving me and for making all things like this to make me happy." He replied.

"Of course, that what my goal is, to make you happy everyday." I responded and he smiled.

"You know, I can't really give you the things that you like but I can give you my love." He said and I smiled at him.

"Sweetheart, your love is the things I wanted." I said.

"So? when our ride will come?" He asked.

"About an hour." I answered.

"Okay then, let's sleep, I'm still tired because of you last night." He said.

"Yeah, that was just an one round, can't wait to go home so we can get maybe two or three rounds." I stated smirking and he smacked me at my arm.

"Do you want me to lock the door of our room and let you sleep at the living room, so I can rest my sore asshole from that big member of yours?" He asked glaring at me and my grin widened.

"So my member is big, huh?" I teased him.

"Go sleep." He said not answering me. I then poked his side.

"Is it, huh? is it?" I continued to tease him.

"Go to sleep or you won't get to touch me again." He warned and I immediately stopped and laid down beside him.

"Good, now let's sleep." He added and I didn't answer but I wrapped my arm around him and I closed my eyes.

After a half of hour, I woke up from my alarm, the helicopter was about to come so we need to get ready now. I woke Lincton up so we can sorted our things. After putting all our things in the bag, the helicopter came and we both came in.

I handled his a headphone so he won't heard a loud noise, I then wore my headphone and the pilot stated that we're going up. So we both buckled up and then he hit the sky.

After a couple of hours, the helicopter landed on my airport and we both got out. I helped him to got out. When we got out my driver, Bruno was already there waiting for us.

"Bruno!" I called him and he ran towards us.

"Yes, Darsh?" He stated, I know that he knew that I was in the mood so he called me in my name.

"Take care of our things, okay?" I replied.

"But our things a---" Lincton said but Bruno cut him off.

"It's fine Lincton, you both can go." Bruno replied and I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I stated and patted his shoulder.

I then picked up Lincton in a bridal style and he let out a small cute squeak.

"What are you doing? put me down." He said.

"Nope, I won't let you walk when you're sore." I replied and he just sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Okay, do what you want." He replied and I smirked.

"Really? so can we go to my office and make love?" I asked looking at him.

He glared at me and smacked me at my chest. I scrunched my nose and pretended that I'm hurt. His facial expression changed when he saw me hurt.

"Are you fine? sorry, it's your fault." He stated.

"I'm fine, but can we?" I asked again and if looks can kill I will be 11 feet underground now.

"Okay okay, I was just kidding, you know." I said then smiled.

"Good, now let's go, I want to take a bath, now, I feel sticky and I smelled not good." He stated.

"You smell so nice, it's the scent of made love." I responded.

"If you continue to talk about last night I will really smack your head." He warned and I shut my mouth tightly.

"Good, now let's go, please." He added then looked at me.

"Okay, your wish is my command." I stated and started to move.

We then arrived at the exit of the airline and Bruno was already there waiting for us, I went towards the car and I put Lincton down when I reached the spot of it. I let Lincton climbed in first then I followed. Bruno started the car.

We then arrived at my house and I was the first one to got out then Lincton. We both walked to the door but Lincton was limping. We then stepped in and went to our room. We did the things we need to do then we both laid down beside each other and took a rest, tommorow will be the day that I will back at work.