Lincton POV

The hiking and the camping was really great, that was the best day of my life, I really didn't want to end that but sadly it came to its end but I still happy, Darsh said that we can do it again when he have time and I am looking forward to that day.

It's afternoon now, Darsh was at his office probably working, the people inside and outside of this house knew that Darsh and I are already in a relationship. I remembered how Darsh's friends reacted when we told them this morning.


"We're now together." Darsh announced infront of his friends holding my hand.

"Should we be surprised at that?" William asked and I looked at him, confused.

"Yeah, William is right, I mean dre we were the one who told you that you and Lincton will be a thing soon, remember?" Chris answered.

"Yeah, and also we know it as soon as we arrived in here." Jaypee said.

"I'm sure there something happened to the two of you when you both when to camp." Kyle stated and smirked at Darsh, I just stood there blushing.

"Of course dre." I heard Darsh replied.

"Anyways, congratulations, we are hoping to get the invitation for your wedding." Kaiden responded.

"Of course, you're all invited." Darsh answered and my eyes widened.

'He wants to marry me?' I asked in my mind.

"We need to go now dre, thanks for the announcement that we all know." Sean said.

"Bye, dre bye Lincton." Paul said and waved at us.

-flashback end-

I blushed remembering that scenario this morning. I just really hope that me and Darsh work up. I sighed looking at the sky. This will be my new life with Darsh now, I just really hope that no one will be against us and he won't hurt me just like he said. I then decided to went inside and I saw my friends cleaning. I walked towards them and waved at them.

"Hello, do you need some help?" I asked.

"Not really, but you can." Sarah answered.

"Great." I responded.

I grabbed the broom from her hold, after we cleaned the living room we followed the dining room then the kitchen until we were done. We then sat on the couch, I felt tired but this is better than just laying on the bed.

"How was it?" Dominique asked.

"Huh? what do you mean?" I asked back.

"Being loved but the person you love." He explained.

"It feels so great, why did you ask?" I questioned.

"You know, I'm jealous at you." He answered then looked at me with sad eyes.

"Why would you be jealous at me?" I asked confused.

"You know, the person you love, loves you too." He explained.

"You will find someone who will love you too, nick." Leila said.

"I know but it's still different if the person who will love you is the person you love the most." He said.

"Are you inlove with someone?" Candice asked and he nodded.

"Really!? who is it!?" I asked excitedly and he blushed.

"I can't answer that." He replied.

"But why?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, why? I mean we are friends and you can tell us everything." Leila stated.

"It's uhmm it's Paul." He mumbled but we all heard it.

"Paul? Paul Gallagher? as in the friend of Darsh?" I asked.

"Ahh...uhmm y-yeah." He answered.

"Please don't tell him, I will got over him." He added.

"But why don't you tell him?" Candice asked.

"How can I? he's not a gay nor bi." Dominique answered.

"But atleast try it." Leila replied.

"I don't want to, I don't want him to reject me nor to know that I love him." He said and we all just nodded.

"Okay, if that's what you want." I stated and patted his shoulder.

He then looked up to us with a sweet smile, it was a genuine smile but I can glint a small sadness on it.

"I will be fine, guys, you all are here." He then said.

"Yeah, we all are here, so if you want to seek for help or something, you can go to us." I said pointing at me and the others.

"I know that thing." He replied and we all went for a group hug.

"Anyways, so? how did you met Paul? and why did you fell inlove with him huh?" Leila asked.

We then continued to talked for a while until we all got hungry, Candice was the one who cooked our food and after that we ate it, we then hang out at the garden and watched as the sky darkened. When the sun was down, we all head inside the house and Candice cooked for the dinner, while me was in the living room watching TV.

I just sat there when I felt an arms wrapped around me, I smiled when I smelled his scent, it really smells so nice and he smells so great.

"How was work?" I asked and he pulled away then sat beside me.

"It's fine, but they are a pain in my ass, the interns are keep on fucking up." He answered.

I moved behind him and I started to give him a massage, I hope that it will took away his tiredness.

"You know, they are interns and they don't need someone to yell at them but they need someone who will teach them the right thing." I said.

"But they won't learn if I won't yelled at them and smacked them at their heads." He responded.

"You really are a cruel person, they shouldn't let that interns to go to your airline I feel sorry for them." I said and he looked at me.

"You're sorry to them? but why don't you feel sorry for me? I need to teach them even tho I don't want to." He replied then I got up and sat on his lap.

"I feel bad for you too but I feel bad for the interns more. I mean, they are dealing with the most cruel person they know, well if they didn't know your friends." I said.

"Oh by the way, I have a question." I added.

"Hmm? what is it?" He asked.

"Is Paul a gay or atleast a Bisexual or not?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes to me.

"Calm down, I won't flirt with him, I love you and only you." I said and kissed his lips.

"You better be, anyways, I don't know but we have a feelings that he might be." He said.

"What do you me?" I asked.

"Because of Dominique, your friend, we all know that he have a feelings for that guy." He said and my eyes widened.