Lincton POV

After Darsh went to work, I sat at the couch in the loving room and I watched movies. Candice and the others joined with me, they aren't doing anything.

After a couple of minutes Bruno called my name and I saw him standing in the living room with us.

"Yes?" I asked.

"There are some people looking for you." He answered and I looked at him confused.

"Okay? let them come in." I answered.

My eyes widened when I saw the people that I hate the most. The people that I don't want to meet again for the rest of my life. How did they find me? What are they doing here?

"Hello, son." Ferdinand stated.

"Missed us?" Joseline asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them, trying to calm myself down.

"Visiting our son, is that illegal?" Ferdinand answered.

"How did you find me!?" I yelled while backing away when they walk towards me.

"Do you really think you can hide from us? We already know where you at the moment your pathetic son of a bitch boyfriend left our house." My father answered.

"Don't come near me, you're not my parents, I don't have parents!" I yelled, desperately trying to make them leave.

"Oh, really? you're carrying my last name." Ferdinand replied.

"Ma'am, Sir, please leave now, you're scaring Lincton." Dominique stated and my eyes widened in shock when my mother slapped Dominique.

"You don't tell me what should I do, understand!?" My mother yelled and Dominique backed away.

"Leave, before I call cops." I threatened them but they moved towards me.

I moved backwards until I stumbled on the floor, Ferdinand pulled my collar and punched me on my face. He threw me back on the floor and kicked my ribs and my stomach.

"Stop it!" Sarah yelled.

"Don't interfere in here!" Joseline stated.

My father held my hair and he banged my head on the floor, I felt a slight dizziness and he repeated it again until I felt a hot liquid coming out the back of my head.

"Hey! You're hurting my friend! stop it already!" Dominique yelled and throw himself to my dad.

I sat down and I slightly shook my head, my consciousness is slipping in and out, I looked at my other two friends and they looked at me with terror in their eyes.

My mom then walked towards me and she pushed me again on the floor causing my head to slightly hit the floor and I wince.

"Listen here faggot, you're a disgrace to our family you should have died." She stated.

"If I am a disgrace then why did you came here?" I weakly asked.

"You should have leave me alone, you idiot." I added and she slapped my face again.

Sarah and Leila pulled Joseline away from me, Bruno held Ferdinand, Sarah and Leila didn't let Joseline go from their grasped and Dominique stayed by my side.

I heard the door busted open and I saw Darsh, I smiled at him but my smile faded when I saw his eyes fuming in range, I can tell that he really is angry now, this is the first time that I saw him like that. He walked towards Ferdinand and punched him to his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING HUH?" He yelled and I flinched at that.

"S-stop p-please." I stated and Darsh stopped. He walked towards me.

"The cops are coming." Candice stated.

I heard the door busted open again and I saw Darsh's friends and their other halves.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Paul asked.

"This two fucking son of a bitch went here and they hurt Lincton and Dominique." I heard Darsh replied.

My vision went blurry, and I suddenly felt tired, my eyelids went heavy. I felt pain all over my body, I touched Darsh face and I looked up to him and I saw his eyes widened when he looked back at me.

"I'm sleeping for a bit, I feel tired." I whispered.

"No, you're not allowed to sleep, babe." Darsh said firmly but I just tsked and ignore him, why? I am tired and need a rest, idiot monster.

"NO! DON'T SLEEP PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Darsh yelled and I closed my eyes.

•Darsh POV•

When I walked in my house I didn't except to see these things, especially Lincton bleeding like crazy. After punching the scumbag, I walk over to my bleeding boyfriend.

I couldn't even imagine that this will happen to him especially in my household.

"NO, DON'T SLEEP, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I yelled but Lincton closed his eyes, my tears flowed and I hugged him tight.

"Darsh, we should go to the hospital now." I heard Jaypee stated.

I picked Lincton up bridal style and I stood up. I glared at the 'parents' of Lincton before I walked out from the house and went in Jaypee's car. He drove us to his hospital, after some minutes we arrived at his hospital and I laid Lincton on the hospital bed.

They rolled the bed towards the emergency room and I just wait outside, I walked back and forth I can't calm down knowing that my princess is inside the ER.

"Calm down dre, my doctors were trained really well." Jaypee stated.

"Paul insisted to be there in your house so the two people there won't escaped." Kyle said.

"I will fucking kill them if something bad happen to Lincton." I replied closed fists.

"Calm down dre, he will be okay." William stated.

"He's strong." Kaiden replied.

My tears begin to flow again, I just can't help it, what if something bad happen to him? I can't live without him, I can't go back where I was before I met him, I'm already used with him annoying me.

"Don't cry, you look ugly dre." Sean stated and I glared at him.

"Shut up, you look more ugly than me idiot." I stated and wiped my tears.

They continued to calm me down and threw some jokes that can make me feel more calm, until the doctor went out from the room. I stood up quickly infront of me and he stepped back a bit.

"Calm the fucking down, dre." Jaypee stated annoyed.

"What happened? Is he alright? Is he in danger?" I asked and the doctor sighed.

"He's alright now, one rib broken, because of the kicked they made, he's lucky that the bone isn't poking his lungs, because if it did, it will be hard for him to breath and we stitched the back of his head. Fortunately, there's no blood clots. He's such a lucky guy, maybe more than a lucky guy." He answered and I clenched my fists.

"Calm down, okay? his broken bone is already fine not that fine tho, it will take some days to fully heal it." He added.

"Why does he lost consciousness?" I asked.

"He lost a bit much blood and his body felt tired of the beating." He responded.

"Don't worry, he's alright now, we will move him in the private room." He added and I nodded.

"When will he wake up?" I asked.

"Maybe a week or two." He answered and I sighed.

"Thanks dude." I replied.

"Idiot call him doc, bastard." Jaypee scolded me.

"I don't want to, now move my princess to his room so I can be with his side." I stated and he just nodded.

He then left, I guess to go to check his other patients. They moved Lincton to his room and we all went inside. I sat on the chair beside his bed and I held his hand.

"I remembered Dwayne used to be hospitalize here, how much did Kaiden paid for Jaypee? this is his hospital right?" I asked.

"I didn't pay him." Kaiden replied and we all laughed.

"Seriously?" Kyle asked.

"Idiot, of course not, my bill was $2000 but I just paid him half." He answered then smirked at me.

"I should do that too." I answered.

We continued to talk then throw some jokes and keep annoying each other and I felt kind of relieved knowing that my baby will wake up soon.