
The next morning, Jaynee wake up early and be prepared for her interview today. Her interview will be at 10 a.m. She chooses to use her red blouse and middle black skirt. Then she uses a light makeup and her favorite color of lipstick was red soft summer. Her short hair she just let it be and she didn't forget also to use her favorite chrysanthemum perfume.

After has done to be prepared, she gets out of her room and going to the kitchen to have her breakfast first. At that time, Lewis also in the kitchen and he suddenly scent something that makes her heart feels nice and attracted. He knows that must be Jaynee!

Jaynee saw Lewis in that kitchen and she wants to turn around but Lewis quickly called her.

''Jaynee!?'' Lewis call her.

Jaynee stopped her steps and turn to Lewis and forcedly smile at him.

''Oh! Hi..! you know I'm here?'' Jaynee asks him.

''Your scent!'' Lewis answered her with gently.

Jaynee shocked and widened her eyes.

''I mean...your scent of perfume!'' Lewis tries to clear his words.

''Oh! I'm sorry! Did it smell bad?'' Jaynee said to him.

''No! No! Just good! I am used to it! It's really nice scent. I like it!'' Lewis telling her the truth.

''Oh...thanks!'' Jaynee shyly speaks to him. Then, she speaks inside her heart...'Did he say he used to it? When does he know I'm the only one use this scent of perfume? Whatever!'

''Are you okay?'' Lewis asks her.

''Ah...! Oh..I'm okay!'' Jaynee wakes up from her mind thinking.

''Are you going to start your work today?'' Jaynee asks him.

''Yes! They already called me to start working today. The hospital needs more help.'' Lewis said to her.

''Oh...I see! Have a nice working day!'' Jaynee wishes him luck for his start working day.

''Thanks! So, I'm going out first. Enjoy your breakfast!'' Lewis said to her.

Jaynee just smiles at him. When Lewis on his way to go out, Jaynee staring at his back. 'Wow! He was much more handsome looking from the back! Why didn't I noticed it before?' She laughed when staring at Lewis back.

Suddenly, Lewis stops his steps and turn back towards Jaynee. Jaynee was surprised.

''Did you left something?'' Jaynee asks him.

''Yes!'' Lewis said to her with a big smile.

''What??'' Jaynee scared if he knows she thinking something about him.

''Good luck with your interview later! Do your best!'' Lewis wished to her while rubbing her hair. Then he gets out of his way and left Jaynee with stunned standing there. Jaynee was feeling shame when he does that to her but at the same time, she feels happy!

A few hours later, Jaynee has finished with her interview. She finally got her job at Your's Scent Perfume company. She really loves to join that company because she really loves to need more about perfumes at that company. Besides that, she can learn more to make her own perfume.

Jaynee called Louisa to inform her about her getting a job there. Louisa was really happy to hear her friend got her job and wants to celebrate it after that. She didn't forget also to call her mom. She wants her mom to know about her success in getting her new job.

''Hello, mom!'' Jaynee calls her mom.

''Hello, Jill! How are you dear? Are you okay there?'' Her mom was worried about her.

''I'm okay mom! Don't worry! Actually, I want to tell you that I succeed in getting my job here! You don't have to worry about me after this okay mom? And also our financial I will manage it okay?'' Jaynee shares with her mom about her job success.''

''It's glad to hear that Jill! I hope you can work there very well. Even you work, you must remember to take care of yourself okay?'' Her mom said to her.

''Yeah, mom! I know! You don't have to worry okay? You also mom have to take care of yourself okay! Don't forget your medicines too!'' Jaynee said to her mom.

''Okay, Jill! I still have your siblings Jerald and Joyce to looked at me here.''

''Okay, mom! I will visit you if I got my free time okay? Send regards to Jerald and Joyce okay? Bye, mom! Gonna miss you!''

''Okay, Jill! Take care!'' Her mom ends their conversation with sadness inside her heart.

Jaynee feels sad after talking to her mom on phone. She actually doesn't want to leave her mom and her siblings at the village there alone but she must do it because she wants to help her family financially and also her dream too.

When she wants to cross the roads, she didn't see the traffic lights for pedestrian still red and she still crossed the road and suddenly there was a car nearly want to hit her but someone quickly pulled her close to him near the curb.

Jaynee was shocked scared and she closed her eyes while hugging that guy tightly. 'God! Help me!' She speaks inside her heart. When she hugging that guy, she can sniff a familiar scent from that guy. Then she looked into that guy face closer...gasp!

''Err...Lewis! What are you doing here?'' Jaynee asks her with a surprise!

''Are you okay?? Why didn't you see the traffic light first before crossing the roads? Are you daydreaming??'' Lewis seems angry at her.

''! I just..'' Jaynee wants to continue her words but Lewis cut it.

''You must know about safety first! Don't daydream when you walked near crossroads! It's dangerous! You can die from it!'' Lewis scold her.

Jaynee just stands still there and slowly her eyes become teary. She also really didn't want that to happen but she just sad just now to think about her mom and her siblings alone there. She really misses her mom! Lewis noticed that Jaynee look like she feels shocked and scared about that. He tries to speak gently to her.

''Are you okay? Did you hurt?'' Lewis asks her gently

But Jaynee just shook her head. She starts crying in front of Lewis. Then Lewis pulled her closer into her arm.

''Come... it's okay! I'm here!'' Lewis tries to makes her calm down.

Jaynee just cried in Lewis's arms.

''Hey..come follow me!'' Lewis brought her with him after she has done crying.

''Where we want to go?'' Jaynee asks him in astonishment.

''Just follow me...'' Lewis pulled her hand with him. She was surprised.

They going inside Lewis hospital where he working. Then they going to a cafe near the hospital. Lewis let Jaynee sat down first and he ordered a coffee for them.

''Lewis! Are you working near hospitals here?'' Jaynee asks her.

''Yup! And also just now, from the start, I already saw you from here.'' Lewis tells her into her eyes.

''What?? You saw me!'' Jaynee looks into the outside. Crap! Her workplace near to Lewis's working Hospital!

''Yes! Thankfully I can save you from that incident! If I didn't there just in time, I will be worried about my entires life!'' Lewis said to her with anxiety.

Jaynee widened her eyes surprised to hear that from Lewis.

''I mean...yeah! Your family..and Louisa will be worried!'' Lewis trying covers his feelings.

''Oh...I'm truly sorry! And thanks for saving my life!'' Jaynee saying sorry to Lewis and gives her sweet smile to him.

''Can you promise me? You must take of yourself whenever you are okay?'' Lewis said to her while rubbing her hair and holding her hand.

''Ah...okay! I will!'' Jaynee answered him while lowering her head as she feels shy.

Then suddenly, a few people coming there and talked to Lewis.

''Hey! Doc!''

''Hi, Lewis!''

''Yo! Whassap bro!''

At that time, Lewis quickly takes his hand away from Jaynee. Jaynee noticed Lewis's behavior toward her and she feels sad.

Lewis stands up and greets his friends. Then they asked Lewis who was that girl. He introduced her to his friends.

''Doc! Who was that?? Your girlfriend?'' His friend asked Lewis

''Oh..nope! Just my friend..actually my sister-friend.'' Lewis telling them.

Then they all greet Jaynee with friendly. Jaynee just smiles awkwardly at them. She really feels uncomfortable there with Lewis's friends while some girl there just giving her a sharp look. Jaynee thinks that maybe some girls there was Lewis's girlfriend and she doesn't want her to stay there with Lewis.

Jaynee whispered to Lewis that she wants to go back.

''Lewis...I go back first okay?'' Jaynee said to him.

''Right now? How are you going back?'' Lewis asks her with worried.

''I just use grab car or use LRT there's,'' Jaynee said to him.

''You want me to send you home now? I can tell my colleagues to cover me up later.'' Lewis wants to send her home.

Suddenly, a girl was coming there and ask Lewis.

''Lewis! Can you come with me? Our professor wants to meet us right now at his office.'' That girl coming closer to Lewis and pulled his hand.

''Right now? Why didn't I know about it? But later I have scheduled to assist Dr.Lau with his operation.'' Lewis said to that girl.

''I also know just now! But he said we must see him as soon as possible dear.'' The girl talked to Lewis with sweetly.

''Okay, Ella! Just wait for a while.'' Lewis going back to Jaynee.

''Jen! I'm sorry, I cant send you home...I have...'' Lewis feels sorry for her.

''It's okay! I can back by myself. You just do your work. Bye!'' Jaynee quickly makes her way back without even looking back at Lewis. She really feels heartbroken at that time.

'Argh! Why I make angry faces to Lewis just now? Why?! Why I feel I useless there with him. I can see that girl just give glares to me. Was she his girlfriend??' Jaynee just keeping all that in her mind until she arrived at home.

That night, Jaynee sat down with Louisa at the balcony outside.

"Jen.. are you okay? Any problem?" Louisa asks her after she sees Jaynee just stay silent.

"I'm okay Li..." Jaynee answers her slowly.

"Are you sure? Did you not happy that finally got your job?" Louisa still keeps asking her.

"Of course! I'm a happy friend! I'm just...thinking some else.." Jaynee said to her.

"What? You can tell me, friend. If you got any problem just tell me... I will help you okay? Or are you worry about your mother there's?" Louisa tried to comfort her friend.

"Yeah! Actually that one of my worries.. but I still okay cause I have my siblings there to look over her." Jaynee said to Louisa.

"So.. what another thing that you still worry about??" Louisa asks her then make a suspicious look at Jaynee.

"Li... actually... err... Lewis.. I mean your brother.. did he still single??" Jaynee bluntly asked Louisa that question.

When Louisa hears that question from Jaynee, she suddenly laughs out loud. She didn't think that her friend will ask that kind of question.

''Li! I'm really serious right now..! Why you laugh??'' Jaynee feels angry with her friend.

When they busy chatting, Lewis was coming back from Hospital. Then he going to the balcony to see whats they doing there.

''Eh Lew! You back? Didn't you tell me you need to stay at the hospital tonight?'' Louisa asks her brother.

''Oh! Yup...I just need to take some of my clothes here.'' He said to her sister while glaring at Jaynee.

Jaynee just stays silent and just look away. She didn't want to see Lewis at that time.

''Oh...I see! Okay!'' Louisa answered her brother then she elbowed to Jaynee to give some sign to her. Jaynee didn't understand whats her mean.

''Okay, Jen! I fell asleep right now! Oh yeah! Jen, if you were still curious about your question earlier you can directly ask Lewis! I'm going to the room now..bye!'' Louisa said to Jaynee and. She deliberately saying loud like that.

''What?? You Li!'' Jaynee was feeling nervous after Louisa talked like that to her.

Lewis still standing there and come closer to Jaynee after hearing Louisa saying like that.

''You need something to asks me?'' Lewis asks Jaynee directly.

''Oh no! She just makes a joking!'' Jaynee answers Lewis with a trembling voice.

''Are you sure?'' Lewis asks her with closer.

''Err...Actually...can I move from here after two weeks I start working? I need time to find a place near my working place'' Jaynee tried to change her topic to Lewis.

''What? can...'' Lewis didn't continue his words when Jaynee continues her words.

''I promise I will find my place as soon as possible. And thanks..for letting me stay here for a while. I'm going inside first. Bye!'' Jaynee just left Lewis there. Lewis was speechless to hear that from Jaynee. He actually wants to hold Jaynee from going out from there but he didn't have the confidence to do that.

Jaynee really feels that she can't really face Lewis after this. She still confusing about her feelings for Lewis. She doesn't want to be disappointed after she knows the truth.

'God! I need you to guide my heart...I just cant facing this alone. Maybe I just can forget him completely after I move from his house here as soon as possible...' Jaynee then just fell asleep.