Darsh POV

It's evening now and Lincton is still here, he didn't wan to go home, he said he wanted to go home with me. He was sleeping on the couch. I stood up from my chair and went to his spot, I sat down on the floor in front of his face.

"I love you so so much, you won't be suffering the things that you suffered before I wrapped my arms around you." I stated then I brushed his hair.

I looked at my watch and it said, 10:53 pm. I got my phone and dialed Bruno's number, after a couple of rings he answered it.

"Ready the car." I stated then hang up the phone.

I gathered all the important documents and put it in my briefcase, I then picked Lincton up in a bridal style and we head out from my office, of course I locked it. We reached the exit of the airport and Bruno was already there.

He picked my briefcase and put it in the car. He opened the backseat door and I went in with Lincton in my arms. He's still sleeping.

"To the house." I said and he nodded.

We then arrived at the house, after Bruno parked the car he opened the backseat door and I climbed out, I head towards the front door of the house and I went in.

I walked upstairs and went into our room, I laid him on the bed and was about to change when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and I saw Candice and Bruno outside of it.

"Yes?" I asked.

"This is your briefcase sir." Bruno said and walked away.

"Sir? do you have some extra medicine? Dominique is sick." Candice said.

"Yeah, wait here." I replied and walked inside.

I opened the first drawer of my side table and I picked the medicines out there, I then walked back to her and gave it to her. She then thanked me and sprinted away. I closed the door and went in my closet.

I changed my clothes to more comfortable one and I also changed Lincton to a new clothes, he won't get a nice sleep if his clothes aren't comfortable.

I laid down beside him and I pulled him closer to me. I smiled when he snuggled in my neck and he hugged me.

"I love you." I stated and he groaned.

I closed my eyes and drifted to my sleep.

I woke up with something on my lips, it moved and I was about to kiss back when he pulled away. I opened my eyes and I saw Lincton smiling at me.

"Finally, you're awake." He said, I glared at him.

"Why?" He asked.

I didn't answer him but I pulled him closer to me and I kissed him, he kissed me back and opened his mouth, I slipped in my tongue inside of his mouth and I roamed around. He was about to pulled away when I put my hand on the back of his neck.

I deepened the kiss and I turned us around, him underneath me and me on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me neck and moaned on the kiss. I pulled away and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning." I greeted and he blushed.

"Good morning." He replied.

"Let's go, the breakfast is ready." He added.

"I thought you're my breakfast." I responded and he slightly smacked my arm.

"I'm not." He states and pushed me away.

"Get up so we can eat breakfast." He added.

"Yes, my princess." I stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Faster." He stated and I smirked at him.

"I want you to say that with moans." I said and he blushed.

"Stop it, let's go." He said and we walked out from our room.

We then went downstairs and went in the dining room, we both sat down on the chair across each other and we said our grace and we dug in.

"Are you going to your office after breakfast?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have some important meetings to do." I answered.

"Oh! okay." He replied and I sighed, I held his hand and he looked at me.

"Babe, you know that I need to work right?" I asked and he nodded.

"It just that, you're always busy this past 3 days, you always went back home when I'm asleep and you will go to your work after breakfast." He answered.

"Sorry, babe, starting tomorrow until next week, I will be with you." I replied and he smiled at me.

"Really!?" He asked.

"Yes, really." I responded.

"Thank you." He stated and stood up then kissed me.

"You're welcome princess." I stated and he blushed.

We then continued to eat and after that I went in to our room and took a bath and brushed my teeth, I then changed my clothes and picked up my briefcase and went out from the room, I went downstairs and I saw Lincton at the bottom of the stair. I hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"I will be right back, I'll miss you and I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He responded.

We pulled away from the hug and I waved at him, I went in my car and I started the car then pulled out from the parking lot. I left Bruno here because if Lincton want to go to the airport he can say it to Bruno and Bruno will drive the car for him.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at my airport, I parked my car on my own parking space and I went out, I stepped inside the airline and I went straight to my office not bothering the people who's calling me, they aren't ny employee anyways.

I stepped inside my office and I saw my secretary there, sitting on the couch.

"What do you want?" I asked then I sat on my chair.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Muctar, at 9:00 am and it's already 8:30 now." He stated.

"Okay, Where is he now?" I asked.

"He is on his way now." He answered calmly.

"Good, I want you to cancel all my appointments tomorrow until the end of next week." I stated and he looked at me wide eyes.

"But sir, you have an appointment to Mrs. Vennice." He responded.

"I know but I want you to cancel it." I replied coldly.

He then sighed and nodded, I typed at my computer for some time until he said that we need to go. I stood up and walked towards the meeting room. I walked in and I sat on my chair.

"Good morning." Mr. Muctar stated and I nodded my head and motioned him to say down.

"Why can't we discussed this in your office, Mr. Bryant?" Mr. Muctar said.

"I don't usually do a meeting in my office, I kept it private, so don't ask." I stated coldly.

"Okay then, I'm here to ask you for a partnership, your airline can be build around the world and it will be famous." Mr. Muctar said.

I put my elbow on the table and I put my chin over the back and of my palm.

"And? what are the benefits I can get when I sign a partnership with you?" I asked.

"As I said, your airline can be build around the world and it will gain a huge amount of profit, and it will be famous at the whole world." He answered.

"My airline is already famous, I already gained a huge amount of profit, my airline already published at magazines, my airline is already around the world, so think about another benefits I can get." I responded, he gulped.

"Your planes will be high maintenance." He replied.

"Already did, we changed our planes and it is a high maintenance." I answered.

"Mr. Muctar, this airline of mine is so successful and I don't need another person in my business that can't pulled my business at the summit, I wanted this business to be on top and it is now, so I don't need a trash that can't make it more successful that it already is." I said dangerously cold.

"But Mr. Bryant is----" I cut him off.

"If you can't even tell me something that my airline didn't successful about I might sign a contract with you but for now? get our because the benefits you told me that I can have was already in my hands." I replied then got up.

I went outside, I heard him calling my name but I didn't gave him a glance. When I arrived at my office I suddenly felt nervous and I don't know why, my phone rings and it's Lincton, I answered it and I was shocked.

"Hello, sir?" Candice stated.

"Yes? where is Lincton?" I asked worriedly.

"Sir, Lincton's parents are he--" I cut her off.

"Fucking fuck, call a police and try to stop the bastards there, I will be there for a second." I replied then hang up the phone.

"Alex, cancel all my appointments now, I need to go home, something came up." I told him and I didn't wait for his reply. I ran outside the airport and went in to my car.